Uncensored Magazine 4th Qtr 2006.pdf

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Suppressed cures the medical establishment
– and the Ministry of Health – don’t want you to know
Little known, effective treatments for chemical,
nuclear and biological agents
In this age of corporate-dominated medicine, truly effective ways of heal-
ing and staying healthy are often suppressed – while toxic medicines that
often don’t work are promoted. In this issue, we detail some surprisingly
effective homoeopathic remedies that you can easily make yourself for
use in real emergencies – as well for many everyday health problems.
Exposing the cholesterol myth
Plus ...
Does high cholesterol cause heart disease? The answer, despite what you’ve been
told, is a resounding “no”. In fact, compelling new evidence now shows that very
low cholesterol levels may be a serious problem for many people.
Sunscreens may cause cancer
Is Your Bank
$camming You?
It’s true. Many of the ingredients in commercial sunscreens are themselves carci-
nogenic. In fact, a lack of sunlight may itself be an overlooked cause of cancer.
“Legalises” Tyranny
Hydrogen Peroxide: Miracle cure in your home
This simple liquid can power a rocket engine in its undiluted form. When it is
diluted it can kill deadly germs in your water ... or your body.
The Secret
History of the CIA
The truth about Colloidal Silver: a safe, suppressed
treatment that is often better than antibiotics
Fuel Savers that
Really Work
Silver has been used to combat bacterial infections for thousands of years. We tell
you its fascinating history, and how you can use it to help stay healthy.
Royal Raymond Rife’s cure for cancer
This is the story of the suppression of the work one of the greatest scientists the
world has ever (not) known. Inventor of the world’s most powerful microscope,
Rife attained early prominence ... and then his lab was burned to the ground.
... and much more
Issue 5: October 2006 – January 2007 Price: $NZ9.90 $A9.90 $US7.95
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FUEL SAVERS THAT REALLY WORK is truly a breakthrough book. It tells
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• Little-known secrets of Shell Oil Co. engineers and the
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1948 6 cylinder Studebaker!)
• How to vaporise your fuel for
extra efficiency – an over-
view of the best technology
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• How to make your own Hydrogen and Oxygen from
water – as you drive – for up to a 20% savings.
• How to pre-heat your fuel for up to 30% savings – sup-
pressed for nearly 100 years! (You or your mechanic
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• Money-saving alternative fuels you can make yourself
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• How to lean out your air/fuel mixture for maximum econ-
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Name ..............................................................................................
“For reporting a scientiic inding, I was called a “conspir-
acy theorist.” Only in America is scientiic analysis seen as
conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.”
Brainwashed? by Jonathan Eisen Page 4
Letter from America by Phil Rockstroh Page 9
No News is Slow News by John Pilger Page 32
9/11 - A Modern Fairy Tale by Douglas Herman Page 34
The UNCENSORED News & Fascism Watch • Page 16
9/11: 5 Years of Media Silence • Page 33
steve Crow
The US Government’s Use of Atomic Bombs at the WTC
by Christopher Bollyn and Ed Ward MD Page 37
Jonathan eisen
Israel’s Role in 9/11 • Page 43
Assistant editor:
Katherine smith,
Catherine Janeway
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
by Steve Kangas Page 53
Contributing editors:
Wolf Brinsbury, Gary Cook,
david Holden, Brian o’Leary
Do Banks Create Money Out of
Thin Air? by Katherine Smith
Page 61
Full Court Press Graphics
Lisa Foden
Po Box 44-128,
Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246
Bill Gates Buys Mars • Page 98
Po Box 28-051,
remuera, Auckland
tel (09) 526-3559
(And lots more we left out)
Disclaimer: The information in this magazine is for educational purposes
ONLY. Neither the editors, publisher, nor any staff accepts responsibility
for the consequences of any experiment, medical or otherwise, under-
taken by any reader, nor do we recommend any procedure, medical or
otherwise, for any condition or health problem.
UNCENSORED Issue 5 - October 06 - January 07 3
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B R A I N W A S H E D ? Jonathan Eisen
Nobody likes to think of themselves as hav-
ing been “brainwashed”, dumbed down, or
manipulated. We all want to believe that we
think for ourselves, that we’re all “indepen-
dent thinkers”, making up our own minds
after considering “the evidence” – right?
(What, I wonder, leads scientists to think
that their opinion is necessarily correct just
because of their credentials? The history of
science is replete with egos and politics, isn’t
it? And scientists are often wrong, are they
not? Even Heisenberg in the 1930s rendered
the very concept of scientiic “objectivity”
obsolete. Moreover, is it not obvious that
“real” science has become “corporate sci-
ence” and now mostly speaks not from the
hallowed principles of “pure science” but
from the less-than-hallowed dictates of career
aspirations, ego, and the chances of getting
one’s hands on some serious grant money
– or just keeping one’s job in the military
industrial establishment.)
outside the box, do their own research, and
their own independent thinking – wherever
that may take them – or are they being pun-
ished for doing so, in ways both gross and
subtle? You tell me.
Education is now largely just another venue
for exercising control in which we learn
what is “acceptable” and what is not, what is
“possible” and what is not; what the “right”
answers are which will get you “ahead”, and
what happens to you when you’re considered
However, despite our misconceptions, by and
large we’ve clearly surrendered our indepen-
dent thinking. Now we are easily classiied
by marketing people who can accurately
predict what we will buy, how we will vote,
what we will read – what we will think.
Indeed, we are under so much invisible
control that most of us simply have stopped
thinking for ourselves, all the while thinking
that we do.
Our religious institutions are no better, and
most believe, preach to and indoctrinate the
young and old alike that they andonlythey
are “correct”, and to believe in something
other than what they teach is a certain ticket
to hell.
Are they “brainwashed”? You bet. Would
they ever admit it? What do you think?
The game of the global elites, of course, is
to keep it that way. In fact, one of the chief
ways in which elites maintain their control
is to divorce the people from their own abil-
ity to reason, and alienate them from their
own common sense. Black is white, white is
black, war is peace, the government has your
interests at heart, America liberated Iraq,
Then there are the esteemed members of our
vaunted medical establishment, up to their
eyeballs in drugs, vaccines, chemo, surgery
and radiation – without very much interest
in what constitutes health and what the ways
are to achieve and maintain it. The last time
I looked, conventionally trained doctors still
don’t study any meaningful amount of nutri-
tion in medical school in their eight years of
indoctrination into the sickness/drug para-
digm. And the doctors who are courageous
and think for themselves and actually get
people well with nutritional therapies – are
excommunicated or otherwise punished.
And our media – our once-independent
“Fourth Estate” – have been consolidated
into a handful of conglomerates control-
ling virtually everything we see or hear, and
making damn sure that independent news
sources are disparaged as often as possible
– especially those that appear on the net (as
if where a news or opinion piece is read is
as important as the veracity of its content.)
Anything outside the comfort zone of the
politically and culturally acceptable is now
either viliied, disparaged, or ignored. War is
peace. Insanity rules, OK?
We are being taught exactly what the corpo-
rate elites want us to be taught, from early
education to “higher” education, from the
media, doctors, religious leaders, employers,
and even from other members of our own
families. We don’t even realise that we have
gone along with and are part of this process.
Indeed, one of the saddest aspects of all of
this is that many of the people involved in the
brain washing do so with the best of inten-
Think teachers. Think doctors. Think Brave
Try talking to your doctor about how you got
well or stay well – without antibiotics – or
how your child stays well without vaccines
injected into her body. Do their eyes glaze
over? Are they brainwashed? Of course they
are – so it doesn’t pay to get angry at them.
They are not free to think for themselves and
are too ashamed, frightened or hynotised by
years of total immersion in their paradigm to
admit it. ( Note:SeeLettersSection )
Our challenge is to wake ourselves from this
terrible nightmare, question authority and opt
out of anything that contributes to falsehood.
When we question what we’re told, do our
own research, and realise that every scientiic
“law” is only hypothesis, we begin to see
through the elite’s control mechanisms, free
ourselves from the Matrix, and realise our
potential as co-creators of reality.
Everywhere along the power pyramid people
are rewarded for rejecting their own sanity,
common sense, and inheritance as intelligent,
spiritual, natural and creative beings. We
adapt to and adopt the Big Lies in so many
ways, we don’t even notice anymore. This is
the Hindu Kali Yuga, darkestmaterialism ,
and it’s weird.
Waking up to the real real world, we free
ourselves from the shackles of our de-
pendence on their insidious rewards and
punishments and begin to say no to their war
machine, their diseases, their psychoses and
And what of our vaunted educational system?
It’s itself brainwashed, believing its own
hype, even as it brainwashes our children.
Despite the massive evidence of declin-
ing levels of literacy, academic and manual
competency generally, it cannot (or will not)
recognise the failure it has become – thanks
in part to its slavish ( legislated! ) addiction to
political correctness (read: conformity) in a
system wherein many of our teachers go to
teacher training institutes and graduate with-
out having to know anything of their subjects
they are going to teach. (Some of them can’t
even spell.)
I don’t see that we have much choice if we
are to ever to reach our true potential. To
deny the lie is to afirm life and refuse to give
the mind-controllers the key to your life.
How does it work? Firstly, those entrusted
to advance human knowledge have been
coopted into serving the System and denying
their own intelligence. I get emails from
“scientists”, telling me that the oficial US
Government propaganda (as opposed to the
well reasoned and factual arguments to the
contrary) about what really happened on 9/11
is “true” – regardless of the evidence.
Welcome to Issue 5 of UNCENSORED.
You may not agree with everything in these
pages, but I guarantee that it will stimulate
and challenge you to do some thinking. Bet-
ter stimulate ... than never.
So: Are our kids being stimulated to think
4 UNCENSORED Issue 5 - October 06 - January 07
Ian Wishart
defends Insanity
leaders of al Qa’ida and the Taliban have
been killed? One would prefer to see a fair
trial and due process, but one didn’t see
Mullah Omar or Bin Laden shedding tears
for the innocent blood they spilt. If you
recall when Bush was elected, there was
criticism of this Texan hick for wanting to
pull out of world troublespots, stop being
the world policeman, and instead focus
on domestic issues. And that’s where US
policy had been headed, right up until the
towers fell. Islamic radicals whacked a
fairly peaceable Republican for the sins
of a charismatic and more policeman-like
Democrat. Go igure. Al Qa’ida took their
war to Washington. In that sense, Coulter
was right – it is a war and no amount of
liberal handwringing is going to make
a blind bit of difference to that reality.
Which brings me to the last portion of the
quote “convert them to Christianity”. It
has been interpreted – in light of the way
Coulter writes – as converting Muslims at
the point of a gun. No genuine Christian
wants that, for we know faith comes by
hearing, not by shooting. And I honestly
don’t think Coulter meant it that way ei-
ther. What she meant is that the only way
of winning the war is ultimately if Mus-
lims become Christian. And that is entirely
correct. If you doubt the clash of civiliza-
tions line, read InTheShadeofSwords by
muslim journalist M J Akbar, who sets out
very clearly that fundamentalism in Islam
is not a variance from the Qu’ran: it IS the
Jon’s reply to Ian Wishart:
Dear Ian,
I am labbergasted. Dumbfounded.
Shocked and awed, as it were. I had heard
rumours that you had decided to ignore
the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld “Inside Job”
facts, but I didn’t believe them. (You see,
I’ve been really busy lately, what with
this magazine and all, and I confess that I
haven’t been reading Investigate all that
much. Not for a long time. Not even the
new issue that “outs” Peter Davies. I un-
derstand that sales went through the roof
after that one. Front page stuff, that.
Jon Eisen’s Letter to Ian
From: editor
Sent: 11 September 2006 20:18
To: ian wishart
Cc: admin@uncensored.co.nz;
Subject: Ann Coulter Quote
How come, though, you haven’t turned
your hand to the biggest story of not only
the day, but possibly the century, the story
of the destruction of Western Democracy
as we know it – the advent of the Police
State with all the trappings?
Hi Ian
I hope this inds you well. Just came
across this quote, and since you publish
her stuff in INVESTIGATE, I wonder if
you might like to comment on whether or
not you think this is consonant with your
understanding of Christianity.
And not by some Moslem “terrorists”,
either. I mean, really.
“We should invade their countries,
kill their leaders and convert them to
It’s sad to see someone who was once
New Zealand’s most admired journalist,
someone for whom getting to the bottom
of the story meant so much, someone
whose honesty was impeccable and whose
journalistic integrity beyond reproach ...
it’s sad to see such mealy words, such
twistic logic, and a complete refusal even
to acknowledge the most basic fact: that
the “war on terror” is a manufactured
“war” designed quite speciically to bring
in the age of totalitarian corporate fascism.
– Ann Coulter, pundit and self-pro-
fessed Christian, This Is War (NRO,
Kind regards
Jonathan Eisen
So if what people are trying to suggest is
that Coulter wants a new Holy Crusade
against Islam where Arabs are dragged
into the streets to swear allegiance to the
Cross…rubbish. But what she was seeking
was the removal from power of the evan-
gelists of death (it is Islam that demands
forcible conversion by sword, remember),
so that Western ideals like democracy
and Christianity could have the space to
achieve those changes.
Ian Wishart’s Reply:
From: “Ian Wishart”
Date: 11 September 2006 9:47:47 PM
To: “’editor’” <editor@uncensored.co.nz>
Subject: RE: Ann Coulter Quote
So, please. Don’t talk to me about bin
Laden admitting he “did it”. Did you see
that tape? Do you know what a stand-in
is? Don’t you yet know that the US actu-
ally set up al Qaeda in the irst place? Or
that the PNAC, a group of crazies now in
power in the US, in 1997 actually called
for “a new Pearl Harbor” in a published
paper? I mean really, how can an allegedly
sane, intelligent man like yourself actually
write the stuff you do, unless you have let
your fundamentalism get in the way of
your investigative (sic) skills.
I think it needs to be understood in con-
text. She posted this two days after 9/11,
having lost friends in the attacks, which I
now see Bin Laden well and truly claim-
ing the credit for. There was no great
mystery as to “whodunit” and where they
were – the entire world knew al Qa’ida
were using the Taliban as their personal
glove-puppets in Afghanistan. So Coulter
expressed her fury in a fairly direct way.
Should the West have invaded Afghani-
stan? Absolutely, it was the epitome of
a terrorist state at the time. Should the
Unless, of course, we all believe that
women should walk four paces behind
their male, while wearing a sack over
their heads and enjoying the same societal
status as a donkey. Because if we believe
that, or even if we merely believe that we
have no right to offer alternatives to Mus-
lims, then our own civilisational compass
is so skew-wiff we are doomed.
Anyhow, keep up the good work. I still
like some of your stuff.
Hugs and kisses, Jon
PS: Why don’t you have a peek at this:
UNCENSORED Issue 5 - October 06 - January 07 5
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