Psychiatry At A Glance Katona Robertson 2Nd Edition.pdf

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Psychiatry at a Glance
Both of the Department of Psychiatry,
Royal Free and University College Medical School
fl) Blackwell
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ISBN 0-632-05554-5
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Cataloguing-in-publication Data
Katona, C. L. E. (Comelius L. E.), 1954-
Psychiatry at a glance I Comelius Katona,
Mary Robertson.-2nd ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-632-05554-5
1. Psychiatry.
I. Robertson, Mary M.
n. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disorders. 2. Psychiatry.
WM 149 K19p 1999]
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First published 1995
Second edition 2000
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Introduction to the second edition, 6
19 Neuropsychiatry I, 44
20 Neuropsychiatry II, 46
21 Child psychiatry I, 48
22 Child psychiatry II, 50
23 The psychiatry of adolescence, 52
24 Learning disability (mental retardation), 54
25 Consultation-liaison psychiatry, 56
26 Psychiatry in the community, 58
27 Forensic psychiatry, 60
28 The 1983 Mental Health Act (MHA), 62
29 Risk assessment and management in psychiatry, 64
30 Psychosexual disorders, 66
31 Psychiatric aspects ofHIV and AIDS, 68
32 Psychological treatments, 70
33 Physical treatments I, 72
34 Physical treatments II, 74
35 Cross-cultural psychiatry, 76
36 Unusual psychiatric syndromes, 78
Introduction to the first edition, 7
The psychiatric history and mental state examination
(MSE), 8
2 Diagnosis and classification in psychiatry, 10
3 Schizophrenia: phenomenology and aetiology, 12
4 Schizophrenia: management and prognosis, 14
5 Depression, 16
6 Bipolar affective disorder (including mania), 18
7 Suicide and deliberate self-harm (DSH), 20
8 Stress reactions (including bereavement), 22
9 Anxiety disorders, 24
10 Obsessions and compulsions, 26
11 Eating disorders, 28
12 Disorders of personality, 30
13 Substance misuse, 32
14 Alcohol abuse and dependence, 34
15 Disorders offemale reproductive life, 36
16 Functional disorders in old age, 38
17 Acute confusional states (delirium), 40
18 The dementias, 42
Further reading, 80
Questions, 82
Answers, 87
Index, 89
Introduction to the second edition
We are gratified by the very positive response we have received
for Psychiatry at a Glance since its original publication in 1995.
We are delighted that it received a commendation in the 1996
British Medical Association book awards. We are also pleased
to note the publication of Japanese and Hungarian editions.
Psychiatry at a Glance remains targeted primarily at the medical
students who will be tomorrow's doctors. We very much hope
that it will continue to meet their need for core psychiatric
knowledge within their new curricula. The feedback we have
received suggests that Psychiatry at a Glance is equally useful
to nurses, social workers and psychologists and for psychiatric
trainees. We have tried to consider the needs of all these groups
of readers in preparing the second edition.
In the new edition we have taken the opportunity to correct
any errors that have been brought to our notice by users of the
book. We have also thoroughly revised the manuscript, both
updating and reorganizing the text and figures. In so doing we
have relied heavily on the goodwill of many expert colleagues,
and take this opportunity of thanking Professor Michael King,
Drs Abou-Saleh, Alcorn, Bruno, Channon, Cookson, Dein,
Eapen, Freeman, Hassiotis, Hossain, Livingston, Morris, Nor-
ton, Orrell, Sensky, Shergill, Sturgeon, Turner, Tylee, Walker
and Mr Geoffrey Smith for giving up their time, and for their
helpful and constructive criticism. Responsibility for any errors
and inaccuracies remains, of course, entirely ours. We have also
written a new chapter on Risk Assessment and Management.
In response to popular request we have added a 'further reading'
list and multiple choice questions.
As before we would like to thank Philippa Katona and
John Ludgate for their continued patience, support and helpful
Cornelius Katona
Mary Robertson
London, October 1999
Introduction to the first edition
We have written Psychiatry at a Glance at the instigation of
many of our students, with the intention of providing a text that
is concise, easily portable and enjoyable to read. The book sum-
marizes the content of a comprehensive lecture course in psychi-
atry. It is targeted primarily at clinical undergraduate medical
students doing their psychiatry attachment and revising for final
MB examinations. It should also be useful for psychiatric
trainees revising for their MRCPsych Part 1 (or equivalent first
specialist examination).
We have both been MB final (and MRCPsych Part 1) exam-
iners for several years, as well as being involved in the design
and delivery of the DCL Medical School undergraduate and
postgraduate psychiatry courses. We are confident of having
provided all the information content relevant to the psychiatry
element of the GMC 'core' undergraduate medical curriculum.
The diagrams encapsulate all a medical student needs to know
in order to pass~and should also help in last minute revision!
The text supplements this sufficiently to provide enough for a
student to do well.
We are also aware that, as psychiatric care moves into the
community, a basic knowledge of psychiatry is increasingly
important for a variety of clinical practitioners. Psychiatry at a
Glance should provide a useful introduction to the specialty
for psychiatric nurses (especially doing Project 2000 and post-
graduate courses), for psychologists and social workers (in
training and in clinical practice), and for general practitioners
finding themselves in the psychiatric front line.
We have been encouraged throughout the writing of the
book by students and colleagues (at DCL Medical School and
elsewhere) alike. We owe a particular debt of gratitude to those
who have taken the time to criticize individual chapters: Profs
Bames and Dinan; Drs Alcom, AlIen, Appleby, Bames, Bhugra,
Chesser, Collis, Cookson, Dein, Eapen, Feinmann, Freeman, Gar-
dner, Jackson, Kahle, Kennedy, Livingston, McCarthy, Norton,
Read, Ring, Orrell, Stansfeld, Sturgeon and Tannock; Jamie
Arkel, Gina Hossain, Cheryl Moore, Paul de Keyser and Pippa
Vincent. The content has been much improved by their criti-
cism, although responsibility for any errors remains, of course,
our own. We hope that you, the reader, will also feel able to offer
suggestions for improvements to future editions. We would also
like to thank John Ludgate for his support and encouragement.
Finally, we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Philippa
Katona, the GP on the Clapham omnibus, who has offered in-
estimable tolerance and support during the many evenings of
writing, and helped ensure that both text and diagrams were
much more relevant and comprehensible than they would other-
wise have been.
Comelius Katona
Mary Robertson
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