{3089}{3165}If I don't draw for a while,|I get really crazy. {3167}{3265}I start feeling depressed and suicidal|if I don't get to draw. {3291}{3368}But sometimes when I'm drawing,|I feel suicidal, too. {3370}{3421}What are you trying to get at|in your work? {3423}{3459}Jesus! {3504}{3545}I don't know. {3582}{3657}I don't work in terms of conscious|messages. I can't do that. {3659}{3719}It has to be something... {3721}{3800}I'm revealing to myself while|I'm doing it, which is hard to explain. {3802}{3881}Which means that while I'm doing it,|I don't know exactly what it's about. {3882}{3991}You have to have the courage|to take that chance. {3993}{4039}What's gonna come out? {4041}{4101}What's coming out of this? {4103}{4150}I enjoy drawing. {4151}{4234}It's a deeply ingrained habit.|It's all because of my brother Charles. {4293}{4341}Hello, Mother?|I'm in Philadelphia. {4382}{4511}I'm going to give a talk|at the art school downtown tomorrow. {4513}{4598}So Terry and this film crew|are here with me. {4600}{4709}They'd like to come over|and drop me off there... {4710}{4797}and talk possibly to Charles... {4799}{4866}about maybe filming him|if you're not... {4892}{4974}He doesn't want to do it?|Okay. {5010}{5058}All right. {5060}{5101}That's okay. {5102}{5138}Doesn't matter. {5174}{5254}Not if you don't want him to.|I certainly won't... {5314}{5372}All right. Bye. {5448}{5510}Well, that's that. {5703}{5752}I start with this one... {5754}{5851}because it's probably the thing|I'm most well-known for. {5853}{5973}You could see it for a long time|on truck mud flaps. {5974}{6035}I don't know why it caught|the popular imagination. {6037}{6127}It caused me nothing but headaches|for ten years after I drew it: {6129}{6195}lawsuits and I.R.S. problems. {6197}{6251}It was a nightmare just because|of this stupid ��Keep on truckin��. {6253}{6354}So don't anybody come to me and say,|��Hey, R.! Keep on truckin!�� {6356}{6431}This is probably the next thing... {6433}{6479}I'm most well-known for. {6481}{6538}I'm trying to hook you in|to who I am. {6540}{6617}This sold millions of copies.|I got $600... {6619}{6709}from CBS records in 1968. {6711}{6845}And they kept my artwork.|They stole my artwork, those bastards. {6846}{6915}I heard recently|that the original of this... {6917}{7013}sold at Sotheby's for $21,000. {7058}{7138}This is the third thing|I'm the most well-known for... {7140}{7220}because this was made into|a major full-length animated cartoon... {7222}{7309}which was an embarrassment to me|for the rest of my life. {7311}{7375}I have to say I had nothing to do|with the cartoon. {7377}{7459}I didn't want them to do it.|I thought they were schlockmeisters. {7461}{7526}They just rolled right over me. {7528}{7650}So I had this character killed in a|later story. I had a female ostrich... {7652}{7746}stab him in the head with an ice pick. {7770}{7853}When I first met him,|he never talked, he just drew. {7855}{7933}He was catatonic,|and the only voice he had was his pen. {7934}{7991}He was very productive. {7993}{8061}My mother thought he was retarded|when she met him. {8062}{8151}She said, ��Some people like cripples,|some like retards.�� {8177}{8239}She thought I was a real creep|when she first met me. {8241}{8357}He's more comfortable after knowing|the same people for a long time. {8358}{8405}He's a little more communicative... {8406}{8465}but still he clams up. {8466}{8557}He gets stilted in his conversation|around anybody he doesn't know well. {8559}{8619}That's why I'm such|an exciting subject for a movie. {8621}{8655}Right. {8820}{8866}Watch out with those weights. {8868}{8981}- Don't hit me with those things.|- Don't go behind me. {8983}{9069}These rich rednecks have moved out here|and built their dream homes... {9070}{9118}on the top of every single hill. {9120}{9219}There used to be nothing over here.|Then these people bought this property. {9221}{9273}- They might hear you.|- Look at this house. {9275}{9354}- Not too loud.|- Right above our house. {9356}{9421}- Looks right into Robert's studio.|- Be quiet. {9422}{9482}I don't care if they hear me. {9484}{9565}Couldn't be any ruder than them|putting their house right above mine. {9566}{9621}What do I care? {9623}{9715}I guess not, since we're moving|to France, what do you care? {9717}{9825}They have a plan to widen this road and|put it through where these trees are. {9827}{9892}There's a big X that|the surveyors sprayed on here... {9894}{9947}and I erased it the other day. {9949}{10027}Then I took out their sticks|from the other side of the road. {10029}{10075}They're going to widen this road... {10077}{10152}and take a big chunk of land|out of that side with all these trees. {10154}{10209}Put 12 dream homes back in there. {10211}{10321}We decided to chain ourselves to these|oak trees if they try and take them out. {10323}{10431}Our house is so humble|nestled against the hill. Tasteful. {10433}{10519}All these other houses are oriented|to look down at our place... {10521}{10614}because it's like a backdrop for|their air-conditioned nightmare houses. {10616}{10701}Each hilltop can view|each other hilltop. The shmucks. {10990}{11107}I'm drawing portraits of girls I had|crushes on in high school in Delaware. {11109}{11161}This one I'm drawing now|is Winona Newhouse... {11162}{11239}affectionately known among the boys|as ��The Shelf��. {11241}{11310}She had this phenomenal rear shelf. {11312}{11370}She was nice, too, actually.|She was kind to me. {11423}{11470}This one here, Naomi Wilson... {11472}{11547}was this cross-eyed farm girl|that wore homemade clothes. {11549}{11639}I secretly had a crush on her.|I was sexually attracted to her. {11641}{11713}Of course, you'd never dare|admit it openly... {11714}{11819}that you like this funky girl|that had B.O. and hairy legs. {11845}{11950}That's Jean Strahle. I liked her, too.|She was also considered a dork. {11951}{12000}She was a bookwormy type|that talked with a lisp... {12002}{12049}and had shapely, powerful legs. {12050}{12099}I never actually had any contact|with these girls... {12101}{12172}except I used to play footsie|with this one. {12192}{12242}Where are they now? {12244}{12297}Thirty years ago. {12299}{12384}They're all middle-aged housewives now.|Jesus, what a thought. {12423}{12501}Winona. I wish she was here now... {12502}{12557}this 17-year-old Winona... {12559}{12628}instead of this film crew. {12843}{12917}When I listen to old music,|it's one of the few times... {12919}{12981}I actually have a kind of love|for humanity. {12983}{13076}You hear the best part of the soul|of the common people. {13078}{13153}It's their way of expressing... {13155}{13221}their connection to eternity|or whatever you want to call it. {13223}{13305}Modern music doesn't have|that calamitous loss. {13306}{13382}People can't express themselves|that way anymore. {16911}{16967}It was late 1948... {16969}{17051}when I was five years old, we moved|to this section of Philadelphia. {17053}{17124}This is this project that we lived in. {17126}{17210}I can't remember which we lived in.|They all look the same. {17239}{17287}Jesus. It's grim here. {17289}{17370}Oh, my God! This is where|we went to the market. {17372}{17437}There was a dime store|that sold toys there. {17438}{17551}We used to buy candy and stuff|and comic books. {17553}{17659}The three brothers, me, Charles|and Maxon, hung around together a lot. {17661}{17781}We'd rummage for stuff in the dump. {17783}{17861}One time Charles brought this thing|back from the dump. {17862}{17918}It was this beautiful wooden truck. {17920}{18019}Like an ice cream truck made of wood.|I wanted it really bad. {18021}{18098}He wouldn't let me touch it.|He was spiteful that way. {18100}{18158}So I made a big fuss,|and I told my mother. {18160}{18218}She said, ��Charles,|let him play with that.�� {18220}{18254}He said, ��Okay.�� {18256}{18367}About 15 minutes later, he said,|��Okay, you can play with it now.�� {18369}{18477}I ran outside, and he had smashed it|to smithereens against the wall. {18863}{18938}Charles, you read|any good books lately? {18964}{19032}Yeah, I guess I have.|I don't know. {19063}{19155}You seem to be recycling|a lot of these books. {19157}{19227}What do you mean by ��recycling��? {19229}{19307}You read them 20 years ago.|Now you're reading them again. {19309}{19361}I'm reading them again. Yeah. {19362}{19440}I do that because|there's nothing else to do. {19442}{19510}You've read them all.|You ever read anything new? {19512}{19573}I haven't read Kant or Hegel. {19574}{19699}- You have any interest in that stuff?|- Maybe I'll get around to reading them. {19701}{19797}- You read any recent writers?|- Not really, no. {19799}{19918}- Not interested in them?|- Most aren't that good or interesting. {19920}{20026}They're not as interesting|as the Victorian writers... {20027}{20105}of the late 19th century. {20107}{20171}I always kind of envied your life|in a way. {20173}{20232}My life has become so hectic. {20234}{20296}Why? Because I was so detached|from the human race? {20298}{20351}Is that one of the reasons|why you envy me? {20353}{20404}This cloistered environment|with your books. {20406}{20478}Believe me, it's nothing to envy. {20538}{20620}Charles started this comic thing. {20622}{20696}He was completely obsessed with comics|when we were kids... {20698}{20761}and had absolutely no other|normal kid interest. {20762}{20816}He wasn't interested in toys or games. {20818}{20869}He didn't play sports. {20870}{20984}He didn't do anything but read comics,|draw comics, think comics and talk them. {20986}{21077}I like drawing, but I had other|drawing interests besides comics. {21079}{21164}I liked to draw realistic scenes... {21166}{21230}just pictures of buildings|and cars and stuff. {21232}{21287}He wasn't interested...