50 Ways To Reach Your Goals.PDF

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50 Tips To Help You Reach Your Goals
50 Ways To Reach Your Goals
A collection of ideas, tips, hints and other creative ways to help you achieve the success you desire.
One of the primary factors of a happy, fulfilled life is
a strong foundation of personal achievement. Of all
the joys life has to offer, nothing quite beats the self-
affirming thrill of setting out for and attaining our
heart’s desire.
There is a deep seated, instinctive need in the
emotional make-up of human beings to chase after
whatever makes them happiest – so much so that
the founders of America placed the freedom to do
just that as one of the basic and inalienable rights of
all mankind – part of the definition of what it means
to live a truly free and worthwhile life.
Each of the three main aspects of goal setting and achievement – choosing a
goal, throwing ourselves after it and, finally, reaching success – has its own
unique pleasure - the heart-stirring rush of setting out after something we’ve
always wanted (or just discovered we want), the energizing pull of a finish line
drawing ever nearer, and the giddy wave of satisfaction that fills us when we
finally lay hands on our prize (and begin to eye the horizon for our signs of our
next conquest). This cycle of desire, action and fulfillment creates a convection
current of positive energy in our lives that helps us advance ever higher toward
whatever distant pinnacle or success our journey through life holds in store for
us. Without this energy flow, life can feel flat, dull and meaningless.
In this pages that follow, you will find fifty thought-provoking, effective and just
plain fun techniques to help you succeed in capturing the spirit of adventure and
success for your own individualized pursuit of happiness. Take what you can
use right now, save the rest for a rainy day and get ready to live the life you
dream of.
Soni Pitts
Visit my site at www.sonipitts.com
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Table of Contents
Special Bonus Material:
Susan Meyers' 5 Step Process for Setting Goals
Pg. 4
And The Winner Is – Five great ideas for what to do once you’ve made it!
Pg. 25
Goal Tracking Chart and Instructions
Pg. 27
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A Five-Step Process for Setting Goals
A special section created by Life-Work Coach Susan R. Meyer
The first step to achieving goals is setting goals. If you follow five simple steps, you will have a
very clear roadmap to lead you from today to a wonderful tomorrow.
Step 1 – Create a vision of your ideal future
Write your dream. Be very specific – if you want a home of your own, include all the details.
Where is it? What is nearby? How large is the property? What does the exterior look like? How
many rooms are there and where will they be? What colors is everything painted? What are your
neighbors like? This level of detail will make it much easier to set your goals because you will
see exactly what the end-point is.
Step 2 – Create goals from your vision
What are all the steps you will need to complete to achieve your goal? Make a list. For example,
buying your dream house will involve researching locations and homes for sale. You will need to
pull together money for a down payment. You will need to create a budget to see how much you
can afford to pay monthly. You will need to research and get pre-approval for a mortgage.
Step 3 – Write SMART goals.
SMART goals are goals that help you understand exactly what you need to do. This is what a
SMART goal looks like:
I will save $20,000 within 24 months for a down payment.
S pecific
Describes the end result in terms of what is expected and when it is expected - $20,000
within 24 months.
M easurable
Describes the end result in terms of quality, quantity, deadline or cost - $20,000 within 24
A chievable
Sets a challenge, but can be obtained through effort.
R ealistic
Conditions of the goal are practical and relevant. To save $20,000, you would need to save
$834 each month. Can you actually do this?
T imely
Appropriate in terms of current needs AND time-framed so that it is clear how long the activity
will last. Saving for a down payment is timely if you want a house. Twenty-four months is the
time frame.
Step 4 – Identify obstacles
In the example above, saving $834 a month might not be realistic or achievable. This could
become an obstacle.
Step 5 – Create plans (also known as enabling goals or objectives ) to counter each
If saving $834 is an obstacle, you will need to create alternate goals like investigating no down
payment mortgages or finding ways to borrow part of the money.
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Nuts and Bolts
Research several alternative ways to reach your goal, in case the most obvious path
peters out short of the end
This avoids that trapped feeling you can get when you realize that the goal that you were after
has, for whatever reason, been taken out of your reach. This tactic is similar to the way people
plan a trip - when you know several different ways to get from point A to point B, if one road ends
up being blocked, you can simply backtrack to the nearest turnoff and resume your journey from
another direction. And sometimes, just as in physical traveling, the alternative route turns out to
be more enjoyable and more appropriate for the journey than your first choice.
Set up a goal-tracking chart that allows you to see where you're at on any particular goal –
and what you still need to do
Included at the end of this book is a sample goal-tracking sheet and instructions for use. There is
room on this chart for several goals. This way, you can see at a glance how far along you are on
any of them and whether or not you’re falling behind on any.
This technique allows you to organize all the steps, tasks, and mini-goals at a time when you’re
mentally prepared for it, without worrying later that you’re forgetting something. Plus, when
posted in a prominent position (the family bulletin board, the refrigerator door or your office wall,
for example) it serves as a reminder and a motivator to keep on keeping on.
Periodically re-check and refine (or redefine) your goals
It’s no use struggling to meet a goal that, by the time you get there, no longer fits in with your life.
During obvious stopping spots along the way (say, every 10 lbs on a weight loss goal, or when
you’ve saved enough for a down payment as part of a house-ownership goal), take a few days to
sit back and really feel how you are reacting to reaching this milestone. Are you excited,
chomping at the bit – or nervous, with slight overtones of dread or entrapment?
Some nervousness is to be expected if you’re reaching out in a totally new direction in life, and
it’s only fair to expect that not all feelings you have will be cheery and rosy, even if you truly want
the goal you’re heading for. There is, at the very least, some mourning to go through for the loss
of your old ways and your old life. But take time to make sure that you aren’t ignoring obvious
signals that are screaming, “Run away! Run away!” for good reasons. Wedding jitters, for
example, are perfectly normal; however, trepidation about abusive behavior, which doesn’t seem
to be declining (despite promises to the contrary), is another ball game altogether. Make sure
that the goal you reach is the goal you want.
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