Twaróg. La Ricotta.txt

(11 KB) Pobierz
00:00:01:It's not difficult to predict|for this story of mine
00:00:04:biased, ambiguous|and scandalized judgments.
00:00:08:In any case, i want to state here and now|that however la ricotta is taken,
00:00:12:the story of the passion,|which la ricotta indirectly recalls,
00:00:16:is for me the greatest event|that has ever happened
00:00:18:and the books that recount it|the most sublime ever written.
00:01:16:Damn it.
00:01:21:Got a temperature?
00:01:23:Stracci, you're finished.
00:01:26:Yes, of course.
00:01:28:I slept outside last night.|The garbage man woke me up.
00:01:32:Then you're not eating?
00:01:33:Not eating? Yeah, right.
00:01:35:Better hide your lunch,|or i'll eat that too.
00:01:37:What did you say?
00:01:43:That reminds me: The wife and kids|are coming to eat today.
00:01:47:Who knows what saint will help me.
00:01:49:You've got your pick here today.
00:01:51:With all these saints,|it's like a museum around here!
00:01:54:Anything wrong with the saints?
00:01:55:St. Sly there stole from god|to feed the dog.
00:01:59:Just look how it eats:
00:02:02:Caviar, steak...
00:02:04:saints, did you eat|the whole last supper?
00:02:07:I'm a poor starving man.
00:02:09:Nothing left?|You ate it all?
00:02:13:Shut up|or i'll excommunicate you.
00:02:28:The crown.
00:02:29:The crown!
00:02:45:Places, everyone! We're ready!
00:02:49:The record!
00:02:53:Not that one!
00:02:55:You're worse than the men|who rolled dice at the foot of the cross!
00:03:00:Publicans! Blasphemers!
00:03:03:The scarlatti record!
00:03:20:2050, take one.
00:03:24:Come on, prompter.|Do your job.
00:03:27:O sorrowing spirit.
00:03:29:O bewildered mother's son.
00:03:33:O desperate mother's son.
00:03:36:O martyred son.
00:03:39:O chaste, rose-pink son.
00:03:42:O peerless son.
00:03:44:No, valentina!
00:03:46:What's with that face?|This isn't the com�die fran�aise!
00:03:52:O sorrowing spirit.
00:03:54:O bewildered mother's son.
00:03:57:O bewildered mother's son.
00:03:59:O martyred son.
00:04:01:Get the negro out of there!
00:04:06:Sonia, remember|you're at christ's feet!
00:04:09:Stop thinking about your dog!
00:04:14:2,050, take three.
00:04:19:Prompter, wake up!
00:04:21:O sorrowing spirit...
00:04:35:half-wits! Now we'll have|to start all over again!
00:04:39:Sonia, step out please.|We've got to start again.
00:04:43:- Camera.|- 2,050, take four.
00:04:50:Amorosi, stop picking your nose|and take your position!
00:05:21:Giovanni, did you get some lunch?
00:05:24:Here it is.
00:05:29:Eat up.
00:05:31:- What about you?|- Me?
00:05:33:I'm out of luck, as usual.
00:05:37:What can you do?
00:05:39:Enjoy it.
00:05:40:Thanks, giovanni.|See you tonight.
00:06:34:- Where are you going?|- I've got business.
00:06:38:I'm gonna get work as an extra.
00:07:08:- Where are you going?|- I've got business too.
00:07:36:Finished the whole thing already?
00:07:39:What an appetite!
00:07:41:I want to go to terracina
00:07:45:and have lunch on the plain
00:07:48:i'll eat a cow whole|and a sheep still in its wool
00:08:43:you look like my dad.
00:09:41:Hey, you bastard!
00:09:43:That's my lunch!
00:09:46:Damn you!
00:09:48:Drop my lunch|or i'll throttle you,
00:09:51:you dirty thief!
00:10:13:Think that was a nice thing to do?
00:10:16:Think you're better than me|'cause you belong to a star?
00:11:03:May i have a word?
00:11:09:Excuse me.|I hope i'm not disturbing.
00:11:12:I'm a journalist.
00:11:16:Go on.
00:11:18:I'd like to get a little interview.
00:11:21:- No more than four questions.|- Thanks.
00:11:25:First: What do you mean to express|with this new work?
00:11:32:My intimate, profound,
00:11:35:archaic catholicism.
00:11:42:What do you think|of italian society?
00:11:46:The most illiterate masses
00:11:49:and the most ignorant|bourgeoisie in europe.
00:11:54:And what do you think of death?
00:11:57:As a marxist,|i never give it any thought.
00:12:02:Fourth and last question:
00:12:03:What do you think of|our great director federico fellini?
00:12:09:He dances.
00:12:14:He dances.
00:12:17:Thank you, congratulations|and good-bye.
00:12:27:"I am a force from the past..."
00:12:34:it's a poem.
00:12:37:In the first part, the poet describes|certain ancient ruins
00:12:42:whose style and history|no one any longer understands,
00:12:44:and certain hideous modern buildings|that everyone understands.
00:12:50:Then he resumes:
00:12:54:"I am a force from the past.
00:12:57:Tradition is my only love.
00:13:01:I come from the ruins, churches,
00:13:04:altarpieces, forgotten hamlets
00:13:08:in the appenines|and the foothills of the alps
00:13:11:where dwell our brothers.
00:13:14:I walk the tuscolana way|like a madman,
00:13:17:the appian way|like a dog without a master.
00:13:21:I behold the twilight,|the mornings over rome,
00:13:25:over ciociaria,
00:13:27:over the world,
00:13:28:like the first acts of post-history,
00:13:31:which i witness|by privilege of birth
00:13:34:from the utmost edge|of some buried age.
00:13:39:Monstrous is the man born
00:13:41:from the bowels of a dead woman.
00:13:45:And i,
00:13:47:adult fetus,
00:13:49:wander, more modern|than any modern...
00:13:54:in search of brothers...
00:13:59:who are no more."
00:14:02:Did you understand anything?
00:14:05:Sure, a lot.
00:14:08:You walk the tuscolana way...
00:14:12:write down what i tell you.
00:14:15:You understood nothing|because you're an average man, right?
00:14:20:Well, yeah.
00:14:22:But you don't know|what an average man is.
00:14:25:He's a monster.
00:14:26:A dangerous criminal.
00:14:36:slave trader,
00:14:37:a mediocrity!
00:14:45:Have you got a bad heart?
00:14:47:No, thank god.
00:14:49:Too bad, because if you|were to drop dead right here,
00:14:51:it'd be good publicity|for the film's release.
00:14:54:You don't exist anyway.
00:14:57:Capital acknowledges|the existence of labor
00:14:59:only insofar as it serves production.
00:15:02:And the producer of my film|is the owner of your paper as well.
00:15:41:- What are you doing picking flowers?|- Nothing else to do.
00:15:44:Nothing else to do.
00:15:50:- And what are you waiting for?|- That's our business.
00:15:53:Your business.
00:16:04:What a nice dog.|What kind is it?
00:16:06:What breed is it?|A pomeranian?
00:16:09:He's adorable.
00:16:12:What's his name?
00:16:15:He's so sweet.|If he could just talk, he'd be perfect.
00:16:20:You like him?
00:16:21:A lot!
00:16:22:- Want to make a deal?|- What kind of deal?
00:16:31:I'll sell him to you.
00:16:33:I don't have much on me.|Will you take a check?
00:16:36:Give me a thousand lira|and we'll call it even.
00:16:39:I've got a thousand lira.|Here.
00:17:01:Cheese man!
00:17:02:I'll buy all you've got!
00:17:45:The good thief!
00:17:47:The good thief!
00:18:02:Nail them up.
00:18:05:Here i am.
00:18:09:Come on, slaves. Nail me up.
00:18:13:Climb on|and i'll nail you down good.
00:18:15:Boy, i ate too much.|My stomach's about to explode.
00:18:19:- Did you eat, stracci?|- What kind of question is that?
00:18:23:Here, stracci, have a bite.
00:18:46:You thirsty? Want a drink?
00:18:59:Come here a minute.
00:19:04:Whaddaya want?
00:19:08:Don't make a fuss.|Come here.
00:19:10:Listen, do us a favor.
00:19:13:Do a striptease for us.|See stracci over there?
00:19:16:You have to do it in front of him.
00:19:18:What have you got to lose?
00:19:21:We'll pay you. Come on.
00:19:24:Give us a tune.
00:19:25:Play some of that arab music.
00:19:34:What are you waiting for?
00:19:37:Start stripping.
00:20:00:Musician, don't swallow|your instrument!
00:20:23:- Begone, she-devil!|- Flower of the orient!
00:20:26:Ali baba's mistress!
00:20:39:Carry the crosses up.
00:20:48:Get a move on with those crosses!|You're like slugs this morning!
00:20:52:We ought to have a whip!
00:20:54:Run! Come on, run!
00:20:59:Start the record, please.
00:22:04:Come with me.
00:22:13:Ettore, you're some angel!|What are you doing?
00:22:17:- I can try, can't i?|- Try spreading your wings.
00:22:24:She's the one who should have|done the striptease.
00:22:30:What scene are you setting up?
00:22:34:Listen, darling, you shoot my scene|or i take off. Fair is fair.
00:22:37:Right. I'd forgotten.
00:22:40:Do the other scene.
00:23:16:Leave them nailed down.
00:23:18:Leave them nailed down!
00:23:28:Take it easy.
00:23:34:I'm hungry.|I'm gonna start cursing.
00:23:38:You do and i'll let you have it.
00:23:41:A fine christ you are.|Think i've got no right to grumble?
00:23:45:Suit yourself, but i won't take you|into the kingdom of heaven.
00:23:48:I'd settle for the kingdom of earth.
00:23:51:Especially now that|your party's in power.
00:23:53:As if yours is any better?|They're all the same.
00:23:57:I don't get you.
00:24:00:You're always hungry, yet you stay|with those who starve you.
00:24:04:Some have one calling,|others another.
00:24:08:My calling must have been to starve.
00:24:15:Places, please.|We've no time to lose.
00:24:17:Get the seamstress out of there!
00:24:22:Put on the record.
00:24:26:No, not that one, you heathens!
00:24:36:Remember, the director|wants you to keep perfectly still.
00:25:00:- Camera.|- 442, take one.
00:25:10:No, not like that.
00:25:11:Do it again.|More rapture, more piety.
00:25:16:No, i told you to keep still.
00:25:19:Stop waving those arms around.
00:25:23:You're a figure on an altarpiece.|You got that?
00:25:30:What a shame! What a shame!
00:25:35:I'll bash your heads in,|you lazy cowards!
00:25:39:You have no respect,|yo...
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