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Bristol lair
Best of the Community
Includes posts by
David DeAngelo style tyler Durden
Gambler AfC Adam Juggler mehow
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Bristol lair
GettInG lucky
by AFC AdamLondon
Ok, we are all aware of the phrase,
“getting lucky”... well; Luck =
Preparation Meeting Opportunity.
However… I took a spare helmet. Why? This
was a conscious choice I made before going
to the club. I knew that If i didn’t bring a
spare helmet I couldn’t take a girl home. I
would have allowed myself to fail. I realised
that subconsciously I was weighing up the
decision to carry it.
Well lAst niGht i made a decision
that made me realise just how much that
statement shouldn’t apply to us.
The phrase getting lucky implies that we
have no control over the results… or little
control at least. So the essence of game
should remove this, right?
A part of my mind was actually convincing
me to leave it at home as it “would be
hassle to carry” Though on analysis I realised
actually it was a form of AA. I was allowing
myself to fail to get an F-close. So that if I did
well in a set and wasn’t sure if I could get her
home, I could always say to myself. “no point
going to get her home, you only have one
A good friend of mine described luck as
preparation meeting opportunity. You can’t
capitalise on a “break” if you aren’t ready for
e.g. HB comes over to sit with you (giving you
proximity) yet your fear of approach stops
you from talking to her. If you were prepared
and had practiced you would be able to start
the conversation after recognising the IOI
and get the girl…
So I made the decision and took it with me.
I played in the club, Chinas on a wednesday
is kinda one of my haunts. Bumped into
the PUA training crowd, said hi but didn’t
really mingle with them as I wanted to do
some lone stuff. So I moved from table to
table mingling with the groups of girls I
am on pretty good terms with. The key for
me here was to build up masses of social
proof without my own table. So I was using
contacts to get introduced to others.
However this runs deeper. How many of you
have been in the game for a while, yet still
go home empty handed… are you missing
something… Something other than IOI’s or
conversation hooks.
Are you prepared to get laid?
Anyway. It ended with me chatting to one
portugese girl. As we go to leave the club she
spots my second helmet.
Last night I took my brand new vespa
(Which I love) to China whites nightclub.
Bristol lair
HB: Hey you didn’t tell me you had two
helmets, you can ride me home.
AFC AdamLondon: Oh man… I can’t be arsed.
HB: Oh come on… we’ve danced and chatted
all night it’s the proper thing to do.
AFC AdamLondon: Oh man I really don’t
want to.
HB: Come on you’re taking me home.
AFC AdamLondon: Where do you live?
HB: White City
AFC AdamLondon: Oh no man that really is
far. Seriously I don’t want to. Another night.
HB: Come on… Show me your bike, be a
AFC AdamLondon: Ok babe… fair enough I’ll
take you…
HB: I thought you were taking me home.
AFC AdamLondon: I am….
AFC AdamLondon: In the morning. I need my
sleep irst.
In we go, we get to bed, we cuddle… we
don’t sleep... We kiss… We F-Close.
Now the key here is that I couldn’t have
done it if I had allowed myself to fail by not
bringing the helmet. (Which ultimately got
me the lay)
So beware... Be prepared. Have condoms,
plan to come home with someone, and you
will increase the chances of it happening if
you do.
So now I ask you… Stop reading.. Who’s
frame is this? Am I in hers? Or is she in mine?
There are a lot of community guys I know
that don’t prepare, they aren’t sure where or
how they will take a girl home to F-Close her.
So we get on my bike, she negs me for poor
driving, I tell her she’s wrong and that she is
drunk and so thinks the road is swerving.
Plan yours.
How will you close them? Where?
And we ride…
Are you ready for success?
To my house!
HB: Where are we?
AFC AdamLondon: My house.
HB: Why?
AFC AdamLondon: I’m tired
Bristol lair
socIal proof
by AFC AdamLondon
Social proof is essentially a means
to generate Pre-selection, and
were looked at by women with neutral
So we can see from the test that women
generally prefere men that other women
are already attracted to. As certain emotions
can be ambiguous to see from a distance
or without understanding the context; a
harmless smile will often be perceived by
others as a signature of attraction.
Pre-seleCtion WAs A form of
attraction that I feel was adequately outlined
in a psychological test covered last year
by Benedict Jones. The theory behind Pre-
selection has been around since the mid
1900’s and argueably before, however I feel
this test sums it up more than well enough
for our purposes.
Therefore the more people you speak to
in a room and leave feeling good about
themselves with regards to you the more
pre-selection you will generate. This could be
done by anything from going around taking
pictures of people, to getting everyone to
dance, to buying everyone a drink, to just
saying hi to everyone you meet.
the test
Benedict Jones Test 05.02.06 participants
irst viewed eight pairs of male faces and
indicated which face in each pair they
preferred and how strongly they preferred
it. Following this, participants viewed a
slideshow where they saw the same pairs of
male faces, but in which a woman was shown
looking at one of the men in each pair with
either a happy expression (i.e. smiling) or a
relatively negative (i.e. neutral) expression.
After the slide show, participants repeated
the initial face preference test.
However Social Proof is even more powerful
as it also generates Propinquity, and this is a
form of comfort.
Preselection = Attraction
Propinquity = Comfort
For female participants, a paired samples t-
test comparing the change in mean strength
of preference for target faces in the happy
and neutral conditions showed that the
increase in preference for faces that were
smiled at by women during the observation
phase was greater than that for faces that
Attraction + Comfort = Lay
(Awesome formula eh? Who Said I was crap
at maths.)
Propinquity is the term used to describe a
physical proximity, special bond, or some
form of kinship between things. Psychology
Bristol lair
views this is one of the leading triggers in
interpersonal or social attraction. It roughly
relates to being close to someone else in
some form or another. This could be in
physical terms, i.e you live in the same area
as someone or not so physical, you both
belong to the same association. The closer
the proximity the higher the propinquity.
For example those living on the same loor
in a building have a higher propinquity than
those on different loors.
apartment building living near a stairway
tend to have more friends from other loors
than others. Propinquity also applies to
Social groups. These could consist of class
mates, friendship social circles or even work
colleagues, and explains the tendency for
teachers to date teachers, members of the
police force to date each other and so on.
In 1956 Alan C Kerckhoff conducted a study
on residential propinquity, around 70% of
the married couples lived within 20 blocks
of their partner before marriage. This seems
obvious when you think about it. Yet it is
something people don’t really think about.
In this Diagram we can see that A and B
would both be attracted to C as C lies within
both of A and B’s Circle. Likewise C would
be attracted to both A and B and would
have the option of choosing either. D is the
outsider of the group, and therefore holds
the lowest levels of attraction to any of the
other parties.
It seems strange to say that just being close
to somebody generates attraction, yet if you
notice the amount of IOI’s you get if you see
a girl every morning on the same train, or
from someone who lives in the apartment
block opposite you. You will almost always
begin to say hello every day. Obviously this
isn’t the be all and end all, however it is the
start. Social proof enables us to generate this
regularly creating this initial spark whenever
we vybe with a room showing that the room
is our social circle and that they are part of it.
The propinquity effect is the tendency
for people to form friendships or
romantic relationships with those whom
they encounter often. In other words,
relationships tend to be formed between
those who have a high propinquity. It
was irst theorized by psychologists Leon
Festinger, Stanley Schachter, Kurt Lewin and
Kurt Bach in what came to be called as the
Westgate studies conducted MIT university in
It is powerful because it is a passive form of
game, When run correctly it enables you to
get opened. My wing and best friend Jim
Stark used this to close his incredibly hot
current girlfriend who is a slim blonde model
type and at least 6 inches taller than Jim. She
Propinquity can be more than just physical
distance. For example, residents of an
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