The Unknown Bobby Fischer.pdf

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The Unknown
Bobby Fischer
IM John Donaldson
IM Eric Tangborn
International Chess Enterprises
Seattle, Washington
Copyight © 1999 by Inteational Cess Etepises •· ' - · · .·- - · )
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All ights eseved. No part of this ook ay e reproduced:t�iitto ln.��
fonn or by y means, electronic or mechanical, including��
or by any infontion stoage and etrieval system, without ermission -ing
from the publisher.
Inteational Chess Enterpises, . 0 .Box 19457, Seattle, WA 98109
Editor: Frdeick Kleist
Proofreaders: Holly Le, Duane Polich
Diagams: Jonathn Bey's YesWeDoDiagas prom
'eset by Fredeick Kleist using Vena Publisher
Donldson, John
Tangbo, Eric
The Unknown Bobby Fiscer
Fist Piting: Novemer 1999
204 ages
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ISBN 1-879479-85-0
Cover Poto: Coutesy of Ruth York
876848388.006.png 876848388.001.png 876848388.002.png
E. . To my parents
.D. To John Wa tson and Val Zemitis,
two of the great gentlemen of the chess world
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