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Developmental Neurorehabilitation , January – March 2007; 10(1): 75–81
Flashback to the 1960s: LSD in the treatment of autism
1 School of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia, 2 Department of Special Education, The University of Texas at
Austin, USA, and 3 University of Bari, Italy
(Received 10 April 2006; revised 22 September 2006; accepted 22 September 2006)
Between 1959 and 1974, several groups of researchers issued reports on the use of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in
the treatment of children with autism. This paper reviews that literature to consider how the authors justified these studies,
as well as their methods, results, and conclusions. The justification for using LSD was often based on the default logic that
other treatment efforts had failed. Several positive outcomes were reported with the use of LSD, but most of these studies
lacked proper experimental controls and presented largely narrative/descriptive data. Today there is renewed interest in the
use of psychedelic drugs for therapeutic purposes. While this resurgence of research has not yet included children with
autism, this review of the LSD studies from the 1960s and 1970s offers important lessons for future efforts to evaluate new
or controversial treatments for children with autism.
Keywords: Autism , LSD
Entre los a˜ os 1959 y 1974 varios grupos de investigaci´ n publicaron reportes acerca del uso de la dietilamida de ´cido
lis´rgico (LSD) en el tratamiento de ni˜ os con autismo. Este art´culo revisa esa literatura para considerar como justifican los
autores estos estudios, as´ como sus m´todos, resultados y conclusiones. La justificaci´ n para el uso del LSD se basaba
generalmente en la l´ gica de que otros intentos de tratamiento hab´an fracasado. Varios resultados positivos fueron
reportados con el uso del LSD, pero la mayor´a de estos estudios carec´an de controles experimentales apropiados y
presentaban ampliamente datos descriptivos/narrativos. En la actualidad existe un inter´s renovado en el uso de drogas
psicod´licas con fines terap´uticos. Ya que el resurgimiento de la investigaci´ na´ n no ha incluido a ni˜ os con autismo, esta
revisi´ n de los estudios de LSD de 1960 a 1970 ofrece lecciones importantes para esfuerzos futuros que busquen evaluar
tratamientos controvertidos o nuevos para ni˜ os con autismo.
Palabras clave: Autismo, LSD
schizophrenia [3]. Consistent with this conceptuali-
zation, treatment was firmly rooted in the clinical
psychiatry of the day. By the early 1960s, numerous
biologic treatments (e.g., electric convulsive shock,
sub-shock insulin, amphetamines, and antidepres-
sants) had been used in an attempt to help children
with autism [4]. This is a brief historical review of one
such treatment; the psychedelic drug known as LSD.
Between 1959 and 1974, several groups of
researchers issued reports on the use of LSD in the
Ever since Kanner first described autism in 1943,
researchers have struggled to explain and effectively
treat this perplexing disorder [1]. Various etiological
theories have been proposed, ranging from Kanner’s
original albeit often forgotten conclusion that the
condition was probably biological in origin, to more
psychoanalytic accounts [2]. A prevailing view in
the 1950s and 1960s was that autism represented
a childhood version of adult psychosis or
Correspondence: Jeff Sigafoos, School of Education, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 66, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia.
E-mail: Jeff.Sigafoos@utas.edu.au
ISSN 1751–8423 print/ISSN 1751–8431 online/07/010075–7 2007 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/13638490601106277
76 J. Sigafoos et al.
treatment of children with autism. This paper
provides a historical review and methodological
critique of the use of LSD in the treatment
of children with autism and related disorders.
We consider the justification offered for these
studies, as well as their methods, results, and
From today’s perspective, LSD might appear to be
one of the more peculiar approaches to the treatment
of autism with little contemporary relevance.
However, there is renewed interest in the use of
LSD for therapeutic purposes [5]. Once again
researchers are focusing on evaluating the potential
of LSD and other psychedelic drugs for treating a
range of problems, such as post-traumatic stress [6]
and anxiety [7]. Given this renewed interest it would
seem timely to re-evaluate the literature from the
initial era of LSD experimentation on children with
autism. Doing so may highlight important lessons
that should be considered when designing research
to evaluate new or controversial treatments.
In addition, because few of our contemporaries
seem aware that research of this nature had once
been conducted, we thought a review of this
literature might not only be of interest to readers,
but also stimulate thoughtful reflection on
contemporary autism practice, which is littered
with unproven, ineffective, and possibly harmful
treatments [8].
Shortly after this accident he deliberately ingested
a very small amount of the substance (0.25 milli-
gram) to confirm that LSD-25 was in fact respon-
sible for the strange effects he had experienced a few
days earlier. Within 40 minutes he began to experi-
ence similar symptoms, but this time the effect was
not so pleasant. Instead he found the sensations to
be rather more disturbing and intense. A few
additional self-experiments by Hofmann and collea-
gues confirmed that LSD was indeed an incredibly
powerful intoxicant even in extremely small dosages.
Impressed by these powerful effects, Hofmann’s
employer, Sandoz, approved further trials to estab-
lish its toxicity and physiological effects. In 1947,
Stoll published the results of what appears to be the
first human trial, which involved 16 healthy volun-
teers and 6 patients with schizophrenia [11]. He
reported that the drug produced ‘very impressive
disturbances of perception and visual hallucinations’
(p. 279), but also appeared to induce vegetative-like
states and some motor control problems. Stoll took
some LSD himself, extending Hoffman’s precedence
of self-experimentation. (Parenthetically, while no
substitute for the randomized controlled trial, self-
experimentation has a legitimate role in treatment
evaluation and may enable researchers to gain some
understanding of the effects of any treatment that
they seek to use with children. Gandevia [12]
outlined several methodological and ethical issues
that need to be considered in self-experimentation.)
Under the influence of LSD, Stoll initially enjoyed
the condition and felt rather euphoric. But his
euphoria soon turned to depression, which lingered
for several days.
Depression aside, Hofmann and others at Sandoz
agreed that Stoll’s trial had demonstrated some
clinical potential for LSD. It was soon marketed as
an experimental drug for the study of psychosis and
as a possible facilitator of psychotherapy. They made
the drug freely available to researchers and medical
personnel for such experimental and clinical pur-
poses. Several autism researchers were among those
who made use of the newly available substance.
Background: Albert Hofmann’s
problem child
In 1943 the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann
accidentally discovered the psychedelic properties
of LSD [9]. The manner is which this discovery was
made is a classic illustration of the role and value of
serendipity in scientific discoveries so well docu-
mented by Gest [10]. Briefly, in 1938 Hofmann
produced the substance known as LSD or more
technically LSD-25, so called because it was ‘the
twenty-fifth substance in this series of lysergic acid
derivatives’ [9, section 1.3]. It was thought that this
new drug might have some potential as a circulatory
and respiratory stimulant, but initial animal tests
were rather uninteresting and so the project was
discontinued. Five years later, Hofmann synthesized
some more LSD for further testing. In the process he
accidentally absorbed enough of the substance to
produce the perceptual distortions for which the
drug is so infamous. He reported feeling restless,
dizzy, and having an extremely stimulated imagina-
tion consisting of a stream of ‘fantastic pictures,
extraordinary shapes with intense kaleidoscopic play
of colors.’ [9, section 1.4]. These feelings and
sensations, he noted, were not unpleasant.
The Autism/LSD studies
The first public reports on the use of LSD in the
treatment of children occurred in 1959 at a
conference in Princeton New Jersey [13]. The
conference was devoted to the use of LSD in
psychotherapy and included several independent
references to its use with autistic-schizophrenic
children. A summary published the following year
included comment on five such studies [13]. As
noted by Rhead [14], while these initial reports
LSD in the treatment of autism 77
lacked critical detail, the results were considered
‘quite promising in a number of cases.’ (p. 93).
A more formal study by Freedman, Ebin, and
Wilson appeared in print two years later [15]. It is
worth considering the Freedman et al. study in some
detail because their methodological approach is fairly
typical to that of many subsequent LSD studies.
Freedman et al. gave LSD to 12 ‘autistic schizo-
phrenic’ children. The sample consisted of 10 boys
and 2 girls who ranged from 5 years 11 months to 11
years 10 months of age. Varying dosages of LSD
(either 50, 100 or 200 m g) were given on one or two
occasions. The drug was administered orally as the
child arrived at school in the morning. The children
were continually observed for the next several hours
with ‘Careful notes ...taken of all physiological and
mental changes ...’ (p. 39).
The researchers noted that the signs of LSD
inebriation became apparent within 15–30 min with
the effect lasting 4–5 hours. Physiologically not too
much happened. Some children became flush and
their pupils dilated, but neither pulse nor blood
pressure showed much change. Behaviourally, the
effects varied. Three children were said to show
evidence of catatonia (e.g., strange, fixed position of
hands, bizarre postures, waxy flexibility of arms).
None of the children ate their lunch until the drug
wore off. Freedman et al.’s narrative description of
the children’s behaviour under LSD includes refer-
ence to increased physical contact, disappearance of
physical mannerisms, and development of what were
interpreted as new bodily sensations. These appar-
ently new bodily sensations were evidenced by the
fact that ‘...all but four of the children were
observed to repeatedly stroke or move a particular
area – most often the lips or mouth’ (p. 41). Psychic
effects were also noted, including rapid moods
swings ‘from extreme elation to extreme depression’,
increased anxiety, and signs of both auditory and
visual hallucinations (p. 41). The authors were
primarily interested in evaluating whether LSD
might promote speech, but the ‘hoped for change
from muteness to speech did not occur’ (p. 44).
Considering their results in light of previous research
on adults with schizophrenia, the authors found
‘little hope for its [i.e., LSD’s] success in the
treatment of children’ (p. 44).
Despite Freedman et al.’s pessimistic conclusion,
the pace of LSD research accelerated over the next
few years. Their less than promising results were
countered by assertions that children respond
differently to psychedelic agents than adults.
Children were not only said to show fewer medica-
tion side effects, but they also developed tolerance
more slowly and thus could receive larger doses [4].
The emerging journal literature soon included a
good number of studies [4,15–21]. By 1969, the
volume of literature was sufficient to warrant a
systematic review [22].
However, this initial era of legitimate LSD
experimentation was already coming to a close by
the time this first review was published in 1969.
Faced with increasing hysteria and negative publicity
stemming from recreational misuse, Sandoz stopped
the production and distribution of LSD in 1965 [9].
In the USA, researchers could still obtain supplies
from the National Institutes of Mental Health, but
the numerous bureaucratic hurdles discouraged
research [5]. The last studies to examine the effects
of LSD in the treatment of children with autism
appeared in the early 1970s [19,21] and the second,
more comprehensive review of the literature
appeared in 1977 [14].
Thirty years have now lapsed since Rhead’s
comprehensive review of research on LSD as a
treatment for children with autism and related
disorders [14]. From this historical vantage point,
and given the renewed interest in psychedelic drugs
for therapeutic purposes [5], it would seem timely to
re-examine the initial wave of Autism/LSD studies.
Consideration of the justification for — and the
methods, results, and conclusions of — these studies
may offer important lessons for future generations of
researchers and clinicians.
Justification for the LSD studies
The primary justification offered for the Autism/
LSD studies was based on the logic of default.
Simply put, nothing much seemed to work very well,
so why not try LSD. Simmons et al. [20], for
example, employed this logic for their first LSD
study. After listing the range of treatments that had
been tried up to that point, they correctly noted that:
‘In many instances successful treatment has been
largely absent or limited to isolated behavioural
changes’ (p. 1201). All seven studies included in the
first systematic review of the literature [22] were
justified on the grounds that ‘all known forms of
treatment had been attempted without success’
(p. 46).
Bender, Goldschmidt, and Siva Sanker [4] were
more selective in their application of this logic. They
recruited 14 children for an LSD trial on the basis of
the fact that these particular children had received
‘a variety of treatments with inadequate response’
(p. 172). Presumably other children were excluded
from the study because of their adequate response to
some other form of treatment. This selectivity
implies that LSD was not the treatment of choice
and suggests a hesitancy to employ such a potent
medication. Bender and her colleagues were in fact
78 J. Sigafoos et al.
‘...extremely cautious when first using the drug,
even obtaining parents’ consent’ [23, p. 85].
It should be noted that this brief statement was the
only mention of ethical issues among these LSD
studies. In the main, ethical issues and parental
consent were simply never mentioned. It is therefore
unclear if the parents had ever been consulted or
informed about the use of LSD in the treatment of
their children. In fairness to the investigators, it
should be noted that this situation was not unique to
research involving LSD, but rather reflects the fact
that in the 1960s and 1970s, procedures for
obtaining ethical clearance and parental consent
were not as formalized as today. Even if ethical
clearance and parental consent had been obtained, it
is not necessarily the case that researchers would
have included these details in the formal write-up of
their results.
Ethical issues aside, the logic of default leaves
much to be desired as a process for making
treatment decisions. Evidence-based practice dic-
tates that treatment recommendations should be
based on the best available evidence and less on the
trial and error approach associated with the logic of
default [24]. Still, the logic of default was compelling
at the time. Back then, 30–40 years ago, most
children with autism did not respond very well to the
range of treatments that had been attempted.
Effective, evidence-based treatments simply did not
exist. None of the biologic (e.g., electric convulsive
shock, sub-shock insulin, amphetamines, antidepres-
sants) or psychoanalytic treatments had met with
much success and behavioural intervention was in its
Today the situation is vastly different. Effective,
evidence-based procedures exist for addressing many
of the core behavioural deficits and excesses that
define autism [25]. The most effective procedures
are behavioural in orientation and based on the
principles of applied behaviour analysis [26]. Indeed,
early and intensive application of behavioural
treatment can lead to dramatic improvement in
intellectual and adaptive behaviour functioning for
some children with autism [27,28]. While
individuals will vary in response to such treatment,
the consistently positive results from well-designed
behavioural interventions make it the treatment of
choice for children with autism.
Given today’s solid empirical support for behav-
ioural interventions, the logic of default can no
longer be used to justify research with controversial
treatments. A higher standard must be expected in
any such research programmes that might be
initiated in the future. It is not enough to compare
a novel approach to no treatment or to a placebo.
Rather the new approach should be compared to
some well-established procedure [29], provided of
course that well-established alternatives do in fact
exist. In the case of autism, well-established,
empirically-supported treatments exist in the form
of behaviourally-based interventions. Any future
research into the effects of psychedelics — or any
controversial treatment for that matter — should
therefore at some point include comparisons with a
well-designed behavioural programme.
The researchers and the research settings
Several independent teams of researchers were
involved in the LSD studies that followed
Freedman et al.’s pioneering work [15]. Lauretta
Bender and her colleagues completed the most
extensive research programme in this area, which
was reported in a series of papers published between
1962 and 1969 [4,17,18,23]. In the course of this
programme, a total of 89 children (aged 6 to 15
years) received LSD. As Rhead noted, ‘Some
children were ultimately treated with daily doses of
150 g for periods as long as two years’ (p. 94). The
setting for this research programme was the
Creedmore State Hospital in New York.
Bender’s work appeared to have served as the
inspiration for another prominent research team led
by James Q. Simmons and his colleagues at ULCA
[19–21]. This team also conducted their research in
an institutional setting. Apart from these two teams
with fairly extensive research programmes, the other
studies appear to have been isolated projects [e.g.,
15,16]. While it is unclear if these various research-
ers were in direct communication with one another,
citation analysis shows clearly that these indepen-
dent teams were certainly aware of each other’s
work. For example, Bender et al’s first paper in 1962
[4], referenced Freedman et al. [15]. Later, in 1966,
Simmons et al. [20] referenced both Freedman et al.
[15] and Bender et al. [4]. In fact, Simmons et al.
[20] indicated that because of the difficulty of
assessing the reliability of Bender’s work there was
a need to develop more objective criteria and employ
better experimental designs to evaluate LSD. Their
subsequent studies certainly represent a methodolo-
gical improvement over the approaches used in prior
studies, as described in the next section.
Methodological limitations, results, and
conclusions of the LSD studies
The vast majority of the Autism/LSD studies had
serious methodological flaws. In most cases, depen-
dent variables were neither operationally defined nor
objectively measured [4,15–18,23]. Experimental
control was generally nonexistent in that most of
the protocols involved an open trial with the drug
LSD in the treatment of autism 79
given either once or twice [15] or repeatedly for
several days, weeks or even months and years in
some instances [4,17,18,23]. After the drug was
administered the children were observed and their
reactions recorded in narrative format. Observations
were naturalistic with little apparent appreciation for
the value of controlling the conditions under which
observations were made. The observers themselves
were not blind to the fact that the children had
received the medication, and the reliability of their
narrative descriptions was never assessed. The
resulting data are for the most part purely qualitative
and presented in a narrative form that is highly
subjective, potentially biased by observer expecta-
tions, and of unknown reliability and validity. These
methodological limitations did not escape the notice
of reviewers. Mogar and Aldrich [22], for example,
noted that the seven studies they reviewed ‘suffer
gross shortcomings’ and ‘severe limitations’ (p. 44).
The specific limitations identified by these reviewers
included ‘small samples, subjective and vague
criteria of drug effects, and improvement, and
grossly inadequate follow-up’ (p. 44).
Notable exceptions to these methodological short-
comings are seen in the work of Simmons et al.
[19,20]. These studies evaluated the effects of LSD
under more rigorously controlled conditions. In
addition to operationally defined dependent vari-
ables, standardized observations, and objective
measurement, the researchers also adopted proper
experimental design, specifically a single-subject
reversal design [30]. With this design the investiga-
tors were able to demonstrate internal validity and
replicate the effects of LSD on the children’s
behaviour. And yet, while Simmons et al.’s metho-
dology was much stronger than that found in
previous studies, these two studies were still rather
limited. Their initial experiment with LSD, for
example, included only two children [20]. When
follow-up work was completed with a larger sample
of 17 children, the results were less promising and,
as noted later, brought the therapeutic value of LSD
into question [19].
The results of LSD treatment for the majority of
children with autism who participated in these
studies were described in highly positive terms.
Bender and her colleagues [4], for example, reported
that LSD was well tolerated ‘without side-effects,
toxic effects, or other untoward responses’ (p. 173).
The children were also said to be making steady
progress under LSD. Play behaviours improved and
the children were more eager to interact with adults.
In addition to increased social responsiveness, skill
gains in feeding, toileting, and comprehension of
language were also reported and stereotyped move-
ments decreased. On LSD, the children were
‘happier’ and their mood ‘high’. Apparently this
latter effect was perceived as a good outcome.
Similarly positive descriptions can be found in
most of the studies [14]. Overall, reviewers con-
cluded that the effects of LSD treatment were very
promising and could even be considered excellent
for the majority of children [14,22].
However, such narrative descriptions are difficult
to interpret. When researchers report an increase in
social responsiveness or improvement in play, it is
unclear what if any positive changes occurred and, if
so, how much of this change could be attributed to
the treatment. Neutral and negative findings were
often cast in a more positive light than would seem
warranted. Even an increase in aggression, for
example, was viewed as positive in Bender et al.’s
narrative [23] in that such behaviour was
‘...considered an improvement in that it represented
a contact with the environment that was previously
ignored’ (p. 62). The tendency to describe poten-
tially problematic changes in a favourable light can
also be found in Freedman et al. [15]. As noted
before, what might today be viewed as increased
stereotyped mannerisms (e.g., stroking of the lips)
were interpreted by Freedman et al. as ‘new bodily
sensations’ (p. 41).
The general consensus appeared to be that autistic
children would be happier, healthier, and more
responsive on LSD. In a few short years, these
generally positive reports escalated LSD from an
experimental drug with some promise to a treatment
that could be highly recommended. Mogar and
Aldrich [22] concluded that ‘the collective results
argue strongly for more extensive use of psychedelic
drugs in the treatment of autistic children’ (p. 44).
Curiously, this conclusion did not match their own
critical appraisal of the quality of the studies, which
they found to be seriously flawed.
However, as further evidence accumulated, it soon
became clear that the news was not uniformly good.
In fact, the promise of LSD proved to be rather
short-lived. In addition to Freedman et al.’s initial
pessimism [15], Rolo et al. found no evidence that
LSD was of benefit to the 12-year-old schizophrenic
child that they studied. [16]. And while Simmons
et al. initially found consistent and positive changes
in the behaviour of their first two subjects (e.g.,
increased looking at others and laughing) [20], they
later noted that many of the 17 children to whom
they gave LSD became completely immobile or
preoccupied with certain objects [19]. In fact many
of these children showed such diminished respon-
sivity and disturbing responses to LSD that it threw
‘some doubt on its use as a therapeutic adjunct.’
(p. 10). And so, the initial era of LSD experimenta-
tion ended where it had begun, with pessimism for
the drug’s potential in the treatment of autism.
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