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(Code No: 3041)









Instructions to Candidates


(a)              The time allowed for this examination is 3 hours.


(b)              Answer all 4 questions.


(c)              All questions carry equal marks.


(d)              All answers must be clearly and correctly numbered but need not be in numerical order.


(e)              While formal accuracy is expected, adequate and appropriate communication is essential and candidates must judge the length of their answers in this light.


(f)              When you finish, check your work carefully.


(g)              The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is permitted.  Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionary.








You are employed in the Sales Department of Combined Components, a specialist company that produces components for motorcycle manufacturers in many parts of the world.  The Sales Manager, Mr Lionel Perez, has asked you to investigate a complaint he has just received from a manufacturer in the United Kingdom, Conqueror Cycles of Millennium Way, Coventry CV6 9PB.


Mr Perez shows you a letter from this company and says this to you:


“The Manager of Conqueror Cycles, Graham Williams, has written to us again.  You might remember that last year this company claimed that they hadn’t received a delivery from us when all our records indicated that we had sent it.  Well, we gave them the benefit of the doubt then because we couldn’t prove it either way.  But now they are saying that they haven’t received another order – they say it is their order number CC 445 / c / i dated 27 March.  Would you investigate this, please?”


Mr Perez gives you a copy of the order but when you make investigations, you can find no record of the order ever being received.  You can, however, see that a confirmation of the order was sent to Conqueror Cycles on 29 March – 2 days after they claim the order was sent.  You realise that the order could have been received just as the new computerised record-keeping system was being installed.  


You contact your Production Department who advise you that all the components required by Conqueror Cycles are currently in stock with the exception of the wheel trims (catalogue reference WT / 49 / 3 / i –c).  These cannot be supplied for about three weeks.


You explain this to Mr Perez who says the following:


“Well, it looks as if the fault is ours this time, so could you please write to Graham Williams and apologise.  I’m glad we can send him the order now – you’d better get this off to him by special delivery as quickly as possible.  This is a very competitive market now and you can also let him have our latest catalogue and a leaflet about our new on-line ordering systems.  You’d better try to reassure him that this won’t happen again.  You know, I’m still not sure about that order that was supposed to go astray last year, but this is a different matter and we should keep the two issues separate.”





Write a letter to Mr Graham Williams at Conqueror Cycles as requested.  You can assume that the company’s headed notepaper will be used.


(25 marks)






You are employed as an administrative assistant by a medium-sized company, Hondswoods Products.  The company provides a restaurant for its staff but there have been many complaints about the food and service of the restaurant in recent months.


The Company Manager, Ms Barbara Ksiazek, has asked you to investigate the possible cause of complaints, and produce a report on restaurant usage, and make any necessary recommendations on how improvements can be made.  Ms Ksiazek advises you that the company does not have the budget to finance major developments but it would be prepared to pay for any small-scale improvements.


You carry out a survey of restaurant usage, speak to members of staff and interview the Restaurant Manager, Mr Herbert Hwenje.  The results of your investigations appear in the boxes below.


Survey of restaurant usage over one week 28 March to 1 April.


60% of staff now use restaurant – survey in 2004 indicated 75% used it.


Those who used restaurant were asked their opinions on range of issues – percentage of responses given.



Very good




Quality of food





Variety of food





Quality of service





Speed of service






Heavy congestion at peak times – but most staff take breaks at same time (eg morning break 10.00, afternoon break 15.00).  Two lunch sittings – but 75% of staff take first sitting (12.00 to 13.00) only 25% take second (13.00 to 14.00).


Interview with Restaurant Manager


Has only been in post for 3 months – is trying to introduce a greater range of food (now provides vegetarian and low-fat “healthy” options) – not always appreciated by staff who seem to go for more traditional dishes.


Employs 3 assistants – all have been employed for many years – little recent training – would enjoy learning about different methods of preparing foods.


Has requested new equipment – an updated microwave could speed up cooking process.


Comments from staff.


“I stopped using the restaurant some time ago and I now bring my own food and refreshments.  The queues were just too long and too much time was wasted.”


“I must say things have improved recently, but the menu is not very imaginative.  I’d like to see a wider variety of cold food, for example.”


“Service is slow and when queues build up the staff get a bit frustrated.  And they are not always very polite.”


“To be fair, the staff do their best and are usually quite cheerful.  I think they know that the range of food provided could be greater.”



“OK, the restaurant isn’t perfect, but most staff like to get out of the office or factory at lunchtimes or break times.  Perhaps an area could be provided where staff can eat their own food – they would usually buy a drink so the restaurant will benefit.”


Ms Ksiazek has asked you to produce your report for the forthcoming Operations Committee to be held on 20 April.  Members of this committee will expect the main issues to be identified rather than the production of statistics.





Write the report as requested.


(25 marks)





You are employed in the Human Resources Department of a chain of shops selling compact discs (CDs) of all types of music.  As the company has expanded, staff have been recruited to work in different sections and you are now about to train a group of recently appointed staff who are to work on the sales desks of the stores.


All new staff will be issued with a copy of the company’s purchasing procedure.  Your copy of this appears below with your notes on how this procedure is applied.  You feel you must read this again carefully so you will be able to answer any of the new staff’s questions.


Purchasing Procedure




·           Greet customer


·           Take CD case from customer


·           Find the CD


·           Place CD in case


·           Scan the barcode into the till using scanner


·           Press ‘enter’ button on till


·           Price will be displayed on till


·           Make sure price displayed on till agrees with price on CD case


·           If correct, ask customer for amount to be paid


·             If customer pays in CASH, take money from customer, enter amount in till, press cash button;  the cash drawer will open – the change to be given to customer appears on screen – give customer change


·             If customer pays by CREDIT or DEBIT card, enter amount in till, press sale button, and ‘swipe’ the card.  The till will generate a slip which the customer must sign, Check signature on card and expiry date.  If all is satisfactory, press credit / debit card button on till.  The transaction is complete so give card and customer copy of slip to customer



Be polite – but don’t take too much time!



All CD boxes in shop are empty – for security purposes.

The CDs are stacked on shelves behind the tills.

Hold by the edge – don’t leave any finger marks on surface of CD




Occasionally customers change / remove price stickers on CDs.  Always charge the price indicated on till.  Allow customers to cancel purchase if not satisfied.

Say this very clearly.



Always hold on to cash given by customer until you have given change so there can be no doubt what money was tendered originally.  To be safe say aloud how much the customer has given you and how much change you are giving.



Be very careful.  This is a major area of fraud.  Make sure the signature on card and slip are identical.  Be wary if customer asks for the return of the card before transaction is complete – he / she may wish to copy the signature.

Any problems – take card to supervisor.





·           If customer pays by CHEQUE ask for a guarantee card – cheque not acceptable without one.  Ask customer to sign cheque, press cheque button on till.  You will then be asked to place card and cheque in machine part of the till, and the card details will be printed on the cheque.  Check the signatures on card and cheque agree and hand card back to customer.


·           At the end of each transaction press “enter” on till and a receipt will be produced – now place cheques in back of till drawer.


·           Ask customer if he / she wishes to have CD sealed.


·           Place CD in a bag with receipt, give to customer, smile and say Thank You.


Again take care – make sure the customer signs the cheque while you look on (don’t accept any with signatures already signed)








Make sure receipt is clearly printed (ie till has not run out of paper or ink)



If the CD is in a sealed bag the store will give a refund or exchange if it is returned, as long as receipt is produced.


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