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ASHRAE Research: Improving the Quality of Life
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi-
tioning Engineers is the world’s foremost technical society in the
fields of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration. Its
members worldwide are individuals who share ideas, identify the
need for and support research, and write the industry’s standards for
testing and practice. The result of these efforts is that engineers are
better able to keep indoor environments safe and productive while
protecting and preserving the outdoors for generations to come.
One of the ways that ASHRAE supports its members’ and indus-
try’s need for information is through ASHRAE Research. Thou-
sands of individuals and companies support ASHRAE Research
The 2000 ASHRAE Handbook
The 2000 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment
describes both the combinations of equipment and the components
or assemblies that perform a particular function either individually
or in combination. The information helps the system designer select
and operate equipment, although it does not describe how to design
Major topic areas include
• Air-conditioning and heating systems
• Air-handling equipment
• Heating equipment
• General HVAC components
• Unitary equipment
Most of the chapters in this Handbook update material in the
1996 ASHRAE Handbook to reflect current technology. The follow-
ing chapters contain major revisions or new material.
• Chapters 1 through 5 are reorganized and tightened for clarity.
Chapter 2, Building Air Distribution, contains expanded cover-
age on VAV systems, including more information on terminal
units. Chapter 4, Central Cooling and Heating, is a new chapter
that introduces central plant equipment and options.
• Chapter 7, Cogeneration Systems and Engine and Turbine Drives,
has more information on combustion turbine inlet air cooling as
well as updates for other sections.
• Chapter 9, Design of Small Forced-Air Heating and Cooling Sys-
tems, includes revised duct fitting data and new information on
duct efficiency testing. In addition, information on system perfor-
mance from Chapter 28, Furnaces, was moved to this chapter and
clarified and updated to be consistent with emerging duct effi-
ciency technology.
• Chapter 11, District Heating and Cooling, includes new informa-
tion on the effect of moisture on underground pipe insulation, cal-
culation of undisturbed soil temperatures, cathodic protection of
direct buried conduits, and leak detection. Also, the information
on consumer interconnections and metering is expanded.
• Chapter 13, Condenser Water Systems, has additional informa-
tion on water hammer, freeze protection, water treatment, over-
pressure, and free cooling.
• Chapter 16, Duct Construction, refers to new flexible duct, fiber
reinforced plastic duct, acoustical rating of duct liner, and blanket
duct insulation standards.
• Chapter 19, Evaporative Air Cooling Equipment, contains more
information on humidification and dehumidification.
• Chapter 22, Desiccant Dehumidification and Pressure Drying
Equipment, has been expanded, particularly the section on liquid
desiccant systems.
Robert A. Parsons, ASHRAE Handbook Editor
annually, enabling ASHRAE to report new data about material
properties and building physics and to promote the application of
innovative technologies.
The chapters in ASHRAE Handbooks are updated through the
experience of members of ASHRAE technical committees and
through results of ASHRAE Research reported at ASHRAE meet-
ings and published in ASHRAE special publications and in ASH-
RAE Transactions .
For information about ASHRAE Research or to become a mem-
ber contact, ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329; tele-
phone: 404-636-8400;
• Chapter 23, Air-Heating Coils, provides a broader scope of the
types of heating coils and their selection and application.
• Chapter 24, Air Cleaners for Particulate Contaminants, discusses
the new ASHRAE Standard 52.2 for testing of air-cleaning
devices and includes new sections on residential air cleaners and
• Chapter 25, Industrial Gas Cleaning and Air Pollution Control,
received a substantial update and includes revised information on
electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters,
• Chapter 26, Automatic Fuel-Burning Equipment, is updated and
now discusses low oxides of nitrogen emission from oil-fired
• Chapter 27, Boilers, includes new information on increasing
boiler efficiency and on wall hung boilers for residential use.
• Chapter 36, Cooling Towers, has more information about (1) a
combined flow coil/fill evaporative cooling tower, (2) precau-
tions about using variable frequency drives. and (3) the increased
use and acceptance of thermal performance certification.
• Chapter 40, Motors, Motor Controls, and Variable-Speed Drives,
includes a significant new section on variable-speed drives.
• Chapter 43, Heat Exchangers, is a new chapter that provides an
overview of the topic.
• Chapter 44, Air-to-Air Energy Recovery, contains new informa-
tion on ideal air-to-air energy exchange, rating of performance,
comparison of devices, and twin tower enthalpy recovery loops.
• Chapter 46, Room Air Conditioners, Packaged Terminal Air Con-
ditioners, and Dehumidifiers, combines information from two
previous chapters.
• Chapter 47, Engine-Driven Heating and Cooling Equipment, is a
new chapter that includes information on engine-driven chillers,
air conditioners, heat pumps, and refrigeration equipment. The
chapter also includes and updates information from an old chapter
on unitary heat pumps.
This Handbook is published both as a bound print volume and in
electronic format on a CD-ROM. It is available in two editions—
one contains inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement, and the other
contains the International System of Units (SI).
Look for corrections to the 1997, 1998, and 1999 Handbooks on
the Internet at . Any changes in this volume
will be reported in the 2001 ASHRAE Handbook and on the ASH-
RAE web site.
If you have suggestions for improving a chapter or you would
like more information on how you can help revise a chapter, e-mail; write to Handbook Editor, ASHRAE, 1791
Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329; or fax 404-321-5478.
Selecting a System .......................................................................................................................... 1.1
HVAC Systems and Equipment ....................................................................................................... 1.3
Space Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 1.4
Air Distribution ............................................................................................................................... 1.5
Piping .............................................................................................................................................. 1.6
System Management ....................................................................................................................... 1.6
A tions in a space. In almost every application, a myriad of
options are available to the design engineer to satisfy this basic goal.
In the selection and combination of these options, the design engi-
neer must consider all criteria defined here to achieve the functional
requirements associated with the goal.
HVAC systems are categorized by the method used to control
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in the conditioned area.
This chapter addresses the procedures associated with selecting the
appropriate system for a given application. It also describes and
defines the design concepts and characteristics of basic HVAC sys-
tems. Chapters 2 through 5 of this volume describe specific systems
and their attributes, based on their heating and cooling medium and
commonly used variations.
• Supporting a process, such as the operation of computer
• Promoting a germ-free environment
• Increasing sales
• Increasing net rental income
• Increasing the salability of a property
The owner can only make appropriate value judgments if the
design engineer provides complete information on the advantages
and disadvantages of each option. Just as the owner does not usually
know the relative advantages and disadvantages of different sys-
tems, the design engineer rarely knows all the owner’s financial and
functional goals. Hence, the owner must be involved in the selection
of a system.
The design engineer is responsible for considering various sys-
tems and recommending one or two that will satisfy the goal and
perform as desired. It is imperative that the design engineer and the
owner collaborate on identifying and rating the criteria associated
with the design goal. Some criteria that may be considered are
• Temperature, humidity, and space pressure requirements
• Capacity requirements
• Redundancy
• Spatial requirements
• First cost
• Operating cost
• Maintenance cost
• Reliability
• Flexibility
• Life cycle analysis
Because these factors are interrelated, the owner and design
engineer must consider how these criteria affect each other. The rel-
ative importance of factors, such as these, differs with different
owners and often changes from one project to another for the same
owner. For example, typical concerns of owners include first cost
compared to operating cost, the extent and frequency of mainte-
nance and whether that maintenance requires entering the occupied
space, the expected frequency of failure of a system, the impact of
a failure, and the time required to correct the failure. Each of these
concerns has a different priority, depending on the owner’s goals.
System Constraints
Once the goal criteria and additional goal options are listed,
many constraints must be determined and documented. These con-
straints may include
• Performance limitations (i.e., temperature, humidity, and space
• Available capacity
• Available space
• Availability utility source
• Building architecture
• Construction budget
Few projects allow detailed quantitative evaluation of all alter-
natives. Common sense, historical data, and subjective experience
can be used to narrow choices to one or two potential systems.
Heating and air conditioning loads often contribute to the con-
straints, narrowing the choice to systems that will fit in the available
space and be compatible with the building architecture. Chapter 28
of the 1997 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals describes methods
used to determine the size and characteristics of the heating and air
conditioning loads. By establishing the capacity requirement the
size of equipment can be determined, and the choice may be nar-
rowed to those systems that work well on projects within a size
Loads vary over time due to the time of day/night, changes in the
weather, occupancy, activities, and solar exposure. Each space with
a different use and/or exposure may require a different control zone
to maintain space comfort. Some areas with special requirements
may need individual systems. The extent of zoning, the degree of
control required in each zone, and the space required for individual
zones also narrow the system choices.
No matter how efficiently a particular system operates or how
economical it is to install, it can only be considered if it (1) main-
tains the desired building space environment within an acceptable
tolerance under all conditions and occupant activities and (2) phys-
ically fits into the building without being objectionable.
Additional Goals
In addition to the primary goal to provide the desired environ-
ment, the design engineer must be aware of and account for other
goals the o wner may require. These goals may include
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 9.1, Large Building Air-
Conditioning Systems.
N HVAC SYSTEM maintains desired environmental condi-
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2000 ASHRAE Systems and Equipment Handbook (SI)
Cooling and humidity control are often the basis of sizing
HVAC components and subsystems, but the system may also be
determined based on the ventilation criteria. For example, if large
quantities of outside air are required for ventilation or to replace air
exhausted from the building, only systems that transport large air
volumes need to be considered.
Effective delivery of heat to an area may be an equally impor-
tant factor in the selection. A distribution system that offers high
efficiency and comfort for cooling may be a poor choice for heating.
This performance compromise may be small for one application in
one climate, but may be unacceptable in another that has more strin-
gent heating requirements.
HVAC systems and the associated distribution systems often
occupy a significant amount of space . Major components may
also require special support from the structure. The size and appear-
ance of terminal devices (i.e., diffusers, fan-coil units, radiant pan-
els, etc.) have an affect on the architectural design because they are
visible in the occupied space.
Other architectural factors that limit the selection of some sys-
tems include
• Acceptable noise levels in the occupied space
• Space available to house equipment and its location relative to the
occupied space
• Space available for horizontal and/or vertical distribution pipes
and ducts
• Acceptability of components visible in the occupied space.
Construction budget constraints can also influence the choice
of HVAC systems. Based on historical data, some systems may be
economically out of reach for an owner’s building program.
Each selection may require combining a primary system with a
secondary system (or distribution system). The primary system
converts energy from fuel or electricity into a heating and/or cooling
media. The secondary system delivers heating, ventilation, and/or
cooling to the occupied space. The two systems, to a great extent,
are independent, so several secondary systems may work with a par-
ticular primary system. In some cases, however, only one secondary
system may be suitable for a particular primary system.
Once subjective analysis has identified one or two HVAC sys-
tems (sometimes only one choice may remain), detailed quantitative
evaluations must be made. All systems considered should provide
satisfactory performance to meet the owner’s essential goals. The
design engineer should provide the owner with specific data on each
system to make an informed choice. The following chapters in the
ASHRAE Handbooks should be consulted to help narrow the
• Chapter 8, 1997 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals covers
physiological principles, comfort, and health.
• Chapter 30, 1997 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals covers
methods for estimating annual energy costs.
• Chapter 34, 1999 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications covers
methods for energy management.
• Chapter 35, 1999 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications covers
owning and operating cost.
• Chapter 37, 1999 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications covers
mechanical maintenance.
• Chapter 46, 1999 ASHRAE Handbook—Applications covers
sound and vibration control.
Selection Report
As the last step of selection, the design engineer should prepare
a summary report that addresses the following:
•The goal
• Criteria for selection
• Important factors
• Other goals
A brief outline of each of the final selections should be provided.
In addition, those HVAC systems deemed inappropriate should be
noted as having been considered but not applicable to meet the
owner’s primary HVAC goal.
Narrowing the Choices
Chapters 2 through 5 cover building air distribution, in-room
terminal systems, central cooling and heating, and decentralized
cooling and heating. Each chapter briefly summarizes the positive
and negative features of various systems. One or two systems that
best satisfy the project goal can usually be identified by comparing
the criteria, other factors and constraints, and their relative impor-
tance. In making subjective choices, notes should be kept on all
systems considered and the reasons for eliminating those that are
Table 1 Sample HVAC System Selection Matrix (0 to 10 Score)
Goal: Furnish and install an HVAC system that provides moderate space temperature
control with minimum humidity control at an operating budget of 220 kW/m 2 per year
System #1 System #2 System #3 Remarks
1. Criteria for Selection:
• 24°C space temperature with ±2°C control during occupied cycle
• 20% relative humidity with ± 5% rh control during heating season.
• First cost
• Equipment life cycle
2. Important Factors:
• First class office space stature
• Individual tenant utility metering
3. Other Goals:
• Engineered smoke control system
•ASHRAE Standard 62 ventilation rates
• Direct digital control building automation
4. System Constraints:
• No equipment on the first floor
• No exterior louvers below the perimeter windows
5. Other Constraints:
• No perimeter finned tube radiation
HVAC System Analysis and Selection
The report should include an HVAC system selection matrix that
identifies the one or two suggested HVAC system (primary and sec-
ondary when applicable) selections, system constraints, and other
constraints. In completing this matrix assessment, the engineer
should have the owner’s input to the analysis. This input can also be
applied as weighted multipliers.
Many grading methods are used to complete an analytical matrix
analysis. Probably the simplest grading method is to rate each item
Excellent/Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor. A numerical rating system
such as 0 to 10, with 10 equal to Excellent and 0 equal to Poor, can
provide a quantitative result. The HVAC system with the highest
numerical value then becomes the recommended HVAC system to
accomplish the goal.
The system selection report should include a summary that pro-
vides an overview followed by a more detailed account of the
HVAC system analysis and system selection. This summary should
highlight the key points and findings that led to the recommenda-
tion(s). The analysis should refer to the system selection matrix
(such as in Table 1) and the reasons for scoring.
A more detailed analysis, beginning with the owner’s goal,
should immediately following the summary. With each HVAC sys-
tem considered, the design engineer should note the criteria associ-
ated with each selection. Issues such as close temperature and
humidity control may eliminate some HVAC systems from being
considered. System constraints and other constraints, noted with
each analysis, should continue to eliminate HVAC systems. Advan-
tages and disadvantages of each system should be noted with the
scoring from the HVAC system selection matrix. This process
should reduce the HVAC selection to one or two optimum choices
to present to the owner. Examples of installations for other owners
should be included with this report to endorse the design engineer’s
final recommendation.This third party endorsement allows the
owner to inquire about the success of these other HVAC systems.
for this shortcoming. Thus, a life cycle cost analysis is very impor-
tant when evaluating central versus decentralized systems.
Operating cost. A central system usually has the advantage of
larger, more energy efficient primary equipment when compared to
decentralized system equipment.
Maintenance cost. The equipment room for a central system
provides the benefit of maintaining its HVAC equipment away from
the occupants in an appropriate service work environment. Access
to the building occupant workspace is not required, thus eliminating
disruption to the space environment, product, or process. Another
advantage may be that because of its larger capacity, there is less
HVAC equipment to service.
Reliability. Central system equipment can be an attractive ben-
efit when considering its long service life.
Flexibility. Redundancy can be a benefit when selecting standby
equipment that provides an alternative source of HVAC or backup.
Among the largest central systems are those HVAC plants serv-
ing groups of large buildings. These plants provide improved diver-
sity and generally operate more efficiently with lower maintenance
costs than individual central plants. The economics of these larger
central systems require extensive analysis. The utility analysis con-
siders multiple fuels and may also include gas and steam turbine-
driven equipment. Multiple types of primary equipment using mul-
tiple fuels and types of HVAC generating equipment (i.e., centrifu-
gal and absorption chillers) may be installed in combination in one
plant. Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14 provide design
details for central plants.
Decentralized System Features
Some of the criteria associated with this concept are as follows:
Temperature, humidity, and space pressure requirements. A
decentralized system may be able to fulfill any or all of these design
Capacity requirements. A decentralized system usually
requires each piece of equipment to be sized for the maximum
capacity. Depending on the type and location of the equipment,
decentralized systems cannot take as much benefit of equipment
sizing diversity when compared to the central system diversity fac-
tor potential.
Redundancy. A decentralized system may not have the benefit
of backup or standby equipment. This limitation may need review.
Space requirements. A decentralized system may or may not
have in equipment rooms. Due to the space restrictions imposed on
the design engineer or architect, equipment may be located on the
roof and/or the ground adjacent to the building.
First cost. A decentralized system probably has the best first cost
benefit. This feature can be enhanced by phasing in the purchase of
decentralized equipment on an as-needed basis (i.e., purchasing
equipment as the building is being leased/occupied).
Operating cost. A decentralized system can emphasize this as a
benefit when strategically starting and stopping multiple pieces of
equipment. When comparing energy consumption based on peak
energy draw, decentralized equipment may not be as attractive when
compared to larger, more energy efficient central equipment.
Maintenance cost. A decentralized system can emphasize this
as a benefit when equipment is conveniently located and the equip-
ment size and associated components (i.e., filters) are standardized.
When equipment is located on a roof, maintainability may be diffi-
cult because it is difficult to access during bad weather.
Reliability. A decentralized system historically has reliable
equipment, although the estimated equipment service life may be
less than that of centralized equipment.
Flexibility. A decentralized system may be very flexible because
it may be placed in numerous locations.
HVAC systems may be central or decentralized. In addressing
the primary equipment location, the design engineer may locate this
equipment in a central plant (either inside or outside the building)
and distribute the air and/or water for HVAC needs from this plant.
The other option is to decentralize the equipment, with the primary
equipment located throughout the building, on the building, or adja-
cent to the building.
Central System Features
Some of the criteria associated with this concept are as follows:
Temperature, humidity, and space pressure requirements. A
central system may be able to fulfill any or all of these design
Capacity requirements. A central system usually allows the
design engineer to consider HVAC diversity factors that reduce the
installed equipment capacity. In turn, this offers some attractive first
cost and operating cost benefits.
Redundancy. A central system can accommodate standby
equipment of equal size or of a preferred size that decentralized con-
figurations may have trouble accommodating.
Spatial requirements. The equipment room for a central system
is normally located outside the conditioned area—in a basement,
penthouse, service area, or adjacent to or remote from the building.
A disadvantage with this approach may be the additional cost to
furnish and install secondary equipment for the air and/or water
distribution. A second consideration is the access and physical
constraints throughout the building to furnish and install this sec-
ondary distribution network of ducts and/or pipes.
First cost. A central system may not be the least costly when
compared to decentralized HVAC systems. Historically, central sys-
tem equipment has a longer equipment service life to compensate
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