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A Man’s Guide
The Goal
Female Mind
part 2
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Redefining Total Devotion
his system is TOTALLY unique because it has the most ambitious goal
ever – getting complete and total devotion from a woman – whatever
woman you choose.
Defining the goal was a real challenge. There were a couple different
possibilities, and the initial ones that we considered just didn’t seem
powerful enough.
The first obvious goal was sex. After all, most guys want to have more sex,
and that’s the goal for 90% of the guys that go out to pick up women.
And while having sex with a woman is sometimes a challenge, it doesn’t
guarantee long term commitment from her in the modern age. It might
have worked in 1922 but not now!
In our research we’ve found no less than a dozen women who have
numbers in the triple digits! That’s right many women have had sex with a
hundred men or more!)
But even if you consider a girl who has had 30 partners, that’s still a lot.
Now imagine that you successfully sleep with a woman who has had many
Is sleeping with her going to guarantee anything? Is she going to be your
No! You’re not going to make any more impression than a customer
ordering a hamburger at McDonalds. Over a hundred billion served. Your
burger doesn’t change the overall economy of the McDonalds franchise.
So clearly, sex is not the ultimate goal.
The next goal we considered was falling in love. If you could get a woman
to fall in love, you’ve won the game, right?
Very young or inexperienced women fall in love INCREDIBLY easy. This is
especially true if they have not dated any real players yet.
And guess what – if she’s inexperienced – she can be quick to fall in love,
but also quick to fall out of love, or even worse – quick to fall in love with
someone else!
So after we really thought about it – we defined the goal of the Pandora’s
Box System as TOTAL DEVOTION - From any woman, no matter how old
she is, what race she is, how much experience she has, how many other
guys are chasing her, and of course how hot she is.
And by total devotion I mean that she is willing to give up her current life
plans, and devote her entire being to supporting you on your journey.
You will get her bending over backwards, going to ridiculous lengths to
be by your side, supporting you, and making you her first priority above
everything else, including her family.
So not only will you get the normal things that most guys want – like
picking her up, getting her to be responsive to your calls, getting her to
have sex with you whenever you want – but you’ll also be able to take the
relationship much further.
For example if you want a woman to make breakfast for you every
morning, iron your clothes, and does errands to make your life easier,
and gives you that real feeling of YEAH this girl would do ANYTHING for
me. The Pandora’s Box System is the only Surefire way of getting that to
happen. And in fact that is exactly how Matt, one of the first guys to learn
this system, how his girlfriend treats him now.
is a very accurate model of how the female
mind works. That is why it can be applied to any woman.
A man could take the most hardened, street-wise high dollar strippers and
make them purr like tame, submissive little kittens.
Or he could take the most sheltered, religious girl and turn her into a wild
animal in bed, getting her to completely abandon all social programming
The key is to knowing her type and applying the CORRECT strategy.
Things like disloyalty, her cheating on you, rejection, her flirting with
other guys, losing interest, getting in arguments, all comes from the using
the wrong strategy for her type. This problem has now been solved.
The Pandora’s Box System
©Vin DiCarlo
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