Attraction Lifestyling.pdf

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Attraction Lifestyling
by Brooke Emery
The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the
universe. It states that “like attracts like”. In other words,
your thoughts create your destiny. The movie, The Secret
illustrates the Law of Attraction. Check it out at: Focus on what you want - not what you
don’t want. If you can eliminate “don’t want” from your
vocabulary, your life will get a lot easier. Whenever you
catch yourself talking about what you don’t want, say:
“Cancel! Cancel! Cancel! And then state what you do
Question: How can I let go of my negative thoughts
surrounding money? -Allison
Answer: You can clean out the cobwebs of negative
belief systems by completing the exercise below. It’s
based on my experience at the Millionaire Mind Intensive.
I highly encourage you to attend a Millionaire Mind
Intensive; it is MAD fun to take with a loved one. My
husband, Lee, and I gained a tremendous amount of
insights and created a management system that can
definitely prevent financial negativity. If you are not able
to attend a Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend, you can
purchase the CD’s at:
Read these statements out loud, with excitement and
with your hand on your heart. If you can convince your
significant other to do this also, it’s even better.
T.Harv Ecker statements:
1. I am an excellent money manager.
2. I always pay myself first.
3. I put money into my financial freedom jar
4. My money works hard for me and makes me more
and more money.
5. I earn enough passive income to pay for my
desired lifestyle.
6. I am financially free.
7. I work because I choose to, not because I have to.
8. My part-time business is managing and investing
my money and creating passive income streams.
9. I create my life.
10. I create the exact amount of my financial success.
11. I play the money game to win. My intention is to
create wealth and abundance.
12. I admire and model rich and successful people.
13. I believe money is important, money is freedom
and money makes life more enjoyable.
14. I get rich doing what I love.
15. I deserve to be rich because I add value to other
people’s lives.
16. I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver. (I
LOVE this one!)
17. I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
18. Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
19. My capacity to earn and grow money expands day
by day.
You want more of these, check out the bottom. I spoke to
Chellie at who has 365 of these juicy
statements in her book “Wealthy Spirit”. Read these
fabulous 50 below daily and you will be soaring for days.
The Ladies Who Launch Los Angeles Event got to
experience her.
Happy Attracting!
To send Brooke a question, email: . To learn more about
Brooke, visit her website at:
Practiced daily, these prosperity affirmations will begin to
change your mind and then your experience with money.
These are some of my own personal favorites collected
over the years. Revise them to suit yourself, but
remember to keep them positive and in the present
1. People love to give me money!
2. Something wonderful is happening to me today--I
can feel it!
3. All my affirmations happen in the perfect way for
the highest good of all concerned.
4. I am now earning a great big income doing what
makes me happy.
5. All my bills are paid up and out and I still have all
this money.
6. My affirmations work for me, whether I believe
they will or not.
7. A lot more money is coming to me today--and I
deserve it!
8. Money and love are attracted to me. They flow to
me from all directions in larger and larger
9. I am successful, generous and happy and I’ve
become wealthy from them all.
10. All my clients praise me and pay me!
11. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, waking
and sleeping.
12. I am now highly pleasing to myself in other
people’s presence.
13. I am endlessly creative. Money flows naturally
from my creative endeavors.
14. Every day in every way I am getting more and
more prosperous, happy, joyous and free.
15. I have positive cash flow right here, right now and
16. I am a creative money generator.
17. I am richly paid for the fun work I do. The more fun
I have the more money I make!
18. I am successful, financially and spiritually, inside
and out.
19. I am a lucky person--I feel lucky today!
20. Thank you, God, for the abundant gifts you provide
for me every day.
21. I am a successful money manager and always
make smart financial decisions.
22. I invest wisely and well and all my investments pay
me handsome rewards!
23. I am now enjoying great financial prosperity!
24. It is a pleasure to prosper myself and others.
25. I open to receive prosperity, joy, health, wealth and
26. Money is rushing to me from expected and
unexpected places.
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