00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3886 (http://alfa.icis.pcz.czest.pl/~subedit)/ 00:00:09:presented by|Cinema Service 00:00:15:in association with|MVP Venture Capital 00:00:21:a Hwang Ki Sung Films|production 00:00:27:starring|Park Joong-hoon 00:00:31:Shu Sang-mi 00:00:36:and Kim Ju-hyuk 00:00:42:Say Yes 00:00:59:special appearance by|Hwang ln-sung, Bak Young-woo, 00:01:00:and Kim Chae-yun 00:01:19:Fetichisme... 00:01:25:Why does this boring book|have such a hard word? 00:01:29:lf this book sells well,|l'll kill myself. 00:01:32:l hate when he gives|me these translations. 00:01:41:Who is it? 00:01:42:Honey? 00:01:44:What happened? 00:02:21:Don't be disappointed. 00:02:28:Think of it as a sword. 00:02:31:Finding the right owner|shows its worth. 00:02:35:Your novel is the same. 00:02:39:lt'll find the|right owner soon. 00:02:42:l'm sure of it. 00:02:48:Cheer up. 00:02:50:Have lunch yet? 00:02:52:l'll fix you something. 00:02:55:Yoon-hee! 00:02:59:l met the right owner. 00:03:03:What? 00:03:04:l met a real publisher,|and l'm a real writer now. 00:03:12:Why aren't you|congratulating me? 00:03:20:Are you serious? 00:03:24:ls it really true? 00:03:26:Yeah, l signed|a contract today. Wanna see it? 00:03:39:You're bad. 00:03:41:Why did you toy with me? 00:03:42:l was so worried. 00:03:44:For news this great,|it would've been no fun. 00:03:47:You naughty boy. 00:03:50:No more good news. 00:03:52:Another one? 00:03:54:What is it? 00:03:55:Out there. 00:04:09:Are you totally ready? 00:04:14:Ready for what? 00:04:15:To be touched. 00:04:17:l'll make this trip an|unforgettable memory. 00:04:23:What makes you so sure? 00:04:28:This. 00:04:29:What's that? 00:04:31:My heart. 00:04:33:Your heart? 00:04:34:To make you happy. 00:04:38:That's in my heart. 00:04:39:Oh yeah? 00:04:42:Then how could you afford... 00:04:44:to buy a car and upset me? 00:04:47:Come on, that's enough. 00:04:49:l told you...|it was for you... 00:04:51:Forget it. 00:04:53:So you spend money on|a car just for this trip? 00:04:58:That's not from your heart, 00:04:60:it's out of heartlessness. 00:05:02:Got it? 00:05:07:Yeah... 00:05:09:l'm a heartless fool. 00:05:10:l'm so heartless l'd|do anything for you. 00:05:14:That's enough. 00:05:14:l'm so heartless,|my goal in life 00:05:17:- is to make you happy.|- l said that's enough. 00:05:21:Stop it. 00:05:22:l said stop it. 00:05:29:executive producer|Hwang Ki Sung 00:05:35:written by|Yeo Hey-young 00:05:42:director of photography|Lee Dong-sam(K.S.C.) 00:05:48:lighting director|Lee Suk-hwan 00:05:53:edited by|Park Gok-ji 00:06:00:music by|Cho Sung-woo 00:06:07:production designer|Choi Byung-keun 00:06:12:location sound|Choi Dae-rim 00:06:17:1st. assist. director|Kim Tae-kyun 00:06:25:produced by|lm Jung-hyang 00:06:31:associate producer|Hwang Kyung-sung 00:06:34:- l feel great.|- lt's very cold! 00:06:42:directed by|Kim sung-hong 00:06:47:- lt's cold...|- Let's sit here. 00:06:54:Coffee? 00:06:55:Oui! 00:06:59:May l help you? 00:07:00:- Two coffees.|- Sure. 00:07:37:Here you go. 00:07:45:lt's hot so be careful. 00:07:47:- Jung-hyun.|- Yeah? 00:07:50:This guy keeps staring at me. 00:07:53:Staring? 00:07:55:Where? 00:07:59:Over there. 00:07:60:Behind you. 00:08:20:That guy? 00:08:25:lt's nothing. 00:08:26:He ran away when|l looked at him. 00:08:29:You didn't see|what happened. 00:08:33:The way he looked|at me was dreadful. 00:08:35:Forget about it. 00:08:36:He looked cause|you're so pretty. 00:08:52:How far is Sokcho from here? 00:08:55:lf l speed, 00:08:56:it'll take us about an hour. 00:08:58:Just imagining the sea|makes me excited. 00:09:02:- You'll be there soon, ma'am.|- Okay. 00:09:13:What happened? 00:09:14:l think l hit someone. 00:09:15:What? 00:09:28:Are you okay?|Are you hurt anywhere? 00:09:37:l'm sorry.|l didn't see you. 00:09:40:You suddenly came out. 00:09:42:l'm really sorry. 00:09:45:You should've been careful. 00:09:48:l'm very sorry. 00:09:52:Where are you headed? 00:09:55:Yes. 00:09:57:We're going to Sokcho. 00:10:00:Then can you give|me a ride there? 00:10:03:Pardon? 00:10:07:Why? 00:10:08:You can't? 00:10:13:No...No... 00:10:15:Please get in. 00:10:54:Well... 00:10:56:l'm glad you didn't|get badly hurt, 00:10:59:but should't you|go to the hospital? 00:11:10:Wanna here some music? 00:11:13:l'm okay. 00:11:18:- Do you have a lighter?|- Pardon? 00:11:20:Oh, yes. 00:12:01:l'm sorry... but can you open|the window? 00:12:05:lt's just that she|really hates smoke. 00:12:08:Hey! 00:12:33:Answer my question. 00:12:37:Shit... 00:12:40:lt would be nicer|if you asked instead. 00:12:45:You two... 00:12:48:How much longer|do you want to live? 00:12:53:What? 00:12:55:l said how much longer|do you want to live? 00:12:58:What do you mean by that? 00:13:03:l haven't decided... 00:13:05:whether to kill you two or not. 00:13:08:What? 00:13:15:Get out. 00:13:20:You better get out. 00:13:25:l said get out. 00:13:31:Fine. 00:13:33:lt's a joke. 00:13:37:lt's just a joke. 00:13:39:A joke? 00:13:40:Call that a joke?|ls that your way ofjoking? 00:13:44:lf l upset you, l'm sorry. 00:13:46:l don't need your|apology, so get out. 00:13:49:Jung-hyun. 00:13:56:Okay... 00:13:57:l'll let you off once.|But if you're... 00:13:60:out of line again, 00:14:01:l'll drag you out of my car. 00:14:20:That's where we're staying, 00:14:22:so you better get off here. 00:14:25:What a shame. 00:14:27:Shut up and get out. 00:14:33:Just one more thing|before l leave. 00:14:37:l never joke around. 00:14:41:What? 00:14:50:- l can't believe this?|- Forget him and let's go. 00:14:55:Shit... 00:15:14:- Great, huh?|- lt's incredible. 00:15:19:So this is the winter sea|l only heard about. 00:15:22:Then why were|you so upset before? 00:15:24:l didn't know it|would be this great. 00:15:28:- Thanks for this.|- Don't be touched so easily. 00:15:32:lt's the first day|of our three-day trip. 00:15:35:Okay, l'll take it slow. 00:15:37:- Also...|- Huh? 00:15:39:we can't do nothing|at such a wonderful place. 00:15:41:Then what? 00:15:45:We have to be|a little naughty. 00:15:49:Not here. 00:16:04:There it is! 00:16:32:To our first anniversary. 00:16:34:Cheers. 00:16:45:Time flies, huh? 00:16:47:You're right. 00:16:49:We've been together|for a year already. 00:16:51:But you're the same. 00:16:52:You're still smart and pretty. 00:16:57:And you're still a dummy. 00:16:60:To you, probably for eternity. 00:17:02:For that, l'm grateful. 00:17:10:Here. 00:17:13:What's this? 00:17:14:Take it. lt's a present. 00:17:18:Hurry and open it. 00:17:38:You can't afford this. 00:17:41:lt's not expensive. 00:17:46:l didn't give you|anything before, 00:17:51:and your neck|looked bare at times. 00:17:54:l hope you like it. 00:17:57:So do you? 00:18:09:But l feel bad. 00:18:11:l didn't prepare|anything for you. 00:18:15:l don't need it. 00:18:18:Being with me... 00:18:19:during those hard times... 00:18:20:is enough. 00:18:23:That's why l married you. 00:18:28:No need to anymore. 00:18:30:What do you mean? 00:18:31:After this trip, 00:18:33:quit your par-time job translating. 00:18:36:Why? 00:18:37:Go back...to grad school,|and finish you thesis. 00:18:42:Why all of a sudden? 00:18:47:lt's not sudden. 00:18:50:You went through too much. 00:18:53:l'll take care of you now. 00:18:55:lf you wanna study more, 00:18:57:l'll send you abroad, too. 00:19:04:My dream isn't that big. 00:19:07:Don't want it, either. 00:19:10:Yeah? 00:19:11:Then what's your dream? 00:19:15:Just... 00:19:17:raising one or two kids, 00:19:19:and to live happily forever. 00:19:23:ls that all you want? 00:19:24:Yeah. 00:19:27:No, l have another. 00:19:31:What's that? 00:19:37:To kiss you. 00:20:10:l love you. 00:20:49:What happened? 00:20:51:Someone threw a rock. 00:20:53:What? 00:20:56:l'll check it out. 00:20:58:Put your clothes on. 00:21:22:See anybody? 00:21:24:No, l thing he ran away. 00:21:27:Who'd do such a thing? 00:21:31:Some kids or a drunk, maybe. 00:21:34:You mean there's|people like that here? 00:21:38:There's people|like that everywhere. 00:21:40:First, let's change rooms. 00:21:49:Front desk? 00:21:55:lt's so beautiful. 00:21:60:While looking at the sea. 00:22:02:l wish we could drive forever. 00:22:05:Don't worry. lf you want,|l'll drive to the end. 00:22:12:Okay, l'll acknowledge it now. 00:22:17:What? 00:22:18:This car. 00:22:20:Good choice. 00:22:23:l won't get on your case anymore, 00:22:25:so don't worry. 00:22:26:So you've finally|accepted my heart? 00:22:31:Don't be stupid again, 00:22:32:or else l'll kick you out. 00:22:35:Keep it in mind. 00:22:36:All right, l won't. 00:22:39:Anyway, 00:22:41:are you satisfied|with your first day in Sokcho? 00:22:46:Tres bien. 00:22:47:lt was great. 00:22:50:The beach was nice. 00:22:53:Especially... 00:22:54:the kiss... 00:22:57:in the elevator. 00:23:01:Then... 00:23:02:what about our fun 00:23:04:in the condo? 00:23:08:Great, of course. 00:23:11:Except for the stone that|broke the mood at first. 00:23:15:Think of it as a memory, too. 00:23:17:Someone helped make the|night unforgettable for us. 00:23:20:Nice interpretation. 00:23:37:We're staying|here for the night. 00:23:40:How'd you know about|this hot spring hotel? 00:23:44:l did a lot of research 00:23:45:to plan a four-day travel|course along the east coast. 00:23:49:lt must've been hard. 00:23:52:You kidding me? 00:23:53:lf l screw this up, 00:23:54:l can never mention a trip. 00:23:56:Then you've succeeded. 00:23:58:You're doing well so far. 00:24:22:Are you okay?|Are you hurt? 00:24:25:Crazy bastard. 00:24:29:Run away? 00:24:31:- So what?|- l have to catch him. 00:24:33:Don't do it. 00:24:34:What? 00:24:35:Then l'm supposed to|let him get away with it? 00:24:37:Think that's right? 00:24:38:To jeopar...