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// DG Natal Degrees
// Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane 1967.
[ 1] Aries
1 IMPULSE. 1° Aries denotes strong will, great activity, but usually poor
judgment. Aspects to the ASC are most important for this degree. Military or
artistic endeavors. The fixed star Difda is here. A "critical" (emphasized)
2 AGGRESSION. 2° Aries denotes an impetuous person, but a good organizer and
producer. A tendency toward Jealousy. Scientific or mathematical ability.
3 CUTTING. 3° Aries denotes a sense of humor, and a sense of display of the
intellectual faculties. Peace loving, fearless, with a tendency to overreach
himself. Surgeons and humorists may have placements here.
4 RASHNESS. 4° Aries denotes a tendency to "rush in." Fortunate, but may find
difficulty through his own haste. Loyal and faithful, and if self-control is
gained, a leader who is respected. Mathematical or financial or artistic
ability. Andrew Mellon (Sun).
5 ELEGANCE. 5° Aries denotes a person of good taste, but inclined to vanity.
Prodigal and exuberant. Hairdressers and cosmeticians frequently have placements
6 UNCERTAINTY. 6° Aries denotes a restless person who may become involved in
unsuccessful enterprises. There may be some physical, moral, or mental handicap.
7 RESTLESS. 7° Aries denotes one who is always desiring to move on. Sometimes
a drifter. Scientists who never reach the end of their research. Butchers and
those having to do with forests often have this degree present in their charts.
8 WARY. 8° Aries denotes one who is ultra-cautious and conservative, fond of
hunting, silent one minute and verbose the next. Dentists and sculptors
sometimes have planets here.
9 ARBITRARY. 9° Aries denotes one who is either overbearing or a dullard,
although courage can and will be displayed at times. Those dealing with or
handling the weapons of war are apt to have placements here. The fixed star
Algenib is here.
10 PRIDE. 10° Aries denotes one who is a staunch friend and a dangerous enemy.
Sometimes overconfident. May gain through the help of friends.
11 VICTORY. 11° Aries denotes one who is successfully ambitious, a lover of
science and philosophy, sensitive to spiritual forces. The career will be
unusual, and may be related to railroads, to the manufacture of cotton materials
or metal objects, or electricity.
12 CHANGEABLE. 12° Aries denotes a person who tends toward one extreme or the
other. Can be unusually reasonable or unusually unreasonable. Heat, metals, and
fevers are involved with this degree. Plumbers and gold miners sometimes have
placements here.
13 INSTINCTIVE. 13° Aries denotes one who is intuitive and with a sense of
patriotism or property rights. There is generally unusual strength. Strong men
and athletes, as well as doctors and lawyers often have planets in this degree.
14 TRIAL. 14° Aries denotes one who has many trials in early life, but who
wins the rewards in later years. People dealing with spheres, such as ball
players and astrologers, often have planets here. The fixed star Alpharax is
here also. A critical degree.
15 ALONE. 15° Aries denotes one who is isolated in some way from others,
whether he be on a throne or in poverty and want. Usually much ability, but
inclined to be timid.
16 HEADSTRONG. 16° Aries denotes one who, often with the best intentions,
"sticks his neck out," and either cannot rely on others or is, himself,
unreliable. Often a public character, musician, lawyer, or orator.
17 NATURE. 17° Aries denotes one who is a nature lover, interested in the
natural laws of the metaphysical understanding. Does best in agriculture or
other activity close to nature.
18 ADVENTURE. 18° Aries denotes one who is romantically inclined and
interested in taking chances of all kinds. Often found in the charts of
19 NOBILITY. 19° Aries denotes a person capable of great concentration and
creative ability. Orators, electricians and actors often have placements here.
20 INTENT. 20° Aries denotes an unusual amount of concentration or being fixed
on one thing. Gold miners, machinists, blacksmiths and mystics are apt to have
placements in this degree.
21 RISK. 21° Aries denotes one who is adventurous and may take many chances.
Sometimes unscrupulous, other times denotes self-sacrifice. Novelists sometimes
have this degree occupied in their charts. The fixed star Eaten Kaitos is here.
22 MERIT. 22° Aries denotes a person who is unusually active and dependable,
but there is some danger of accident and/or misfortune. Conceited but respected.
Musical inclinations.
23 AMUSEMENT. 23° Aries denotes a person who may succeed in the "popular"
entertainment field, but who has neither the ability nor the drive to become
truly great. A tendency for carelessness, but physically very active. However,
they tend to be honest and just.
24 FATALIST. 24° Aries denotes either one with extreme patience and love of
his fellows, or a weakling who is the victim of his own thoughts. It is one of
the "karmic" degrees.
25 WANTON. 25° Aries denotes one who if uncontrolled will display the less
desirable conduct of one who is without morals. Under control it becomes a
degree which upholds law and order. Policemen sometimes have this degree in
their charts.
26 ATTAINMENT. 26° Aries denotes a person who either attains spiritual
consciousness or becomes selfish and grasping. Has something to do with
religion, or lack of it.
27 DISCOVERY. 27° Aries denotes one whose consuming curiosity either causes
him to find something of value to the world, or just gives a good case of "nose
trouble." Usually gifted in scientific, writing, inventive, or exploratory
fields. Auctioneers and detectives sometimes have placements in this sign. The
fixed stars Al Pherg and Vertex are both here also.
28 OPTIMISTIC. 28° Aries denotes one who is usually opposing something or
someone and who confidently expects to win. Lawyers, sportsmen and reformers
often have this degree occupied.
29 NOVELTY. 29° Aries denotes a person given to novelty and the unusual.
Unusual things are apt to happen to them. Scientific discovery relating to the
30 LABOR. 30° Aries denotes a worker who will set a high, but reachable goal
for himself. There are apt to be unexpected changes. May be a person who stops
at nothing to gain his objective, or may drive himself without mercy. The fixed
star Mirach is here.
[ 2] Taurus
1 DEMANDING. 1° Taurus denotes an imperious person whose demands on others
may lead to estrangement from them. There is a good mentality, however, if it
does not become too calculating for the person's own good.
2 STRUGGLE. 2° Taurus denotes a person whose life is filled with struggle and
strife. An interest in occultism. May become embittered to the point of cruelty,
or compassionate to the point of true self-sacrifice.
3 IMPOTENCE. 3° Taurus denotes a person who is basically artistic, scientific
or visionary, but who may meet with so many problems in life that he gives up in
despair. He tends to be estranged from others. The fixed star is Sharatan.
4 TACTICAL. 4° Taurus denotes a person whose work or life is concerned with
plots, plans or schemes. A good degree for writers, policemen, and organizers.
Love may come late in life, or be of an "unseasonable" nature.
5 SECRETIVE. 5° Taurus denotes a person who may succeed through concealing an
original condition. Sometimes the emotional responses are low, and some natives
of this degree are unsuited for marriage.
6 SYMPATHETIC. 6° Taurus denotes a person who is quiet and unambitious, but
usually cordial. There is a tendency for isolation. The degree deals with
nature's magic, chemistry, and is one of the astrological degrees.
7 INDUCTION. 7° Taurus denotes a person capable of magnetic healing, as it
has something to do with the electrical and magnetic forces. May be a reformer
or a deceiver. The fixed star Hamal is here also.
8 VIGOROUS. 8° Taurus denotes a person who by sheer perseverance will climb
in life. If persistent in the wrong directions, of course, will reap the full
results of foolhardiness. Usually physically attractive and mentally alert.
9 PERSEVERANCE. 9° Taurus denotes one who is either extremely contrary and
stubborn, or one with great will power and drive. Teachers, scientists, and
electrical work are favored.
10 PATERNAL. 10° Taurus denotes a "father-figure" or a "mother-figure" in
response to conditions. Orators, singers, and jewelers sometimes have placements
here. This is a critical degree.
11 UNINHIBITED. 11° Taurus denotes one who is usually carefree, with acute
physical sensibilities, which can be carried too far. It is generous, artistic,
and has good imagination and much originality.
12 ENERGETIC. 12° Taurus denotes one who is dexterous, usually skillful and
graceful in motion. Tries to please others and expects return in kind; sometimes
anticipates it.
13 EXCHANGE. 13° Taurus denotes a person to whom transference and a free flow
of energies is important. Gives prudence and financial ability. Good at
merchandising and trading.
14 MAGNETIC. 14° Taurus denotes a person with magnetic qualities or interests.
Electricians, politicians. magnetic healers, hypnotists, propagandists, and
mystics frequently have this degree in their charts. The fixed stars Almach and
Menkar are here.
15 MOVEMENT. 15° Taurus denotes a person who may travel extensively either in
body or mind, or may have something to do with the motion of fluids and/or
16 INSPIRER. 16° Taurus denotes one who is not only himself inspired, but who
passes that inspiration along to others to carry forward.
17 COCKSURE. 17° Taurus denotes one who is unintelligently sure he is always
right. An original person who has influence on those around him. This degree is
stronger in the male chart.
18 VIBRATION. 18° Taurus denotes one whose life is involved with vibrations or
frequencies, such as musicians and inquirers into cyclic periods.
19 EVOLVEMENT. 19° Taurus denotes one who, if the temper and hatreds can be
controlled, is capable of making great strides in his own evolution.
20 FLOWERING. 20° Taurus denotes a sweet, gentle character who may possess
attributes of genius. Teaching, acting, dancing, oratory, inventing, and
composing are all favored.
21 AMBITION. 21° Taurus denotes one who may carry this to an extreme, ruthless
towards all which seems to block his path. May be connected with poisons.
22 SINGULAR. 22° Taurus denotes one who has an unusual quality or ability, or
a fixation on one particular thing or idea. Fame or notoriety may be the result.
23 DISCREET. 23° Taurus denotes a person who keeps himself to himself and
seldom lets others know of his plans in advance. This is a critical degree.
24 COMPROMISE. 24° Taurus denotes a good politician and/or statesman. Also has
some connection with humorists and showmen.
25 EXPERIMENTAL. 25° Taurus denotes a person whose ideas require testing and
checking. Good for scientific research and philosophical inquiry.
26 ANALYTICAL. 26° Taurus denotes one whose impulse is to analyze and reflect.
Good degree for research and invention where re-evaluation of known qualities is
required. The fixed star Algol is here also.
27 SUPERIOR. 27° Taurus denotes one who is by nature authoritative, but earns
the respect of others as well as their love. A good business degree, or for one
who is "boss" or in charge of proceedings.
28 MAGICIAN. 28° Taurus denotes one who is interested in magic and the occult,
but unless a fine character is developed, will tend to dabble in the "black
arts." This degree has something to do with the sight, and with those who deal
with alcohol.
29 DESIRE. 29° Taurus denotes a native who is ever striving to correct the
past or acquire the new. Usually discontented. The fixed star Alcoyne is here.
30 EXPRESSIVE. 30° Taurus denotes some dramatic qualities, or a tendency to
dramatize. May be musical. Friends and relatives may assist the career.
[ 3] GEMINI.
1 GO-GETTER. 1° Gemini denotes one who is enterprising enough not only to get
what he wants, but to give to others what he thinks they want. Patience
extraordinary for precise work. Artists, engravers, astronomers, watchmakers and
others whose work requires great accuracy often have placements here.
2 INTELLECT. 2° Gemini is one of the writer's degrees, but the native of it
has a tendency to overreach himself.
3 PRECISE. 3° Gemini denotes one who is extremely ambitious but does not
overlook the smallest detail involved in his work.
4 DEXTERITY. 4° Gemini denotes one who is versatile, artistic, literary,
musical. Gives good skill with hand and mind coordination. The fixed star Prima
Hyadum is here.
5 CONDUCTION. 5° Gemini denotes an ability for magnetic healing. Energetic,
sympathetic, and intuitive, this is a critical degree.
6 REBEL. 6° Gemini denotes one who is outspoken with respect to current
conditions which he finds undesirable. May travel extensively.
7 WRITER. 7° Gemini denotes one who is involved with literary work and/or
8 IMPATIENT. 8° Gemini denotes a good retentive mind, but lacking in
originality and a tendency to be quarrelsome because of a lack of imagination.
9 CONTRADICTORY. 9° Gemini denotes one who seems to be at cross-purposes with
the self, or who leads a dual existence consisting of very dissimilar qualities.
Foreign connections are the rule. The fixed star Aldebaran is here.
10 CAUTION. 10° Gemini denotes one with a sharp intellect and an eye for his
own interests, but generous where affections are concerned.
11 ICONOCLAST. 11° Gemini denotes one who sees through and attempts to
dethrone the "sacred cows" of his society. Talented and friendly, an
12 CRITIC. 12° Gemini denotes an unusual person whose criticism of others and
conditions can degenerate to mere sarcasm. Much ability in many lines of
13 DIRECTION. 13° Gemini denotes one who is restless and always pushing
forward to new fields of endeavor. Engineering, mechanical work, or factors
dealing with speed and distance involved.
14 WEAKLING. 14° Gemini denotes one of weak character, easily swayed by others
although the intentions may be good. Sometimes merely a story teller of one sort
or another.
15 CURIOSITY. 15° Gemini denotes one who is curious about everything and
everybody. This can help the person to educate and balance himself, or he can
descend to being a mere "busy-body."
16 PREDICTION. 16° Gemini denotes one whose intuition is close to the surface
and active, but sometimes is swayed by the opinions of others, or whose
imagination runs away with them. The fixed star Rigel is here.
17 BENEVOLENCE. 17° Gemini denotes one who is kindly and charitable and who
may spend a lifetime working for others without reward for the self. There is
some connection with music.
18 TWO-SIDED. 18° Gemini denotes one who has two "faces" to his personality
and interests. Usually gives sharp wits and a sharp tongue. Sometimes seems to
have traits of the opposite sex. This is a critical degree,
19 TALENT. 19° Gemini denotes an artistic person, but one whose emotions may
be overly active, and one who may be weak of character and not develop the
abilities inherent.
20 POWER. 20° Gemini denotes one with much ability but apt to overreach
himself. Also a degree dealing with violent tempers, which should be trained for
control at an early age. The fixed star Bellatrix is here also.
21 COMPETITIVE. 21° Gemini denotes one who is alert and a good trader, but who
may become so involved in the fine points of competition as to lose sight of the
goal. The fixed star Capella is here.
22 FORESIGHT. 22° Gemini denotes one who usually makes the right choices in
life. There is also some ability for mathematics, as well as a great deal of
"luck" in guessing or estimating. The fixed stars Phact, Mintaka, Al Nath, and
Ensis are here also.
23 THEORY. 23° Gemini denotes one who is apt to formulate theories or guesses,
and be right just often enough to be surprising. This is also a mathematical
degree. The fixed star Alnilam is here also.
24 CONFIDENCE. 24° Gemini denotes one who has confidence in himself and in
others, but who under adversity may experience a loss of confidence as well. The
fixed star Al Hecka is here.
25 STUDIOUS. 25° Gemini denotes a person much given to serious study, usually
of a scientific turn of mind.
26 GAIETY. 26° Gemini denotes one fond of gaiety and motion. Dancing may be a
27 SOLEMNITY. 27° Gemini denotes one with a solemn or melancholy temperament.
If this native tries to look on the bright side, this can be changed.
28 ARTIST. 28° Gemini denotes one whose art ability may verge upon genius, but
who may not put it to use. There is a fondness also for the past and things
associated with it. The fixed stars Polaris and Betelguese are here also.
29 ORIGINAL. 29° Gemini denotes a person who sees things differently and
approaches his problems in an original manner. Inventive abilities usually, with
a tendency to be active and impulsive.
30 IMITATION. 30° Gemini denotes a person who may either emulate or merely
"ape" those he admires. Usually much talent if trained early, otherwise they
merely follow.
[ 4] CANCER.
1 OUTGOING. 1° Cancer denotes one who is outgoing, or whose work or
production is for others. Music and literature have some bearing in this degree.
2 AFFECTION. 2° Cancer denotes one who is warmhearted and affectionate.
Sometimes astrologers have this degree present in their charts. It gives good
understanding of the problems of others.
3 CLINGING. 3° Cancer denotes one who tends to cling to others, and finds it
difficult to make his own way. The fixed star Tejat is here.
4 SOUND. 4° Cancer denotes one having an unusually acute sense of hearing.
Music is much favored here because of this.
5 GENTILITY. 5° Cancer denotes one who is "touchy" in many respects with an
acute sense of protocol. Literary taste or talents are favored. The fixed star
Dirah is here also.
6 ACQUISITION. 6° Cancer denotes one who is an acquirer, positively as a
hobby collecting particular items, negatively as a miser or hoarder.
7 IMPRUDENT. 7° Cancer denotes one with an acute sense of justice, but brash
in attempting to bring about rectification of it.
8 OVERBEARING. 8° Cancer denotes one who has difficulty understanding that
others have rights and opinions which may differ from his own.
9 CUNNING. 9° Cancer denotes one of great versatility and skill, but who is
apt to apply it with more craft than intelligence. The fixed star Alhena is
10 MATERNAL. 10° Cancer denotes one who is a loving parent, having great
patience and selflessness. Also makes a good teacher or animal trainer.
11 STEADFAST. 11° Cancer denotes one who has artistic inclinations, but the
native is more inclined to work in the business world. Good at finance, reliable
and honest.
12 ORATORY. 12° Cancer denotes one who can be a magnetic speaker, swaying all
those who hear him under his spell. There is, however, some danger of
13 MOBILE. 13° Cancer denotes one whose temper changes quickly and who is
intelligent but apt to be overly finicky about petty details.
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