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The Middle Ages
An Illustrated History
The MiddleAges
Barbara A. Hanawalt
Oxford University Press
New York • Oxford
An Illustrated History
Oxford University Press
Oxford New York
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Copyright ©1998 by Barbara A. Hanawalt
Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.,
198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press
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Design: Sandy Kaufman
Layout: Loraine Machlin
Picture research: Lisa Kirchner
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hanawalt, Barbara.
The Middle Ages: an illustrated history / Barbara A. Hanawalt.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Middle Ages—History—-Juvenile literature. [1. Middle Ages.]
I. Title.
D117.H26 1998
ISBN 0-19-510359-9
Frontispiece: Image of knight praying on 14th century
Printed in Hong Kong
stained glass window, Kreuzenstein Armory,
on acid-free paper
Kreuzenstein, Austria
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