(1 KB) Pobierz
| INVENTORY TWEAKS Mod - By Jimeo Wan (jimeo.wan at |
| Readme                                                       |

====== [ SETUP ] ======

1. Make sure ModLoader is already installed (
2. Remove any previous version of Inventory Tweaks
3. Put the Zip in the "mods" folder of Minecraft [OR] Put all of the Zip contents in "minecraft.jar"
4. Launch the game!

======= [ USE ] =======

------ Controls -------

* R: Sort the inventory (can be mapped in the Options/Controls menu)
* Middle click: Sort the inventory/chest

* Up + Left click: Move item up (ex: from the hotbar to the inventory)
* Down + Left click: Move item down (ex: from the chest to the inventory)
* Shift + Left click: Move all items of the same type / Fast crafting
* Ctrl + Left click: Move only one item
* Right-click instead of click: Move to empty slot

* Alt + Left click: Drop item
* 0-9 + Left click: Move item to the hotbar

TIP: Combos like Shift+Alt+Click or Ctrl+Up+Click also work!

----- Configuration -----

At first launch, three configuration files will appear in the minecraft "config" folder.
- InvTweaksRules.txt: To change the sorting behavior
- InvTweaksTree.txt: To change the item names, orders and categories
- InvTweaks.cfg: Global configuration.
Edit them at will!

TIP: After editing a configuration file, just press the sorting key to reload.

====== [ LINKS ] ======

* Minecraft Forum thread:
* Official website:
* Source code:
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