A Course in Miracles - List of Content.txt

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Each track has been renamed with Chapter and Title so that you can select a track and know its content and to allow entire compilation to play in order on one playlist. Be playful about everything, you are an eternal being of light. from playingwithGod.x

A Course in Miracles - List of Content.txt                                                                   183  a  
A Course in Miracles - Table of Contents.zip                                                             181,125  a  
Ch00-01 - ACIM - Preface.mp3                                                                           7,683,910  a  
Ch00-02 - ACIM - Introduction.mp3                                                                        333,994  a  
Ch01-01 - The Meaning of Miracles - Principles of Miracles.mp3                                         5,343,078  a  
Ch01-02 - The Meaning of Miracles - Revelation, Time and Miracles.mp3                                  2,341,765  a  
Ch01-03 - The Meaning of Miracles - Atonement and Miracles.mp3                                         2,883,910  a  
Ch01-04 - The Meaning of Miracles - The Escape from Darkness.mp3                                       1,425,964  a  
Ch01-05 - The Meaning of Miracles - Wholeness and Spirit.mp3                                           1,977,984  a  
Ch01-06 - The Meaning of Miracles - The Illusion of Needs.mp3                                          1,588,028  a  
Ch01-07 - The Meaning of Miracles - Distortions of Miracle Impulses.mp3                                1,977,514  a  
Ch02-01 - The Separation and The Atonement - The Origins of Separation.mp3                             2,455,398  a  
Ch02-02 - The Separation and The Atonement - The Atonement as Defense.mp3                              2,848,018  a  
Ch02-03 - The Separation and The Atonement - The Altar of God.mp3                                      2,295,842  a  
Ch02-04 - The Separation and The Atonement - Healing as Release from Fear.mp3                          2,277,974  a  
Ch02-05-00 - The Separation and The Atonement - The Function of the Miracle Worker.mp3                 3,699,558  a  
CH02-05-01 - The Separation and The Atonement - Special Principles of Miracle Workers.mp3              1,435,525  a  
CH02-06 - The Separation and The Atonement - Fear and Conflict.mp3                                     3,524,485  a  
CH02-07 - The Separation and The Atonement - Cause and Effect.mp3                                      2,971,525  a  
CH02-08 - The Separation and The Atonement - The Meaning of the Last Judgment.mp3                      1,957,765  a  
Ch03-01 - The Innocent Perception - Atonement Without Sacrifice.mp3                                    3,085,158  a  
Ch03-02 - The Innocent Perception - Miracles as True Perception.mp3                                    1,957,765  a  
Ch03-03 - The Innocent Perception - Perception versus Knowledge.mp3                                    2,427,969  a  
Ch03-04 - The Innocent Perception - Error and the Ego.mp3                                              3,032,965  a  
Ch03-05 - The Innocent Perception - Beyond Perception.mp3                                              3,159,920  a  
Ch03-06 - The Innocent Perception - Judgment and the Authority Problem.mp3                             3,609,905  a  
Ch03-07 - The Innocent Perception - Creating versus the Self-Image.mp3                                 2,553,514  a  
CH04-00 -The Illusions of The Ego -  Introduction.mp3                                                  1,107,949  a  
Ch04-01 - The Illusions of The Ego - Right Teaching and Right Learning.mp3                             4,768,018  a  
Ch04-02 - The Illusions of The Ego - The Ego and False Autonomy.mp3                                    4,342,013  a  
Ch04-03 - The Illusions of The Ego - Love Without Conflict.mp3                                         3,309,758  a  
Ch04-04 - The Illusions of The Ego - This Need Not Be.mp3                                              3,477,935  a  
Ch04-05 - The Illusions of The Ego - The Ego-Body Illusion.mp3                                         2,311,045  a  
Ch04-06 - The Illusions of The Ego - The Rewards of God.mp3                                            2,722,003  a  
Ch04-07 - The Illusions of The Ego - Creation and Communication.mp3                                    2,883,597  a  
CH05-00 - Healing and Wholeness - Introduction.mp3                                                       842,598  a  
Ch05-01 - Healing and Wholeness - The Invitation to the Holy Spirit.mp3                                2,277,660  a  
Ch05-02 - Healing and Wholeness - The Voice for God.mp3                                                3,490,003  a  
Ch05-03 - Healing and Wholeness - The Guide to Salvation.mp3                                           3,051,930  a  
Ch05-04 - Healing and Wholeness - Teaching and Healing.mp3                                             2,811,969  a  
Ch05-05 - Healing and Wholeness - The Ego's Use of Guilt.mp3                                           3,079,045  a  
Ch05-06 - Healing and Wholeness - Time and Eternity.mp3                                                2,722,003  a  
Ch05-07 - Healing and Wholeness - The Decision for God.mp3                                             1,656,521  a  
CH06-00 - The Lessons of Love - Introduction.mp3                                                         652,008  a  
Ch06-01 - The Lessons of Love - The Message of the Crucifixion.mp3                                     4,695,920  a  
Ch06-02 - The Lessons of Love - The Alternative to Projection.mp3                                      3,499,878  a  
Ch06-03 - The Lessons of Love - The Relinquishment of Attack.mp3                                       1,297,285  a  
Ch06-04 - The Lessons of Love - The Only Answer.mp3                                                    3,284,838  a  
Ch06-05 - The Lessons of Love - The Lessons of the Holy Spirit.mp3                                     1,088,358  a  
Ch06-05-01 - The Lessons of the Holy Spirit - To Have, Give All to All.mp3                             1,794,918  a  
Ch06-05-02 - The Lessons of the Holy Spirit - To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It.mp3               2,493,954  a  
Ch06-05-03 - The Lessons of the Holy Spirit - Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom.mp3             3,248,005  a  
Ch07-01 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Last Step.mp3                                                 2,182,052  a  
Ch07-02 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Law of the Kingdom.mp3                                        2,224,057  a  
Ch07-03 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Reality of the Kingdom.mp3                                    1,833,945  a  
Ch07-04 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - Healing as the Recognition of Truth.mp3                           2,224,057  a  
Ch07-05 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - Healing and the Changelessness of Mind.mp3                        3,825,729  a  
Ch07-06 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - From Vigilance to Peace.mp3                                       4,323,205  a  
Ch07-07 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Totality of the Kingdom.mp3                                   3,232,018  a  
Ch07-08 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Unbelievable Belief.mp3                                       2,445,994  a  
Ch07-09 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Extension of the Kingdom.mp3                                  1,988,485  a  
Ch07-10 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The Confusion of Pain and Joy.mp3                                 2,577,964  a  
Ch07-11 - The Gifts of the Kingdom - The State of Grace.mp3                                            2,178,918  a  
Ch08-01 - The Journey Back - The Direction of the Curriculum.mp3                                       1,677,994  a  
Ch08-02 - The Journey Back - The Difference Between Imprisonment and Freedom.mp3                       2,146,003  a  
Ch08-03 - The Journey Back - The Holy Encounter.mp3                                                    2,486,118  a  
Ch08-04 - The Journey Back - The Gift of Freedom.mp3                                                   3,184,057  a  
Ch08-05 - The Journey Back - The Undivided Will of the Sonship.mp3                                     2,007,920  a  
Ch08-06 - The Journey Back - The Treasure of God.mp3                                                   2,876,074  a  
Ch08-07 - The Journey Back - The Body as a Means of Communication.mp3                                  4,389,974  a  
Ch08-08 - The Journey Back - The Body as Means or End.mp3                                              3,008,358  a  
Ch08-09 - The Journey Back - Healing as Corrected Perception.mp3                                       2,455,398  a  
Ch09-01 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Acceptance of Reality.mp3                              4,046,725  a  
Ch09-02 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Answer to Prayer.mp3                                   3,217,285  a  
Ch09-03 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Correction of Error.mp3                                2,085,974  a  
Ch09-04 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Holy Spirit's Plan of Forgiveness.mp3                  2,937,984  a  
Ch09-05 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Unhealed Healer.mp3                                    2,716,047  a  
Ch09-06 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Acceptance of Your Brother.mp3                         2,122,023  a  
Ch09-07 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - The Two Evaluations.mp3                                    2,455,398  a  
Ch09-08 - The Acceptance of The Atonement - Grandeur versus Grandiosity.mp3                            3,109,765  a  
CH10-00 - The Idols of Sic...
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