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Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (1) 9-17
Manorama Swain*, Truptirekha Swain** and Binoy Kumar Mohanty***
Department of Biochemistry*, Pharmacology**, Endocrinology***, M.K.C. G Medical College, Berhampur and
S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack**
Background : Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), a common organ specific autoimmune
disorder is seen mostly in women between 30-50 yrs of age.Thyroid autoimmunity can cause
several forms of thyroiditis ranging from hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) to
hyperthyroidism (Graves'Disease). Prevalence rate of autoimmune mediated hypothyroidism is
about 0.8 per 100 and 95% among them are women. Graves' disease is about one tenth as
common as hypothyroidism and tends to occur more in younger individuals. Both these disorders
share many immunologic features and the disease may progress from one state to other as the
autoimmune process changes. Genetic, environmental and endogenous factors are responsible
for initiation of thyroid autoimmunity. At present the only confirmed genetic factor lies in HLA
complex (HLA DR-3) and the T cell regulatory gen~ (CTLA 4). A number of environmental factors
like viral infection, smoking, stress & iodine intake are associated with the disease progression.
The development of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) thyroglobulin (TG) and Thyroid
stimulating hormone receptor (TSH R) is the main hallmark of AITD. Circulating T Lymphocytes
are increased in AITD and thyroid gland is infiltrated with CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells. Wide varieties
of cytokines are produced by infiltrated immune cells, which mediate cytotoxicity leading to
thyroid cell destruction, Circulating antibodies to TPO and TG are measured by
immunofluorescense, hemagglutJnation, ELISA & RIA. TSHR antibodies of Graves' disease can
be measured in bioassays or indirectly in assays that detect antibody binding to the receptor.
Autoimmune thyroid disease, thyroid peroxidase antibodies, Thyroglobulin antibodies, and TSHR
as hypothyroidism affecting mostly the younger
individuals (2). Many of these patients progress to
hypothyroidism either spontaneously after treatment
with antithyroid drugs or iatrogenicallyafter radioiodine
therapy or surgery. The development of antibodies to
thyroid peroxJdase(TPO), thyroglobulin(TG) and thyroid
stimulating hormone receptor (TSH-R) is the main
hallmark of AITD (3).
Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is a common
organ specific autoimmune disorder affecting mostly
the middle aged women. About 2 to 4 percent of women
and up to 1% of men are affected worldwide, and the
prevalence rate increaseswith advancing age (1). AITD
comprises a sedes of interrelated conditions including
hyperthyroid Graves' disease (GD), Hashimoto's
(goitrous) thyroiditis, atrophic autoimmune
hypothyroidism, postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) and
thyroid associated orbitopathy (TAO) .Out of all these
diseases, Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and Graves'
disease (GD) are the commonest type and share many
features immunologically. One form of the disease may
change to other as the course of the immune process
progresses. Autoimmune hypothyroidism (AH) affects
about 5 to 10% of middle aged and elderly women.
Graves' disease (GD) is about one tenth as common
The etiology of AITD is multifactorial. Susceptibility to
the disease is determined by a combination of genetic,
environmental and constitutional factors.
Numerous studies show a higher frequency of AITD in
family members of patients with autoimmune
hypothyroidism and Graves' disease (4). Both types of
the disease cluster together in families, provides
additional support that these conditions share
common etiologic and pathogenic features. The
autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2, involves
the occurrence of autoimmune thyroid dysfunction with
other autoimmune diseases. (Type 1 diabetes
Author for correspondence
Manorama Swain
Department of Biochemistry
M.K.C.G Medical College, Berhampur - 760 004
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (1) 9-17
Chinese Graves' disease (GD) patients, was
associated with the relapse of the hyperthyroidismafter
antithyroid withdrawal. NG polymorphism of the
cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated molecule-4 gene
affects the progress of GD. The GIG genotype is
associated with poor outcome (13).
mellitus, Addison's disease, pernicious anemia &
vitiligo). Shared genetic factors are likely in this group
of autoimmune disorders.
Twin studies show increased concordance of GD and
AH in monozygotic (MZ) twins, compared with dizygotic
(DZ) twins. A recent invsstigationbased on a population
of 8,966 Danish twins has shown that concordance
for GD in MZ twins was 35% compared with 3% in DZ
twins (5). Various techniques have been employed to
identify the genes contributing to the etiology of AITD,
including candidate gene analysis and whole genome
screening. These studies have enabled the
identification of several loci (genetic regions) that are
linked with AITD, and in some of these loci putative
AITD susceptibility genes have been identified. Some
of these genes/loci are unique to Graves' disease (GD)
and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and some are
common to both diseases, indicating that there is a
shared genetic susceptibility to GD and HT. The
putative GD and HT susceptibility genes include both
immune modifying genes (e.g. HLA, CTLA-4) and
thyroid specific genes (e.g. TSHR, TG). Most likelythese
loci interact and their interactions may influence
disease phenotype and severity (6).
Environmental Factors:
Iodine: It has been well documented that the incidence
of AITD is proportional to dietary iodine content. In
Europe the prevalence of GD increases with national
iodine intake programs. Iodine increases the
antigenicity of TG with exacerbation of experimental
thyroidi~ in animals. Recent in vitro studies in
NOD.H2" mouse have shown that high iodine doses
alone may damage thyrocytes and enhances the
disease progression in a dose-dependent manner
Infection: No convincing evidence has indicated a role
infection in All except congenital rubella syndrome. An
association has been proved between Yersinia
infection and GD (15). Yersinia contains proteins that
mimic TSH-R immunologically. Recently, retrovirus has
received attention but the results are conflicting (16).
The most important susceptibility factor so far
recognized is association of AITD with HI.A-DR alleles.
These MHC class-II genes play a cdtical role in the
initiation of adaptive immune response. HLA-DR3 is
the best-documented genetic factor for GD and AH in
Caucasians (7). In non-white populations, GD is
associated with different HLA alleles. For example, it
is associated more with HLA B35, B46, A2, and
DPBI*0501 in Japanese; (8)A10, B8, and DQw2 in
Indians; (9) and DR1 and DR3 in South African blacks
Stress: Some studies suggest an association
between antecedent major life events and Graves'
disease, but a causal role of stress in autoimmune
process remains to be clearly established. Smoking
is a minor risk factor for the development of thyroid
ophthalmopathy (17). The female preponderance of
thyroid autoimmunity is most likely due to the influence
of sex steroids. Estrogen use is associdted with a
lower dsk, and pregnancy with a higher risk for
developing hyperthyroidism (18).
The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) gene,
encoding a negative regulator of the T-lymphocyte
immune response, had been reported to be associated
and/or linked to AITD. Recently, AITD susceptibility in
the Caucasians was mapped to the 6.1-KB3'UTR of
the CTLA-4 gene, in which the three single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) CT60, JO31, and JO30 were
strongly associated with AITD. The SNP, JO31 was
most significantly associated with AITD in the
Japanese, whereas the association of the JO30 with
AITD was not observed (11). Ueda H & coworkers have
identified polymorphism of CTLA-4 gene that is a
candidate gene for common autoimmune disorders
like GD, AH and Type-1 Diabetes ('riD). The diseasl~
susceptibility was mapped to a non-coding 6.1 KB3'
region of CTLA-4, the common allelic variation of which
was correlated with lower mRNA levels of the soluble
alternative splice form of CTLA-4 (12). It was recently
shown, that the A/G single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) at position 49 in exon 1 of the cytotoxic T
lymphocyte-associated molecule-4 gene in 148
In Hashimoto's thyroiditis there is an extensive
infiltration of thyroid by lymphocytes, plasma cells and
macrophages. There is formation of germinal center
and giant (Langerhans) cell can occur. The thyroid
follicular cells are destroyed to a variable extent,
depending on the chronicity of the disease. Dudng
this process the remaining cell become hyperplastic
and undergo oxyphilic metaplasia, which gives rise to
the so-called Askanazy or Hurthle cells.
The pathologic features of Graves' disease are often
obscured by priortreatment with antihyroiddrugs. There
is hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles,
the epithelium is columnar and the colloid s:hdnks. In
addition a variable degree of lymphocytic infiltration is
present, sometimes with germinal center fom~ation.
Autolmmune features:
All forms of thyroid autoimmunity are associated with
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (1) 9-17
a lymhocytic infiltrate in the thyroid, and these
lymphocytes are largely responsible for generating
both T and B Cell-mediated autoreactivity. Other sites
such as thyroid draining lymph nodes and bone marrow
may also contain thyroid autoreactive lymphocytes in
AITD. The initial autoimmune response by CD4+ T
cells appears to up regulate the secretion of IFN-g
resulting in the enhanced expression of MHC class II
molecules on thyrocytes. This most likely triggers
expansion of autoreactive T cells and gives rise to the
characteristic inflammatory response and as the
disease progresses; thyrocytes are targeted for
apoptosis resulting in hypothyroidism. Another
contributing factor to the observed hypothyroidism in
Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients could be the circulating
TSH inhibitory antibodies. Graves' disease on the other
hand represents the other end of spectrum wherein
the patients suffer from hyperthyroidism. The activation
of thyroid specific CD4+ T cells leads to the recruitment
of autoreactive B cells and the mounting of thyroid
stimulatory immune response via anti-thyroid
antibodies (19).
out that poorly iodinated TG is only weakly
immunogenic (25).
Thyroglobulin autoantibodies are found in less than
60% of patients with lymphocytic thyroiditis and 30% of
Graves' disease patients. They are polyclonal and
mainly of IgG class with all four subclasses
represented. TSH regulates the cell surface
expression of TPO and TG altering the mRNA
transcription of these two proteins, possibly at the gene
promoter level. These effects are mimicked by auto
antibodies (both blocking and stimulating) in the sera
of the patients with GD (26).
iii. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone receptor (TSH-R)
TSH-R is the prime autoantigen in Graves' disease
and atrophic thyroiditis. It is located on the basal
surface of thyroid follicular cells. In Graves' disease
thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAbs) bind to the
receptor and stimulate the thyroid cell to produce
excessive amount of thyroid hormones resulting in
hyperthyroidism. In patients with atrophic thyroidiUsthe
major antibody is the TSH-R blocking antibody. After
binding to the receptor this antibody blocks the binding
of TSH to its receptor, thus preventing stimulation of
thyroid cell. This results in diminished thyroid hormone
output, atrophy of thyroid gland and the clinical state of
i. Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) antibodies:
TPO is the key thyroid enzyme catalyzing both the
iodination and coupling reaction for the synthesis of
thyroid hormone. It is membrane bound and found in
the cytoplasm and in high concentration on the apical
microvillar surface of thyrocytes. It is of mol wt between
100 to 105-kDa and previously was known as thyroid
microsomal antigen (20). Multiple T & B Cell epitopes
exists within the molecule and the antibody response
to TPO is restricted at the level of the germ line heavy
and light chain variable (V) region (21).
TSH-R has 398 amino acid extra cellular domains, a
266 amino acid transmembrane domain (organized
in seven loops) and an 83 amino acid intracellular
domain. Antibodies binding to the amino terminal area
are stimulatory where as those binding to amino acids
261 to 370 or 388 to 403, near the cell surface, have
blocking activity (27). As with TPO multiple T and B cell
epitopes has been defined within the molecule.
Anti-TPO autoantibodies are found in over 90% of
patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism and Graves'
disease. Together with TG antibodies these are the
predominant antibodies in AH. Anti-TPO antibodies are
mainly of the IgG class with IgG 1 and IgG4 subclasses
in excess (22).
iv. Other antibodies
Na+ / I" symporter (NIS) is the fourth major thyroid
autoantigen; first demonstrated using cultured dog
thyroid cells. Around a third of Graves' disease sera
and 15% of Hashimoto's sera contain antibodies that
inhibit NIS mediated iodide uptake in vitro (28).
Antibodies to thyroid hormone can be found in 10% to
25% of patients with AITD and non-specific
autoantibodies against DNA, tubulin and other
cytoskeletal proteins can also be detected in a small
proportion of patients.
ii. Thyroglobulin (TG) Antibodies
TG is a 660-kDa glycoprotein composed of two identical
subunits of 330 kDa each. It is secreted by the thyroid
follicular cells into the follicular lumen and stored as
colloid. Each TG molecule has around 100 tyrosine
residues, a quarter of which are iodinated. These
residues couple to form the thyroid hormones
tdiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4). The sequence
of human TG has-been determined (23). When TSH
stimulates the thyroid cell, TG is endocytosed and
hydrolyzed in lysosome releasing T3 & T4.The exact
location of T and B cell epitopes withi'n TGis uncertain
(24). A key T cell epitope in the spontaneous thyreiditis
of OS chickens contains iodine, and it has been found
Several antibody and cell-mediated mechanisms
contribute to thyroid injury in autoimmune
hypothyroidism. Different groups have analyzed
partners in the diseased thyroid glands. In general, in
case of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the expressions of
death receptors such as CD95 and death receptor
Indian Journal of Cfinical Biochemistry, 2005
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (1) 9-17
ligands such as CD95L and TRAIL in the thyroid tissue
appear to be much higher compared to their normal
counterparts. Also, the expression of positive effectors
of apoptosis such as caspase 3 and 8, as well as Bax
and Bak appear to be relatively high in thyroiditis
samples as compared to controls. This expression
pattern clearly supports enhanced apoptosis as the
mechanism underlying the loss of thyrocytes in
Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In contrast, the opposite trend
appears to be the norm in Graves' disease. One stdking
feature is the highly elevated expression of negative
modulators of apoptosis such as cFLIP, Bcl-2 and Bcl-
XL and close to normal expression of the caspases in
thyrocytes analyzed from Graves' patients, clearly
supporting a role for apoptosis inhibitory mechanisms
in these patients. Although in both cases there is
significant expression of Fas/CD95 and its ligand, only
in Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the thyrocytes undergo
apoptosis. Recent work by Stassi et al. solvedthe puzzle
by exposing the role of cytokines in the development of
autoimmune disorders (29). In case of Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, a TH1 disease, the cytokine IFN-g appears
to play a crucial role in the pathology of the disease by
enhancing the expression of caspases and there by
sensitizing cells to FAS mediated apoptosis. In contrast
in the TH2 mediated Graves' disease, the cytokines
IL4, and IL-10 strongly up-regulate the expression of
two anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL and cFLIP, which
offer resistance to Fas mediated apoptosis. This again
proves the necessary modulatory roles played by the
TH1 and TH2 cytokines in the development of
autoimmune disorders (19).
T-Cell response
Both CD4+ and CD8+ T-Cells occur in thyroid
lymphocytic infiltrate with a preponderance of CD4+
cells. There is an increase in activated T Cell
expressing markers like HLA-DR. A wide array of
cytokines including IL-2, Interferon (IFN-g), Tumor
necrosis factor (TNF-a), IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13
and IL-15 are produced by the lymphocytes with some
variation between patients (32). Thyroid cells express
MHC class-II molecules as well as other
immunologically important molecules and behaves
as an antigen-presenting cell (APC). Expression of
ICAM-1, LFA-3 and MHC class I molecules by thyrocytes
is enhanced by IL-1, TNF-a & IFN-g (33). This response
increasesthe ability of cytotoxic T cells to mediate lysis.
Thyroid cell destruction is mediated both by perforin
containing Cells which accumulate in the thyroid and
by Fas dependent mechanisms (34,35). Cytokines and
other toxic molecules such as nitdc oxide and reactive
oxygen metabolitas probably also contribute directly to
cell mediated tissue injury. (Fig 1 & Fig 2)
Humoral immunity exacerbates cell-mediated damage
in a secondary fashion, both by direct complement
fixations (TPO antibodies) and by ADCC (36).
Complement attack initiated via the classic or
altemative pathway, impairs the metabolic function of
thyroid cells and induces them to secrete IL-I, IL-6,
reactive oxygen metabolites and prostaglandin. All of
these enhance the autoimmune response.
As well as T and B cell, dendritic cells and monocyte/
macrophages accumulate in the thyroid. Presumably
they play a major role as APC & capable of providing
co-stimulatory signals. Thyroid cell-derived monocyte
chemoattractant-I, produced after TNF-a, IFN-g, or IL-I
stimulation, is likely to be responsible for the
accumulation of monocytes, which are important
source of cytokines (37).
B Cell responses
TG and TPO antibodiesoccur in very high concentration
in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and primary
myxedema. These antibodies are less common, but
still frequent in Graves' disease, where as TPO rather
than TG antibodies are frequent in postpartum
thyroiditis (30). Both of the antibodies show partial
restriction to the IgG1 and IgG4 subclass (21). TG
antibodies usually mediate Antibody mediated
cytotoxicity (ADCC), where as TPO antibodies form
terminal complement complexes within the thyroid
gland. Cell mediated injury may be necessary for TPO
antibodies to gain access to their antigen and become
pathogenic (31).
The main clinical features of hypothyroidism are
summarized in Table-1. Patients with Hashimoto's
thyroiditis may present a goiter which vades from small
to large in size. It is usually firm and painless often
with an irregular bosselated surface. The goiter in case
of GD is diffusely enlarged and firm in consistency.
Increased blood flow may be manifested by a thdll or
bruit. The clinical features of hyperthyroidism are
summarized in Table -2.
Thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAbs) of Graves'
disease are detected in 95% of cases. These
antibodies are often k chain restricted and of the IgG1
subclass. TS-Abs also occurs in 10% to 20% of
patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism(AH) but their
effects are obscured by TSH-R-blocking antibodies
and destructive processes (27). TSHR is a member of
G protein coupled receptor family. It's stimulation by
TSH leads to intracellular signaling by cyclic
adenosine mono phosphate (cAMP) pathway.
Diagnosis of AITD is based upon clinical features &
supported laboratory investigations. The patient may
be euthyroid, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, according to
disease type and stage. Investigations used to
determine the existence and cause of both hypo and
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (1) 9-17
fixation //~
regulatory proteins
HLA classII molecule
anergy of naiveCD4 +
IL-I, TNF,'y-IFN.~
T cells but stimulationof
B cell
CD4 +T cellsnot needing
IL-1,ID 6, IL- 8, 11~
/. I ~
12, IL-13,1L-I5
Expressionof HLA
Thl exp~InsldO
class I plusadhesion
Expressionof Fas and
| ~
jq /
CD8 + cytotoxJc ~
nitric oxide production
T ceils
Destructive ~
Fig 1. Interaction between thyroid cells and the immune system via cytokines.
DD : Death Domain proteins
Fig 2. Interaction between Fas ligand (FasL) on cytotoxic lymphocyte and Fas on a target cell leading
to apoptosis
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