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A Man’s Guide
part 1
Female Mind
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The Myth of Pandora’s Box
hen Zeus and the Greek gods created the human female, she was
named Pandora, and given many gifts. Among those gifts were
beauty, wit, charm, eloquence, curiosity and also deceit.
Zeus then gives her a box and tells her NEVER to open it. She holds onto
it for a while, but eventually her curiosity gets the best of her and she
opens it.
When she opens it, every kind of evil begins to fly out from the box,
trickery, deceit, lies, manipulation, chaos, hatred and anger… and as this is
happens, she becomes scared and slams the box shut, trapping one thing
inside – hope.
This system is called Pandora’s Box because it represents hope for men
to make sense of the chaos, deceit and frustration that exists inside the
female mind.
– what we’ve developed is the first
applicable method for understanding and controlling what exists inside
the female mind. It is the result of several hundred hours of research
both scientific research as well as real-life experimentation, hundreds of
interviews with women.
By the end of this program you’ll have a game plan for every different
type of girl on the planet, from identifying her type quickly to having her
completely devoted to you. You’ll know exactly what to do to get the girls
you’ve always wanted.
Groundbreaking research
Let me tell you what this is NOT:
• This not some new age pop-psychology fad that will be gone in a
year’s time
• This is not boring academic theory that sounds good on paper but has
no real world application
• This is not lame and manipulative pickup techniques or any misogynistic
ways to get into a woman’s pants. Understanding this stuff will bring a
newfound love and appreciation to women and put you light years ahead
of any other guy she might be talking to.
As the project leader I have to give credit where credit is due
. I
cannot simply take credit for such a massive project.
First, my lead trainer Brian Burke, who dug deep into about 50-60 books
on the topic of psychology, specifically evolutionary psychology, female
psychology and sexual psychology.
He also spent close to a hundred hours interviewing women and delving
deep into their psyche and mental processes. He will also be the main
contributor on this program.
I also need to thank Matt Konig, my personal success coach who conducted
interviews, managed the overall project and made sure everyone stayed on
task, and also offered a TON of insight into behavioral psychology.
Chris Heart – who helped with the interview process, and did some very
specific research to the more rare character types of women across all age
groups. He specifically researched the topic of how women change due to
their personal experiences and also as they get older.
Now here’s what makes this project unique… Each one of these team
leaders has phenomenal success with women, and for the past two years
we have been secretly testing and refining the Pandora’s Box system with
real live women.
In addition to the “everything on the table” interviews we’ve conducted
with women who were AWARE of this project – there were also
hundreds of women that, through talking to, attracting and dating, were
unknowingly allowing us to test and refine this material. And be assured.
Every precaution was taken to safeguard the psyches of these women.
The research was so intense, I actually almost went insane from forcing
myself to seduce and develop relationships with women who were
normally NOT my type, women who I would NEVER date, but had to for
the sake of being thorough.
Many other teachers in this industry treat women as exactly the same, and
will blindly teach you what works on ONE specific character type of woman.
And while this might lead to some success sometimes, it’s just a fraction of
what’s possible when you become more accurate. Not knowing they are only
hitting about 12% of the total demographic. As you’ll soon discover, there
are EIGHT very different character types of women, and understanding the
differences will open up your options and give you tremendous power.
You’ll probably know yourself that even guys who are quite good with
women are still only consistently getting a “type” or “sort” of woman,
and not experiencing success with a wide range of types of women. This
program will give you that ability.
There is also some research that should go unmentioned, as it might
conflict with the morals of the more conservative listeners. We have all
made significant sacrifices in our lives to truly develop something that
will push societies understanding of female sexual psychology to the
next evolution.
The end result is that me, my team, and even the video crew who
happened to be watching our interviews incidentally have all multiplied
our powers with women, we have increased our versatility, and increased
the certainty of our ability to pick and choose women and strategically
form romantic relationship with them, with much less frustration,
guessing games and rejection.
You are going to end up with the same power.
Here’s What You Will Be Able To Do:
• You will be able to SEE INSIDE THE MIND of ANY woman you choose.
You won’t literally see her exact thoughts, but you will be able to predict,
with a high level of accuracy, her emotions, feelings and future behavior.
Women will intuitively
sense the difference between you and other guys. It mostly manifests
in your facial expressions, eye contact and body language. She will
know that there is something different about you. It’s just like being in a
foreign country and seeing someone from your home country – you can
sense it from their mannerisms and body language before you even hear
them speak.
• You will have a hyper-understanding of the female mind which
CHANGES the vibe you are putting across.
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