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Welcome to the Quake Technical Information file!

Introduction to the Console..............
Video Subsystem Documentation............
Sound Subsystem Documentation............
CD Audio Subsystem Documentation.........
Network Subsystem Documentation..........
Modem Strings............................
Win95 Documentation......................
Key Binding and Aliases..................
Quake Keys and Common Commands...........
Making a Config File.....................
Reporting Quake Bugs.....................

==     Introduction to the Console      ==

Throughout this document, examples of commands are given, all of which
are typed in at the console. To bring up the console, press the tilde ('~')
key or press ESC to bring up the menu, select Options, and select Console...
from the options menu. To exit the console, press ESC.

The console provides a way to change console variables and also accepts
commands that change game settings such as movement keys, video mode, as
well as providing an interface for key binding and command aliasing (more
on that later).

The console also has a command history with which you can browse through
previous commands. Use the up and down arrows to navigate through the
command history and press <enter> to re-issue a command.

Partially typing a command and then pressing the TAB key will complete the
currently typed text with the first matching console variable or command.
(Yes, this is a good way to look for console commands.)

To review previous actions by page, use the PGUP and PGDN keys.

==    Video Subsystem Documentation     ==

The Video Modes menu

Video modes can most easily be selected from the the Video Modes menu, which
is brought up by selecting the Video Options choice in the Options menu.
All the resolutions that Quake can support on the current computer are

Please note that higher-resolution modes require correspondingly more
system memory in order for Quake to run, and that some high-resolution
modes may not be available when running Quake on 8 Mb machines.  Such
modes are not listed in the Video Modes menu.  Please do not report
video modes that do not appear in the Video Modes menu as bugs; either
those modes are not supported by your video adapter, or there is not
enough system memory for Quake to support those modes.

The video modes listed in the Video Modes menu can be tested, set, and made
the default mode for Quake from the Video menu, as follows:

* The arrow keys can be used to move the blinking indicator to any of the
modes listed in the Video menu.

* Pressing the 'T' key tests the mode the blinking indicator points to, by
setting the mode, leaving it set for 5 seconds, and returning to the previous
mode.  This lets you verify that your computer does in fact support that
mode.  We highly recommend that you always test modes with 'T' before setting
permanently by pressing the Enter key, in case some sort of hardware or
software glitch causes a mode to function incorrectly and produce a garbled
screen.  It is unlikely but possible that testing or setting a mode will
cause your computer to hang or crash; if this happens, there is a serious
hardware or software bug, and you should not attempt to select that mode

* Pressing the Enter key sets the mode the blinking indicator points to,
leaving it set so Quake will then run in that mode.  We suggest that you
test a mode by pressing the 'T' key before setting it by pressing the Enter
key.  Note that a selection made with the Enter key remains in effect only
until Quake is exited (or a new mode is set).  You must explictly make a mode
the default mode by pressing the 'D' key in order to automatically set that
mode when you start Quake up in the future.

* Pressing the 'D' key makes the current mode the default mode that Quake
starts up with.  Note that the current mode is the mode that's displayed in
white in the mode list, not necessarily the mode that the blinking indicator
points to.  The current default mode is listed in the description of the 'D'
key at the bottom of the Video Modes menu.

* Pressing Esc exits the Video Modes menu.

Please see "Bug Reporting," below, for information on how to report any
problems you encounter.

Video modes from the console:  Quick start

More comprehensive but more complex video control is available through the
Quake console.  This section describes the commands necessary to perform
basic mode setting through the console (this is similar to what can be
accomplished through the Video Modes menu), and following sections describe
console video control in detail.

To see all the video modes that are available, bring up the console (either
press tilde ('~'), or press Esc to bring up the menu, select Options, and
select Console... from the Options menu).

From the console, type vid_describemodes<enter> to see all available modes.
Type vid_mode <mode #> to set a mode, where <mode #> is the mode number
listed for the desired mode by vid_describemodes.  Higher-resolution modes
generally require more extra system memory in order to run, and many are
not available in 8 Mb systems; modes that are supported by the video
adapter but are currently unavailable due to system  memory limitations
will still show up in
the mode list from vid_describemodes, but will
have "**" in place of a mode number.  (Such modes will not show up at
all in the Video Modes menu.)  If you try to set a mode for which
there is insufficient system memory, you will receive a message to that
effect, and the video mode will remain unchanged.

More detail

This version of Quake supports software drawing in a variety of
video modes.  It does not support any 3-D hardware accelerators.
Video modes that are built into Quake are:

320x200, 360x200, 320x240, 360x240, 320x350, 360x350, 320x400,
360x400, 320x480, 360x480

However, the higher-resolution modes on this list require additional
memory, and may not be available in 8 Mb systems.

In addition, all VESA 2.0 256-color linear framebuffer modes
supported by the video adapter are supported.  Further information
about VESA 2.0 is provided below.

Video mode reporting and selection

Quake assigns each available video mode a mode number, which can
then be used to query information about the mode or to select the
mode.  The first 11 mode numbers are always as follows:

0:  320x200
1:  320x200
2:  360x200
3:  320x240
4:  360x240
5:  320x350
6:  360x350
7:  320x400
8:  360x400
9:  320x480
10: 360x480

You will notice that modes 0 and 1 are both 320x200; mode 1 is a
Mode X-style version, which may someday allow support of page
flipping for cleaner graphics, but right now it's just slower with
no advantages, so use mode 0 for 320x200 resolution.  Modes 2-10
are all higher resolution than mode 0, and look very nice, but are
also all slower than mode 0.  Mode 0 is the fastest of the 11
built-in modes.

In addition to the built-in modes, Quake checks for the presence
of a VESA version 2.0 driver.  If such a driver is detected, the
driver is queried for all 8-bit-per-pixel linear framebuffer (LFB)
modes that are supported; also, if no LFB 320x200 mode is available,
a banked 320x200 VESA mode is queried for.  All such modes are added
to the mode list starting at mode 11.  The available modes will vary
depending on adapter, graphics chipset, amount of video memory, and VESA
 driver.  The higher the resolution, the lower the performance, and
higher-resolution modes will often be too slow for good gameplay
on most machines.  (Also, higher-resolution modes often need more memory
than is available in an 8 Mb system.)  The screen can be sized down to
improve performance in higher-resolution modes, but then of course the
effective resolution of Quake is reduced.

At the same resolution, VESA LFB modes are often faster than the non-VESA
modes 0-10, because adapters often have faster memory access in LFB modes.

If a given VESA mode can support page flipping, then it defaults to page-
flipped operation.  A VESA mode can be forced to non-page-flipped operation
by setting the vid_nopageflip console variable to 1, then setting the mode

(note that vid_nopageflip takes operation on the next, not the current, mode
set, and note that it then stays in effect permanently, even when Quake is
exited and restarted, unless it is manually set back to 0).  If there is not
enough memory for two pages in a VESA mode, or if the
adapter doesn't support page flipping, then the mode will automatically
be non-page-flipped.  Page flipping can have higher visual quality, but may
be either faster or slower, depending on the graphics adapter and other
hardware.  (See the discussion of the Pentium Pro, below, for a
discussion of why page flipping can be faster but is sometimes much slower
on that processor.)  Page-flipped modes use less system memory than non-
page-flipped modes.

Quake's VESA support, including VESA driver detection, can be disabled by
using the -stdvid command-line switch, and can also be disabled, along with
sound, network, and other hardware support, by the -safe command-line switch.

The maximum resolution supported by Quake is 1280x1024.  Modes with higher
resolutions will not be reported by vid_describemodes, and cannot be set.

There is no support for any 3-D accelerator boards in this version of Quake.
Coming soon.

Quake always starts up in mode 0, and m...
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