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Best Fishes!
Best Fishes!
By Mel Burns
Materials Required:
Fimo: Bright Blue, Turquoise and Translucent.
Fish shaped cutter (optional).
A 7mm joggle eye.
Tracing paper and a pencil.
Fine tipped Black marker pen.
Cream Parch Marque card 9cm x 9cm.
UHU Glue (black top).
Card mount: DE09U-27, Bright Blue.
To Make The Card:
Glue the cream card behind the aperture and
glue the card mount closed.
With clean hands, knead a walnut sized piece
of translucent fimo until pliable then roll into a
short sausage.
Knead pea sized pieces of bright blue and
turquoise, and roll them into sausages keeping
them apart. Washing your hands between
colours will help to keep them pure.
Put the three coloured sausages together
keeping the translucent between the colours
at this point so they don’t touch. Work the
sausages, rolling them together only once or
twice until slightly mixed for the best effect.
Roll out onto a clean, dry, flat surface to
approximately 2mm thick, I use an empty felt
tipped pen barrel as a rolling pin.
You may prefer to make a card template from
the diagram, it will be easier to cut round and is
re-usable, a great advantage if you want to make
several cards. If you are making several fish, bear
in mind that as you re-roll the fimo, the marbling
will become less noticeable. So making several
small marbled batches is usually better than one
large batch. Bake the fimo following the instruc-
tions on the packet and allow to cool.
If you have a fish cutter, cut out the fish
placing the marbled stripes to best advantage
within the fish shape.
If you don’t have
a cutter, trace the fish
from the diagram and
cut it out. Place the
tracing over the fimo
using the marbled
stripes to best effect
for the fish. Cut the
fimo round the traced
Actual Size
Glue the fish onto the centre of the cream card
and the eye onto the fish using UHU glue (super
glue is better for protecting the eye against any
knocks it may get, but it needs a great deal of
care whilst using).
Using a fine black pen draw small wriggly
lines for the sea and a few bubbles coming from
the fish, I have added a little shell as well. Finally
add the Best Fishes! (or wording of your choice)
under the aperture.
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We hope you enjoy this free project. You may hand make copies of this project,
to give away or sell, as many times as you like. You may not use the pattern,
project, text or pictures for any other purpose nor make the project using
any automated process.
The project was taken from a back issue of the Craft Creations Magazine.
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