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OH- Master Template - 2010

International House of Prayer of Kansas City  – Mike Bickle

The Cyrus Calling (Isaiah 45)               Page 4

The Cyrus Calling (Isaiah 45)

I.                   Cyrus: a prophetic picture for today

A.                 King Cyrus (600-530 BC) ruled Persia (Iran) from 560-530 BC. He was the wealthiest and most powerful leader on earth. Isaiah prophesied of him by name about 100 years before his birth by saying that he would be God’s “anointed to restore Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.

24I am the LORD, who makes all things, who stretches out the heavens…28Who says of Cyrus, “He is My shepherd, and he shall perform all My pleasure, saying to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be built,’ and to the temple [house of prayer], Your foundation shall be laid.”’ 45:1Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus…3I will give you…the hidden riches of secret places that you may know that Iwho call you by your name, am the God of Israel. (Isa. 44:24-45:3)

B.                 The children of Israel were in captivity in Babylon for 70 years (606-536 BC). Cyrus released the Jewish captives to return to Israel to establish Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple. Isaiah and Jesus both prophetically named the temple the house of prayer (Isa. 56:7; Mt. 21:13).

7For My house [temple] shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. (Isa. 56:7)


13He said, “It is written, ‘My house [temple] shall be called a house of prayer…’” (Mt. 21:13)

C.                 Cyrus announced to the world that God called him to release the Jewish captives to go back to Israel to rebuild their temple and to help them by financing it (2 Chr. 36:22-23; Ezra 1:2-11; 6:4).

22In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia…the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus…that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom…saying, 23Thus says Cyrus king of Persia …the LORD…has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem… (2 Chr. 36:22-23)


3In the first year of King Cyrusissued a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem: Let the house be rebuilt4Let the expenses be paid from the king's treasury. (Ezra 6:3-4)

D.                 Cyrus started out as a regional leader under the authority of the Medes. In 550 BC, he overthrew the Medes and unified them with Persia becoming the founder of a new Persian Empire which he ruled for 12 years. In 538 BC, he defeated Babylon to become the premier leader in the world. Daniel and the Jewish captives in Babylon must have been encouraged during these 12 years in seeing a man named Cyrus come to world prominence just as Isaiah prophesied. He prophesied that Cyrus would defeat Babylon, then restore Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (Isa. 44:28).

E.                  Cyrus is a picture of some today who are called to the marketplace, government, military, media, etc. As God’s anointed, he received supernatural wisdom and favor to make wealth, to influence the nations, bring deliverance to people in captivity, and to make God’s name known to them.

F.                  Those with a “Cyrus calling” have prophetic insight of the times and what the people are to do.

32The children of Issachar had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…

(1 Chr. 12:32)

II.                what God promised to do in preparing Cyrus


1Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held-- to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: 2“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. 3I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel. 4For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name

5I will gird you, though you have not known Me, 6that they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me… (Isa. 45:1-6)

A.                 His anointed (v. 1): the Lord shocked Israel by calling a Gentile His anointed. The Hebrew word “mashiah is translated in English as the “anointed” or the “messiah. This was a title reserved for Israel's prophets, priests, and kings. God called Cyrus “My shepherd (44:28) and anointed.” In other words, Cyrus was chosen and empowered as a vessel to fulfill a significant aspect of God’s purpose. The Spirit would help him in a dynamic way. Cyrus was supernaturally helped with miracles in finances and favor in the political arena to bring deliverance to God’s people.

B.                 Whose right hand I have held (v. 1): This speaks of intimacy with God. The Lord took Cyrus by the hand and walked him through the danger to accomplish what would have been impossible.

C.                 To subdue nations (v. 1): God gave him the authority and favor to conquer his adversaries and to affect nations. The nations Cyrus defeated included the Medes, the Babylonians, the Lydians, the Caftans, the Caunians, the Lycians, the Bactrians, the Sacae, the Parthians, the Hyrcanians, the Chorasmians, the Sogdians, the Arians, the Zarangians, the Arachosians, and the Gandarians.

D.                 To loose the armor of kings (v. 1): He disarmed his adversaries to render them incapable of resisting. To loosen the armor was to take off the belt which held his weapons and robe in place.

E.                  To open before him the double doors (v. 1): These are supernatural doors of opportunity that will not cease. The double doors of blessing and the gates were never shut.

F.                  I will go before you and make the crooked places straight (v. 2): God smoothed out difficulties. The Lord goes ahead of the process to prepare the way and remove even the strongest defenses.

G.                 I will break the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron (v. 2): This removed even the strongest hindrances. The gates of a city were fortified by putting iron bars across them...

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