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The Devil We Know, Part I: Shipyard Rats
The Devil We KnoW ParT i:
Pathfinder Society Scenario 29
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Publisher : Erik Mona
Pathinder Society Scenario 29: The Devil We Know Part I: Shipyard Rats is a Pathinder Society Scenario designed
for 1st- to 7th-level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7). This scenario is designed for play in Pathinder Society
Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game
License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathinder Roleplaying Game.
The OGL can be found on page 19 of this product.
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ShiPyarD aTS
The Devil We KnoW ParT 1:
of one of Taldor’s more dramatically fallen
families, Dalirio Teppish, decided he’d had
enough of Taldor and would do all within his and his
patron deity’s power to ensure the total destruction of his
native homeland. The Teppish family once stood as the
right hand of the Grand Prince, a family of wealth, power,
and absurdly large holdings throughout northern Taldor.
A Teppish once sat in the governor’s seat in Cassomir
Prefecture. A Teppish once led thousands in battle against
the Qadirans during the Grand Campaign. A Teppish
negotiated the Treaty of the Wildwood, guaranteeing
Taldor a renewable source of druid-protected blackwood
trees that would forever supply the empire with the ships
built in Cassomir’s famous Imperial Naval Shipyards.
The Teppish family’s power came to a close nearly 50
years ago when a series of rival houses launched attacks
on their holdings and wealth, and even went so far as to
assassinate several of the Teppish family patriarchs. In
just a few short years the mighty Teppish were reduced
to laughingstocks in the Opparan social scene and were
let with few possessions, even less gold, and no power at
all. So the Teppish family did what any self-respecting
Taldan family does when let destitute: they turned to a
life of organized crime.
Their crimes were crimes against the state. They
robbed treasury caravans, ambushed military convoys,
even traveled deep into the Verduran Forest and
sabotaged druid-guided logging operations. Slowly
and methodically, they sought to destroy Taldor from
within—a destructive ideal that soon caught the
attention of Groetus, the God of End Times. Groetus sent
his cultists to iniltrate the Teppish family and just over a
generation later, their family has become one of the more
ambitious Groetus cults in the western Inner Sea.
Dalirio Teppish was raised in this environment of
seething hatred toward the homeland, and by the time
he’d reached adulthood, Dalirio had dedicated his life
to Groetus, training as a cleric and slowly concocting
a plan to start the irst in a series of catastrophes that
would eventually bring hated Taldor to its knees. His
plan was simple: disrupt all ship construction in the
Imperial Naval Shipyards and Taldor would cease to be a
power in the west. Everyone knows the Taldan Phalanx is
under-funded, that the nation’s infrastructure is falling
apart, and that the corruption of Taldor’s Bearded class
is pushing the empire toward ever-increasing acts of
frivolity and excess. If it weren’t for the power of Taldor’s
Navy, the empire would long ago have ceased to exist.
Dalirio wanted to help make this happen.
The vengeful cleric spent years recruiting a small cult
of Groetus followers from the underprivileged of Taldor,
not telling them the full extent of his plans but ofering
a huge reward for obedience and loyalty. He approached
a local circle of druids, known as Nature’s Cataclysm,
who hated the druids of the Wildwood Lodge for giving
up so much of the Verduran Forest to the empire, and
enlisted their help. He even traveled deep beneath
Cassomir, wandering Cassomir’s Locker and then the
Darklands before inding the derros in Corgunbier, their
city deep beneath northern Taldor, and plying them with
thousands in gold before convincing them to step up their
kidnapping in Cassomir to create further confusion and
sow chaos. The derros agreed for their own reasons, and
suddenly Dalirio found himself leading a sizeable band
of miscreants with mayhem on their mind. Together they
adopted the moniker of the druids, calling themselves
the Cult of Nature’s Cataclysm.
While wandering the Darklands, Dalirio received a dream
from Groetus, telling him to seek a speciic cavern to ind
the weapon that would help him succeed. Upon waking,
Dalirio immediately followed his patron’s guidance and
found a bizarre grotto illed with a brackish lake, dozens
of decayed, staring faces loating just above the waterline.
In the center of the lake was a small stone outcropping,
upon which rested a solid gold, gem-encrusted amulet.
Dalirio swam out to the stone, feeling dozens of skeletal
hands lightly grasping at his skin as he went, and took
the amulet from its perch. Once he touched the amulet,
the faces on the lake awakened, their eyes bursting with
blue light. Groetus had granted Dalirio control of several
huecuva, fallen clerics of Groetus that the God of End
ShiPyarD aTS
By JoShua J. froSt
T welve years ago, a cleric of Groetus and member
Pathfinder Society Scenario
The Devil We KnoW SerieS
Shipyard Rats is the irst in a connected series of scenarios for
Pathinder Society Organized Play. Though it’s best if these
scenarios are played in order, they do not have to be. For
example, if any of your PCs have played through Cassomir’s
Locker irst (Part II of the Devil We Know series), assume they
learn that the few cultists they encounter in Part II were just
a prelude to the kidnappings in this adventure. There will
be at least two more chapters to this story before the end
of Season 1.
The PCs are asked by Venture-Captain Themis to
locate a recently kidnapped Pathinder named Cestis.
Additionally, she informs the PCs that they are also
looking for a missing agent of the Aspis Consortium
named Kafar who was kidnapped at the same time. She
introduces the PCs to Neti, Kafar’s timid Chelaxian
assistant, and orders the PCs to follow Neti’s only clue:
that he believes the kidnapped victims from the auction
are being held at a dockside tavern in the shipyards
called the Inn of the Unlucky Sailor, currently closed for
business while being remodeled.
The PCs are guided by Neti to the Inn of the Unlucky
Sailor and ind a druid and his dire rat minions guarding
some of the Cassomir citizens who were at the auction—
they also ind Kafar, drugged and unconscious. At the
inn, the PCs learn from the nearly enslaved citizens that
they were broken into two groups ater the kidnapping—
the second group was taken to a ship, called the Prancing
Prince , docked at a nearby wharf. The kidnapped citizens
admit they’re not sure where the Pathinder Cestis is
being held, but if he’s not at the inn, they must have taken
him to the Prancing Prince .
The sun sets over Cassomir as the PCs arrive at the
Prancing Prince . The ship appears deserted—no sentries
or sailors on deck at all—but the PCs soon discover more
kidnapped Cassomir citizens below deck guarded by a
group of half-orc monks hired by Dalirio to guard the
ship until such time as the Groetus cleric could gather
enough funds to hire a crew for the Prancing Prince and
sell these citizens into the Inner Sea slave market—a sale
that would gather him a large sum of gold for his plans.
The PCs do not ind the missing Pathinder here,
nor do they ind any clues, but just as they’re about to
leave the ship, they encounter Luscilia Ismacco, Dalirio’s
sometimes lover and the woman to whom he trusted
the Prancing Prince and its valuable cargo. Luscilia is
accompanied by several undead that she was bringing to
help guard the ship. Once the PCs best the cleric and her
undead minions, they can learn the location beneath the
shipyards where Dalirio and his remaining cultists are
gathered. If the scenario is running short at this point,
the PCs may also encounter a group of cultist ighters
arriving dockside to help man the ship.
The PCs then travel to a warehouse in the shipyards,
where they ind a trap door in the oice that leads
down to a two-level basement below. The irst level is
trapped and guarded by a Nature’s Cataclysm druid and
his dire rat animal companion. The second level is the
secret headquarters of Dalirio’s cult—where the PCs
encounter the mastermind himself and his heucuva
minions. Dalirio and his heucuva’s are guarding dozens
Times had let here as punishment. Dalirio had the inal
piece of his plan—undead servants who would obey him
unquestionably and prove to his followers that they truly
had the blessings of Groetus himself.
The nighttime kidnappings started a few months ago.
Cassomir had always had some trouble with kidnappings,
but this was diferent— only carpenters, shipw rights, and
guards from the Imperial Naval Shipyards were going
missing, and they were doing so at a rate of one or two a
night. The Cassomir authorities tried to keep it quiet, but
when ship production missed a launch deadline for the
irst time in a decade, the Grand Prince himself demanded
action. Martial law was instituted, the shipyards were
guarded heavily at night, and the streets were patrolled by
an increased presence of the constabulary. These changes
did nothing, and the kidnappings continued.
Then the cultists got brash—a few days before the
start of this adventure they kidnapped an entire group of
citizens who were gathered for a secret auction of Taldan
artifacts just ater sunset in the shipyards. Among that
group were a young Pathinder named Cestis and an
agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar, there with
his 16-year-old Chelaxian assistant Neti. Neti managed
to escape by throwing himself into the harbor and
swimming for safety, but no one else got away. Neti led
back to his masters in Old Cassomir and reported what
had happened. Ater lengthy discussion, the other Aspis
Consortium agents decided enough was enough—they
contacted the Pathinder Society venture-captain in
Cassomir, a woman named Hestia Themis. They had a
bizarre proposal: with both groups now missing agents
as the result of this recent spike in kidnappings, couldn’t
the Society and the Consortium work together to bring it
to a halt before resuming their less-than-friendly rivalry?
Hestia reluctantly agreed, knowing the Consortium must
surely have a plot mixed up in this but willing to risk it.
She assigned a recently arrived band of Pathinders to the
case and gave them the only lead they had: the Chelaxian
assistant Neti.
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the devil We KnoW Part 1: ShiPyard ratS
of Cassomir citizens including Cestis, the missing
AfflicTionS, DiSeASeS, AnD PoiSonS
Be sure to read the rules in the Pathinder RPG Core Rulebook
beginning on page 555 regarding curses, diseases, and
poisons, as the way they are handled has changed slightly
from previous editions.
Read the following to get the adventure underway:
Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, unassuming woman
of Taldan heritage with dark hair and eyes, holds a large
sheaf of papers in her small hands and clears her throat. Her
booming voice, the antithesis of her stature, ills the main hall
of the small Pathinder Lodge in the Taldan city of Cassomir.
took Cestis, was brash and bold. They grabbed more than
a dozen people in one attack, neglecting to grab Neti.
Their mistake is our fortune.”
Who kidnapped these people? “There are... rumors of
twisted men from the Darklands who climb up through
Cassomir’s Locker, the sewers, catacombs, and older
ruins below the city. Alas, they are only rumors. We don’t
know who’s doing it.”
Why are we working with the Aspis Consortium?
“Diff icult situations sometimes call for diff icult
choices. The Aspis have the information we need about
where to start in this mystery, and if it takes dirtying
our hands with them to get Cestis back, I think it’s
worth it.”
“One of our own has been kidnapped. Pathinder Cestis was
taken just days ago from a relics auction in the Imperial Naval
Shipyards, and we believe his dissapearance to be related to
the six dozen or so kidnappings of the last several months.
Now that one of our own is missing, this has become a Society
matter—something we’ll get to the bottom of.”
Themis gestures to a teenage boy standing beside her, who
nervously regards his surroundings and sweats profusely,
his thick brown hair matted and wet against his head. “This
is Neti, the assistant to the biggest thorn in my side in
Cassomir—an agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar.
Kafar is also missing, taken from the same relics auction along
with Pathinder Cestis and a dozen other citizens of Cassomir.
Neti was at the auction, saw where a small group of the
kidnapped victims were taken, and his handlers in Cassomir
have give us access to him so that he might guide us to our
missing Pathinder. If you happen to ind Kafar...” Themis
grinds her teeth. “Let him go, per the agreement I’ve just
made with his superiors. Your priority is Cestis, and I think
Neti can lead you to him. Any questions?”
ACT 1: Inn of The UnlUCkY
Perched precariously overhanging the dirty harbor water
stands the Inn of the Unlucky Sailor. A fresh coat of white
paint glistens on half the inn’s outside walls, and most of
the windows are boarded up. The roof leans slightly toward
the harbor, as if at any moment the entire thing could come
of and slide into the ocean. The dock leading up to the inn
is made of rotting wood connected to thick, rank-smelling
pilings. Several small rowboats are currently tied up along
its length.
The PCs may have questions for Themis. Though
she’d rather the PCs get the investigation and recovery
underway, she’ll patiently answer any questions the PCs
might have.
Why not report the kidnappings to the authorities?
“They’ve been unable to recover the dozens of other
Cassomir citizens who’ve gone missing in recent months.
What makes you think they’ll get our Pathinder back?
Besides, Cestis has some... knowledge I’d rather the local
authorities not get, and so I need you to get him for me.”
What knowledge? “It’s a high-level Society matter and
none of your concern.”
What do you know about the kidnappings? “They
started a few months ago. Cassomir has always had some
trouble with its citizens going missing, but this was
diferent. Only those associated with the Imperial Naval
Shipyards were taken—shipwrights, carpenters, navy
guards, and so on. This recent kidnapping, where they
Approaching the inn quietly is quite diicult. There
is limited access to the inn from the water below and the
dock leading up to the main entrance is so rotten and
noisy that anyone attempting a Stealth check to move
along it sufers a –5 penalty. Additionally, anyone who
moves faster than a single move action along the dock on
their turn must succeed on a DC 15 Acrobatics check or
fall prone. The street entrance is boarded up, and though
a simple DC 15 Strength check is enough to bring the
boards down, it immediately alerts the cultist inside of
the PCs’ approach.
The inn’s interior is in much better condition. The
f loors are new and quiet, the walls are covered in fresh
paint, and the entire place smells of recently cut wood.
Most of the furniture has been removed, though a few
tables and chairs remain and are covered in sawdust
SAIloR (CR 2, 4, oR 7)
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