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The RV Tester –
Featuring “Impossible Vision
an e-Book by Bob Cassidy
©2003 by Sacred Chao Productions. All rights reserved. This e-book and the accompanying .doc and .pdf
files are licensed for viewing and use by the original purchaser only. It may not be copied, resold, or distributed in
any printed or electronic manner. The purchaser is authorized, however, to make copies of the documents
required in order to prepare and assemble the Remote Viewing Testing book which is described herein and is
granted non-transferable performing rights to same. All commercial manufacturing rights are strictly reserved.
Book tests are among the most popular effects in mentalism. But those tests, which
require the performer to use his own book, are not always suitable for impromptu or intimate
performances. The fact that the performer just happened to have a book with him would raise
suspicion in many circumstances.
I have always felt that, for impromptu work, the most logical book for a performer to
have on his person would be a pocket dictionary. But even then, a pocket dictionary is still not
something that a person would normally carry on a regular basis. (Unless, of course, he was
attempting to learn the English language.)
The Remote Viewing Testing Book not only overcomes all of these objections, but it
allows the mentalist to perform some of the most astounding effects possible in the genre. The
book, in this case, is not a novel or a dictionary. It is an official looking pocket-sized document
that the mentalist claims is used to calculate random targets in remote viewing experiments. In
a sense, then, the effect is not really a book test at all for the book is merely used to select a
target location, which the performer will attempt to describe via his remote viewing abilities.
This may well be one of the most unusual e-Books you have ever read. In addition to a
description of the routines possible with The Remote Viewing Testing Book, it also includes
document files which will allow you to print the necessary book on your computer or, if you
wish, you can copy the necessary files to disk and take them to your local printer for printing,
trimming (if necessary) and binding.
The Effects:
The book is specially designed to allow you to perform four different experiments in
remote viewing –
1) The routine described in detail in my book “Extremely Remote” which uses an
“invisible” die to select a location;
2) Two matrix force variations which allow you to force one of two particular locations in
an extremely fair looking manner;
3) An application of Royal Heath’s “die-cipering dice” principle that allows you know
what the target will be before the participants have even looked it up, and
4) “Impossible Vision”, the routine that required me to create the Remote Viewing
Testing Book. In the first place. I honestly believe it is one of the most impossible
looking effects in mentalism.
I’ll describe “Impossible Vision” first as it will give you a good idea of how the RV
testing book operates.
Impossible Vision
Effect: The mentalist discusses remote viewing and offers to perform an actual
test based on the procedures used by a remote viewing facility with which he is associated. He
shows his audience the target selection book used by the facility and explains as follows:
“This book is used to randomly select targets for a remote viewing experiment.
By “targets”, I mean physical locations, which the individual being tested will attempt to
describe. In this book are over two hundred and fifty locations throughout the United
“You will notice that in the front and back of the book are sections containing
maps. There are thirty-eight different maps, which cover all of the possible locations.
The actual locations are not necessarily printed on the maps – the maps are there just
to show the general geographical locations of the targets.
“In the middle part of the book are the target listings. You will note that each
target is numbered and that under the target name is a reference to the map, which
covers the general area surrounding the target.
“And, finally, in the beginning of the book, there is a series of seventeen pages of
random number generations. Random numbers are printed all over these pages. At the
beginning of a test, one of the numbers is selected by an individual who has no idea
what target may be associated with what number.”
As he explains the sections of the book, the mentalist shows the applicable sections to
various audience members.
[If you haven’t done so already, now would be a good time to look at the .doc or .pdf file so you
can see for yourself what the book looks like.}
The mentalist asks for two participants to randomly select a target. He hands the book
to one of them and then moves well away from both of them while the target selection is made.
The participant holding the book is asked to open it to the section of random number pages.
“As I showed you before, each of those pages contains a series of random four-
digit numbers.
Turn to anyone of those pages and point to any number. Show the number to [name of
the other participant]. Do not call out the number or even whisper it. Just point to it.”
Addressing the other volunteer, the performer says,
“Can you see the number he is pointing to? Good. Don’t say the number aloud. I
would like you to take the book now and stand back a bit so that no one but you can see
what the actual target will be.
“In the center of the book is a numbered list of all of the targets. Please look up
the target. When you have found it, put your finger on it and show it to [the first
spectator’s name}. Again, do not say anything out loud.”
After the first spectator notes the location, the performer tells him to remember the
number of the map that appears under the location.
“I would like you to take the book back now and find the map upon which the
target appears. When you have found it, show it to your partner and I would like both of
you to imagine that you see the target location somewhere on the map. The name of the
target may not actually appear on the map, but imagine that you see it there.
After he has found the map and they are both looking at it, the mentalist says,
“Now I will try to visualize myself at the actual target location. I only need to know
one thing from you, and one thing only. Am I looking for a target that is man made, like
a building, a monument or other type of structure, or am I looking for something created
by Nature?
“Good, close the book now and just concentrate on the location. Pretend that you
are both there.”
The performer retrieves the book, points out to the rest of the audience that the two
participants could be thinking of any one of hundreds of location, and puts the book back into
his pocket. Without asking the spectators anything else, the performer describes a location. He
starts out generally and then gets increasingly specific. Finally, he picks up a piece of paper
and writes something down. He folds the paper once and hands it to a third spectator for
safekeeping. Addressing the two participants he says,
“And now, for the first time, I would like you to tell everyone what the target
location was.”
They announce the target and it is immediately apparent that the performer’s description was
quite accurate. The spectator holding the paper is asked to open it and read aloud what the
mentalist had written.
It is the exact name of the target location.
If you read the description of the effect over again, you will see why I have named this
Vision.” There seems to be no explanation other than remote viewing (or perhaps telepathy).
The description accurately describes what the audience sees – a location is freely selected
from a book containing hundreds of locations. The number of locations in the book can be
verified by letting the audience look through the book for themselves at the beginning of the
routine. Without saying anything to the performer, two spectators select a number at random
and then a location.
All the performer asks, after they have found a location, is whether the target is man-
made or natural. But as soon as he gets the answer, he knows exactly what the target is!
The method is based on two elements. The first is that the book is printed on card stock
and is tightly bound (stapled). Thus, it has a natural tendency to spring shut. The spectators
have to hold it open while they are looking at it. This is what makes the second, and major,
aspect of the method infallible.
The performer needs only to watch the spectators while the selection is made and he
will be able to narrow the target down to two selections- one man-made and the other natural.
Despite the fact that over two hundred locations actually appear in the book, it is only possible
(in this routine) for the spectators to select one of thirty-two locations. Thanks to the
construction of the book (which took nearly forever!) and the actions of the spectators in finding
the target, those thirty- possibilities are rapidly reduced to just two . (Additionally, the
performer need not memorize what the possible locations are because the book itself
will tell him!)
The spectators take turns looking up things in the book and then pointing them out to
each other.
The first selection made is a random four-digit number from among the sixteen pages of
random numbers, which appear at the beginning of the book. These begin at page 7 of the
book .If you want, you can bookmark this before giving the book to the participants.
Look at the .doc or .pdf file and you will notice that while each page appears to be
covered with different numbers, there are actually only thirty-two numbers visible on
each two-page spread. They are the same numbers that are visible on the other pages,
but on each page, their position has been altered. Due to the manner in which the pages
have been prepared, it looks as if a choice is being made from among hundreds of
Here is what just one of these pages looks like:
Note that all of the numbers appearing on left hand pages are odd, and all of the
numbers appearing on right hand pages are even. (Disregard, for now, the cover page of the
number section, which contains a table of three digit numbers. It plays no part in this effect. I’ll
explain in a bit what it is for, as well as the meaning of the strange table on the title page.) Just
remember that the performer makes it clear that a number is to be chosen from among the
sixteen random series that are found between pages 7 and 22.
As soon as the first spectator points out a number to the second, you will have
immediately cut the number of possibilities in half. Because of the natural stiffness of the book,
the spectator will have to hold it with both hands while pointing out the number to his partner. It
is easy, even from across the room, to see whether he is pointing to the left or right hand page.
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