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The Hutchinson Dictionary of Abbreviations
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Abbreviations
Here at last is a dictionary that not only gives the expanded form of
abbreviations, but also explains them. Concentrating on currently used
terms, there are clear explanations of abbreviations from fields such as
computing, current affairs, medicine, education, warfare, and even
newspaper advertisements.
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CCebook 풭냦뗧ퟓ쫩닖뿢
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Å angstrom
A or amp ampere
A1 first class
AA Alcoholics Anonymous; Automobile Association
ABC American Broadcasting Company
ab init. ab initio (Latin 'from the beginning')
ABM anti-ballistic missile
ABTA Association of British Travel Agents
AC alternating current (electricity)
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service
acct. account
AC/DC alternating or direct current (electricity)
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
ACTH adrenocorticotropin or adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACV air-cushion vehicle
AD anno Domini (Latin 'in the year of the Lord')
ADC analogue-to-digital converter
ADD attention deficit disorder
ADH antidiuretic hormone
adj. adjective
admin. administration, administrative, administrator
ADP adenosine diphosphate; automatic data processing
adv. adverb
AEA Atomic Energy Authority
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CCebook 풭냦뗧ퟓ쫩닖뿢
AFD accelerated freeze drying
AFV armoured fighting vehicle
AGM annual general meeting
AGR advanced gas-cooled (nuclear) reactor
AH anno Hegirae (Latin 'year of the migration' – of Muhammad, from Mecca
to Medina)
AI artificial intelligence; artificial insemination
AID artificial insemination by donor
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIH artificial insemination by husband
a.k.a. also known as
AM amplitude modulation
a.m. ante meridiem (Latin 'before noon')
amt. amount
amu atomic mass unit
ANC African National Congress
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOB any other business
AP Associated Press
APEX Advance-Purchase Excursion (reduced air fares)
APC armoured personnel carrier
API application programming interface
approx. approximately
APR annual (or annualized) percentage rate (charged for credit)
ARC Aids-related complex
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