[How-to-Draw] FARP - Dragon Anatomy and Muscular Structure.pdf

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FARP : Dragon Anatomy and Muscular Structure
By Renee LeCompte *Maggock* ( zhaneel1@hotmail.com ), Gallery 228.
So, you clicked on this link, you must want to know about a dragon's muscular structure? Now,
before I get started, I want to say one thing. Since dragons are open to many interpretations,
and look wildly different at times, this guide may or may not be for you. I attempt to break down
the anatomy of the classical western dragon in such a way that it might conceivably be able to
function. I also know I'm no animal anatomy major, heck, I'm justa kid! So my illustrations may
not be entirely accurate or even possible. But I tried, and I looked at more than a few books for
references, and I hope I have something that will help a few people. This also is not exactly an
article for beginners. I don't say 'this is how you draw a dragon'. I don't give very many
directions at all! But if you have any basic knowledge on drawing dragons, this should help!
What is a Classical Dragon?
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What?!? You don't know what a classical western dragon is? Put simply, it is a
scaled reptilian like beast generally seen with two forelegs, two wings, and two
hind legs. A perfect example (and what I used as a model) would be Draco
from Dragonheart. What!!? You haven't seen Dragonheart?!? Then get ye
gone, foul -- I mean, I've graciously provided a picture for you to view. As you
can see, he has all the characteristics of the classical dragon.
(If you want to see more Draco pictures, go here !)
From the Inside Out
The best way to figure out the anatomy of any creature is to work from the inside out. That is,
from the skeleton to the muscles to the skin. Below is a skeletal system, modeled from a
cheetah, giraffe, and various birds. You can click on any picture to enlarge it.
The Skull and Neck
As you can see, I've included both a long and short neck version of the dragon, mostly because
the muscular structure of the two is vastly different. Since I based my dragon skeleton on that of
a mammal, the neck only has seven vertebrae, no matter what the length. The teeth in this
picture are also mammalian teeth.
Front and Back
The front end, I suppose what many people would call the tough area, because
it contains the area of anatomy for which there is no earthly equivalent. If you
would keep in mind for a minute the immense breast muscles on a bird, you'll
realize the configuration to the right is impossible. There is barely any room at
all for the flight muscles. the configuration below (in my opinion anyway) is
much more accurate.
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As you can see, I completely separated the flight bones from the foreleg bones to allow for the
largest possible flight muscles. The front section is modeled after a light agile cheetah (though
the dragon would theoretically have hollow bones to allow for less weight). The back section is
modeled after a hawk. I found it impossible to combine the two sections as each bone is
necessary for the operation of the different muscles. For example, the large flight muscles need
both the wishbone and keel for anchorage. The back end of the dragon was a fairly simple thing
to figure out, since it is not exceptionally different like the front end. It is essentially the hind end
of a cheetah with a slightly modified tail.
The wings were not too difficult to figure out either. There are two types though, a bat wing and
a bird wing. (Note that the fingers are cut off in the bat wing) Each different type of wing has its
own strengths and weaknesses. I neglected to illustrate a pterosaur wing, mostly because it is
rarely drawn on a dragon. Wings are also mostly bony, not overly many muscles on them, so I
didn't draw musculature studies for them.
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Fleshing out the Beast
The Skull and Neck (Once again)
The skull, as you can see, has powerful muscles surrounding the jaw, giving the dragon an
immensely powerful bite. If you will notice, I also drew these two dragons with reptilian teeth.
The neck of the short dragon is based on that of a cheetah, once again. The muscular structure
of the long necked dragon was a bit more difficult. I decided to base it on that of a giraffe
(though now I think I should have based it on a snake!).
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