Flexible French.pdf

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Foreword ................................ 7
Part One -The Black Queen's Musketeers •••..••.••••.• 9
Advance Variation - 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5
Chapter 1 - Looking for Satisfaction . . . 11
Chapter 2 - Labyrinths of the Old System 27
Part wo -Weapons and Dogmas ••••.•.••.••..•.•. 59
Tarrasch Variation -1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jd2
Chapter 3 - Beyond Tarrasch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 4 - Exotic Deviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 0
Part Three -French Magic •••••..•.••.•..•..•.• 149
assical System -1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jc3 Jf6
Chapter 5 - Morozevich's Resources
Chapter 6 - A Legendary Pin
Chapter 7 - Russian Roulette . . . .
Part Four - Behind the Barricades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Wmawer Vaiaion -1.4 6 2.d4 5 3.M4
Chapter 8 - My System in the Winawer. . . . . . .
Chapter 9 - Black Queen Blues: Winawer Variation
Part Five -Seven Samurai Swords
· 245
Chapter 10 - Kortchnoi's Wedge..
Chapter 11- King's Indian Attack.
Chapter 12 - The Kung Fu Fight. .
Chapter 13 - Weathering the Storm .
Chapter 14 - The Anti-Winawer.
Chapter 15 - The Semi-Winawer
Chapter 16 - The Old Winawer .
New In Chess Code System .
· 270
Index of Variations.
· 271
Index of Players . .
· 277
A Brief Biography of the AuthorBihliography . . . . . . . . . . 279
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Original Variations for your Repertoire
Strategic xplanations and Surprise Weapons for Dynamic Chess Players
The French Defence is a gem in any chess player's opening repertoire. The main
difference in comparison to other great openings is the display of knowledge and
concepts that are required here, instead of a constant memorisation and repetition
of long, fo rced, 'theoretical ' lines. The middlegame and , with it, the real battle be­
gins at a very early stage.
This 'Flexible French ' book is an attempt to mix various aspects : my general expe­
rience in this opening, new concepts and analysis of several creative lines. Its pur­
pose is to ofer a combative repertoire to black players , and also to offer white
players some sharp ideas .
With 1...e7 -e6, Black builds a fo rtress with a clo sed centre, so the main roads to
success are those leading to a game where White 's extra tempo is not so important.
This defence is also fu ll of strategic as well as tactical resources , and according to
many masters , its lines are among the most complicated in chess. There are also
several fo rgotten systems that are still fu ll of possibilities , sharp and exotic lines,
original ideas and much more.
The current state of openin g theory
During the past few years - the computer days - many books by vanguard authors
have seen the light , with ambitious names like : 'Beating the Spanish, the Sicilian,
the French' and many others. Some authors even churn out books of this type up to
3-5 times a year !
Please note that the Grand Masters , such as Botvinnik, Petrosian and also the best
modern players , work on the study of their systems much more slowly, but with
great depth - learning and practicing them year after year. The evaluations of their
ideas hardly change, at least not as abruptly as in these new books.
Also, I think that a new time has arrived fo r chess books on opening theor. In­
stead of copying thousands of games that are played each day and presenting the
analysis by the engines , it is much more efective - and more positive - to compose
a book with articles according to a diferent concept: with space fo r background
information, an instructive selection of the material and conclusions drawn fr om
this material .
The reader of he Flexible French will ind it the easiest and the most interesting to
learn the main plans with the fo llOwing structure in each Part:
* Historic origin of each variation
* Main ideas , resources, advices
* Analysis ofthe most interesting lines through model games
* Illustrative games
* Statistics, summaries and conclusions.
I hope that my previous book he Fabulous Budapest Gambit and the present work
can serve as good examples of this new method of writing opening books.
of course, many questions will always remain open, fo r practical players as well
as theoreticians.
Good luck with the study and the practice of a genuine opening - The French De­
fen ce !
Greetings to you all!
Grandmaster Viktor Mosalenko, Barcelona 2008
My sincerest gratitude goes out to my oId fr iend and student Duis Delgado fo r his
help with translating my texts fr om Spanish into English.
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