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“I’m starving ! When
can we sit at the
table ? …”
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Lesson 42 : Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Level : beginner. “I’m starving ! When can we sit at the table ? …”
• lepronom“on” : [we,people,one]
• “Jemeursdefaim!” : [“I’mstarving!”]
• passeràtable : [to(goand)sitatthetable/totakeone’splaceatthetable]
• “D’ici[laindel’année]” : [betweennowandtheendoftheyear]
• avoirladalle : [tobeveryhungry]
Hello, and welcome back to LFBP. My name is Hugh Nagle
and with me is Amélie Verdier. Bonjour Amélie.
Bonjour !
On mange bientôt ?
[= Are we eating soon ? …]
In this lesson, lesson 42, we’ll see how to ask “Shall we be
eating soon ?” and how to say “I’m starving”. Let’s start
with a quick exchange …
On , here, refers to Amélie and Xavier – it’s a casual form
of nous , in this context.
In other situations, this pronoun could mean people or
they when they refers to people in general. Consider,
for example:
A quelle heure est-ce qu’ on mange chez eux ?
[= (At) what time do they eat at their place ?]
On mange bientôt ?
Oui, pourquoi ?
Parce que je meurs de faim ! Alors, quand est-ce
qu’on passe à table ?
D’ici vingt minutes.
Je peux prendre un morceau de pain en attendant ?
J’ai trop la dalle !
D’accord, sers-toi !
Notice, once again, that the Present – le Présent
– can represent two situations in English . Consider
the example below:
On mange du pain.
[= (1) People eat bread.
= (2) People are eating bread.]
je meurs de faim …
Literally, “I am dying of hunger”, but used commonly as
the equivalent of “I’m starving !”
Je peux prendre … ?
[= May I take … ?]
un morceau de pain
[= a piece of bread]
mourir – to die
je meur s
tu meur s
il / elle / on meur t
nous mour ons
vous mour ez
ils / elles meur ent
Note, once again, this powerful
combination of pouvoir , followed
by ininitive .
Note, also, that this noun can be used
in a musical context:
Carole m’a ofert une belle
compilation de morceaux de
jazz !
Consider some further examples:
past participle : mort*
1. Je peux t’ appeler plus tard ?
[= May I call you later ?]
Note the plural form of the noun
in this second example:
un morceau a des morceau x
*Note that mourir requires the auxiliary verb
être in the passé composé:
ex. François Mitterand est mort en 1995 à l’âge
de soixante-dix-neuf ans.
2. Il peut nous suivre jusqu’à …
[= He can follow us as far as …]
Some other nouns with similar plural
endings are:
un animal a des animau x
un taureau a des taureau x
un oiseau a des oiseau x
l’eau a les eaux de Babylone
(See Lesson 21, in particular, for more information on
verbs which require the auxiliary verb être in the past.)
3. Nous pouvons vous montrer
que …
[= We can show you that …]
Note that each of these
examples includes an object
pronoun , too. This pronoun
precedes the ininitive in each
Where you see
this symbol …
Alors , quand est-ce qu’on … ?
[= So , when are we … ?]
… it’s your turn
you’ve heard.
Then we’ll
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Lesson 42 : Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Level : beginner. “I’m starving ! When can we sit at the table ? …”
• lepronom“on” : [we,people,one]
• “Jemeursdefaim!” : [“I’mstarving!”]
• passeràtable : [to(goand)sitatthetable/totakeone’splaceatthetable]
• “D’ici[laindel’année]” : [betweennowandtheendoftheyear]
• avoirladalle : [tobeveryhungry]
And once again …
On mange bientôt ?
Oui, pourquoi ?
Parce que je meurs de faim ! Alors, quand est-ce
qu’ on passe à table ?
D’ici vingt minutes.
Je peux prendre un morceau de pain en attendant ?
J’ai trop la dalle !
D’accord, sers-toi !
On passe à table …
[= literally, “we go to the table”, that is, we will
go and sit at the table.]
passer has many equivalents in English:
Il passe ses examens en juin.
[ He’s taking his exams in June.]
Ils vont passer une commande
[They’re going to place an order today.]
In this dialogue, we hear two examples of the pronoun
“on” used to mean “we”. We hear …
On mange …
On passe …
Elle passe chez Paul ce soir.
[She’s going to call to Paul this evening.]
Remember, the pronoun “on” can mean “we”, “one” or
“people”, depending on the situation.
Il passe des jours entiers devant son
[ He spends entire days in front of his
Now, to illustrate just how hungry he was, we heard Xavier
Je meurs de faim …
Je meurs de faim …
Il passe son temps à lire.
[ He spends his time reading.]
“Je meurs”. That’s the verb “mourir”, “to die”. Of course, in
this case, it’s simply a igurative expression. But we will
hear the verb used literally, also. For example …
Tous les jours des centaines de personnes meurent
dans des accidents de la route.
Tous les jours des centaines de personnes meurent
dans des accidents de la route.
vingt minutes …
Listen carefully to the pronunciation ! It’s the
same as the sound for “wine”:
boire un bon vin blanc
sers -toi !
[= Serve yourself !]
en attend ant
This is the imperative form (the command form)
of the verb servir
[= while wait ing ]
servir – to serve
je sers
tu sers
il / elle / on sert
nous servons
vous servez
ils / elles servent
The present participle (le participe présent)
has a distinctive “ ant ” ending in French and
will often be preceded by en .
Where you see
this symbol …
past participle: servi
[ex. Ils nous ont servi un petit pain au chocolat.]
… it’s your turn
you’ve heard.
Then we’ll
Servir can be used in relation to serving food, to
serve as a volunteer, for one’s country, serving badly
in a game of tennis, etc.
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Lesson 42 : Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Level : beginner. “I’m starving ! When can we sit at the table ? …”
• lepronom“on” : [we,people,one]
• “Jemeursdefaim!” : [“I’mstarving!”]
• passeràtable : [to(goand)sitatthetable/totakeone’splaceatthetable]
• “D’ici[laindel’année]” : [betweennowandtheendoftheyear]
• avoirladalle : [tobeveryhungry]
passer à table
Xavier wondered when it would be time to go and sit
at the table. Let’s listen out for the expression “passer à
table” …
Quand est-ce qu’on passe à table ?
Quand est-ce qu’on passe à table ?
You responded to Xavier’s question, saying …
D’ici vingt minutes.
D’ici vingt minutes.
d’ici …
To convey the meaning “between now … and the end of
a certain period of time”, we simply use the expression
“d’ici …”. So, “between now and the end of the year”, that
would be …
D’ici la in de l’année.
D’ici la in de l’année.
“Within a few years” will be …
D’ici quelques années.
D’ici quelques années.
… and, “within a short period of time”is simply:
D’ici peu.
D’ici peu.
pouvoir +
J’ai la dalle …
Just to take the edge of his hunger, Xavier wanted to
have a little bread while waiting … While waiting – that’s
what’s called the present participle … let’s listen for the
expression “en attendant” …
Je peux prendre un morceau de pain en attendant ?
… is the equivalent of:
J’ai très faim.
[= I’m very hungry]
Je peux prendre un morceau de pain en attendant ?
Amélie, we’ve heard some interesting expressions in this
short lesson. To our listeners, to see if you’ve absorbed
everything, go ahead and take the text on the inal page
of the accompanying Lesson Guide, available from our
website at www.learnfrenchbypodcast.com. To inish, let’s
hear the exchange once again, right through.
On mange bientôt ?
Oui, pourquoi ?
Parce que je meurs de faim ! Alors, quand est-ce
qu’on passe à table ?
D’ici vingt minutes.
Je peux prendre un morceau de pain en attendant ?
J’ai trop la dalle !
D’accord , sers-toi !
[= Ok!]
Listen out, too, for the expression se mettre
d’accord sur which means “to agree on”.
Where you see
this symbol …
Les deux équipes se sont mis d’accord
sur …
[= The two teams agreed on …]
Amélie, that’s it for today. Until next time …
A la prochaine !
… it’s your turn
you’ve heard.
Then we’ll
© Plus Publications, 2006. All rights reserved.
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Lesson 42 : Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Level : beginner. “I’m starving ! When can we sit at the table ? …”
• lepronom“on” : [we,people,one]
• “Jemeursdefaim!” : [“I’mstarving!”]
• passeràtable : [to(goand)sitatthetable/totakeone’splaceatthetable]
• “D’ici[laindel’année]” : [betweennowandtheendoftheyear]
• avoirladalle : [tobeveryhungry]
Vocab extra !
• âge(m) ..................age
• alors.......................so, then
• appeler ..................to call
• attendre.................to wait
• belle ......................beautiful
• bientôt...................soon
• blanc......................white
• boire ......................to drink
• commande(f)........order
• compilation(f) ......compilation
• d’accord .................ok
• dalle,avoirla~ .....to be very
• devant ...................in front of
• eau(f)....................water
• écran(m) ...............screen
• entier .....................whole, entire
• équipe(f) ..............team
• examen(m) ...........exam
• jour(m) .................day
• juin ........................June
• jusqu’à ...................as far as
• lire .........................to read
• manger ..................to eat
• montrer .................to show
• morceau(m) ..........piece, bit
• mourir....................to die
• ofrir ......................toofer,togive
• oiseau(m) .............bird
• pain(m).................bread
• pourquoi? ..............why?
• quand ....................when
• servir .....................to serve
• soir(m) ..................evening
• soixante-dix-neuf ..seventy-nine
• suivre .....................to follow
• tard,plus~............later
• taureau(m) ...........bull
• temps(m)..............time
• trop........................too
• vin(m)...................wine
Are we leaving soon ? [partir]
Are we starting soon? [commencer]
They’re arriving within a half hour.
May I visit you tomorrow? [rendre visite / passer chez quelqu’un]
May I open it? [ouvrir]
He can explain the situation. [expliquer]
See how you have fared in the exercise above by clicking on the graphic.
(Note that we wait a few days after a lesson has been released before posting
the answers to exercises on our website.)
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