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Gi-1 Build a Remote Analog Data Logger -- Part 1
A Simple 6809-Based Data Acquisition System
by R. W. Meister
The schematics provided
in Circuit Cellar INK are
drawn using Schema from
Omation Inc. All programa
and schematics in Circuit Cel-
lar INK have been carefully
reviewed to ensure that their
performance is in accordance
with the specifications de-
scribed, and programs are
posted on the Circuit Cellar
BBS for electronic transfer by
Circuit Cellar INK makes
no warranties and assumes no
responsibility or liability of
any kind for errore in these
programs or schematics or
the consequences of any such
errors. Furthermore, because
of the possible variation in the
quality and condition of mate-
rials and workmanship of
reader-resembled projects,
Circuit Cellar INK disclaims
any responsibility for the safe
and proper function of reader-
assembled projects based
upon or from plans, descrip-
tions, or information pub-
lished in Circuit Cellar INK.
Low component count and simple construction mark the
hardware portion of this highly accurate analog-to-
digital conversion system.
!j;i ImageWise/PC --
The Digitizing Continues -- Part 1
Video Basics
by Ed Nisley
A higher digitizing rate and more functionality
introduced with the PC-bus (ISA) version of
one of Steve Ciarcia’s most popular projects--
the ImageWise Video Digitizer.
(ISSN 0896-898s) is published
bimonthly by Circuit Cellar
Incorporated, 4 Park Street,
Suite 20, Vernon, CT 06066
(203-875-2761). Second-clael
postage paid at Vernon, C’I
and additional offlcer. One
year (6 issues) charter rub-
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$17.96, all other countrier
$26.96. All subscription orden
payable in U.S. funds only, vi8
international postal money
order or check drawn on U.S
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ders to Circuit Cellar INK
Subscriptions, 12 Depot Sq.
Peterborough, NH 03468-
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POSTMASTER: Pleaee send
addrers changes to Circuit
Cellar INK, Circulation Dept.,
12 Depot Square, Peterbor-
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Entire contents copy-
right 1988 by Circuit Cellal
Incorporated. All rights re-
served. Reproductions of thie
publication in whole or in part
without written consent from
Circuit Cellar Inc. is prohib-
- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS
Conducted by Ken Davidson
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DDT-51 devealed
by Ed Nieley
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A Gathering of Eagles
by Steve Ciarcia
Cover Illustration by Robert Tinney
Circuit Cellar Ink
An Active and Growing Industry
n October, I went to a small computer show that had a lot of exciting displays and conference sessions.
BUSCON ‘88 was held at the Javits Convention Center in New York, and featured exhibits from most
of the big players in industrial control and general-purpose buses. There were companies exhibiting
Multibus I & II, VME bus, STD and STE buses, NuBus and more, and it was good to see the rate of development
for all of these architectures. Of course, being 1988, most of the talk centered on 16- and 32-bit buses, but
there is still a lot of vitality in the mature 8-bit bus families.
If you read the general computer press, it’s easy to get the impression that desktop platforms for word proc-
essing and spreadsheets are the only computers being built. The reality is that, while PCs and their kin are
important, there’s more happening in single-board and dedicated control applications than meets the eye. From
machine vision and robotics to process control and data acquisition, we are part of a dynamic industry, an
industry that develops many of the concepts that the desktop people pick up down the road. Right now I’m
wondering whether I’ll be as impressed by the products at COMDEX as I was by what I saw at BUSCON.
The products I saw ran from the inevitable (a PC-clone on a VME bus board) to the amazing (a Multi-
bus II disk controller that uses an 80386 for its on-board intelligence). I talked to a lot of people, and you’ll
be seeing the results of some of those conversations in the months to come. One of the most important things
coming your way will be the series on the various buses themselves. Engineers tend to get religious about their
favorite bus, so we will try to give you the facts about the bus, its characteristics, advantages, limitations, and
design goals, without getting stuck in the “My bus is better than your bus” debate.
the Future of Circuit Cellar
In the world of publishing, there are large magazines that serve a diverse audience, and there are smaller
magazines that speak to the particular needs of a special audience. Circuit Cellar INK is, thankfully, one of
the latter. When we put together an issue of this magazine, we concentrate on how each article will appeal
to one group of people: Those who design, build, and program working computer applications.
In the first year of publication, we have concentrated on articles that closely follow the format laid out
by Steve Ciarcia in his popular “Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar” series in BYTE Magazine. Looking ahead to year
number two, we will still have buildable application projects at our core, but we will be adding articles that
we believe will help you broaden your applications horizons and deepen your understanding of current tech-
Starting in Issue 7, we will have some “software only” articles. The first will show you how to write a
real-time operating system for a single-board computer. Later in 1989, we are planning to begin tutorial articles
on various bus designs and the numerous serial communications standards. We will also have articles describing
important new processors and controllers as they are introduced. The common thread through all of these articles
will be information aimed at letting you take what you read and apply it to your applications.
This has been a great year for Circuit Cellar INK. We’ve grown from a first issue that started life as a
newsletter to a magazine that is rapidly winning respect throughout the industry as the source for honest, genuine
computer applications information. Since I came on board in late July, I have heard a lot of you tell me how
glad you are that there is a Circuit Cellar INK, and I’ve gotten good suggestions on what you want to see in
“your” magazine. We depend on your direct input for ideas and inspiration.
Take a minute and drop me a line or give me a call. I really want to hear from you.
Curtis Franklin, Jr.
November/December 1988
Letters to the Editor
[Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago we asked folks on the
Circuit Cellar BBS to tell us what they would like to see
in upcoming issues of Circuit Cellar INK. Here are a
few of their answers.]
Being an amateur kit builder, I would like very
much to see some articles about kit building. I realize
that most of INK’s readers are more advanced than I
am, but I really need to know more about what I am
doing. I would also like to see some product reviews,
such as EPROM programmers and test equipment. As
far as what type of projects I’d like to see, almost
anything goes! Although I don’t build every project,
I have on many occasions taken part of the project and
incorporated it into other things. To be honest, I read
INK to learn about electronics. I’ll be going back to
college soon and hopefully by 1993 I’ll have a BSEE
degree. Until then, INK is my teacher.
Regarding articles on kit building, I have built
many projects from kits, primarily Heath and CCI. I
am not interested in things along the lines of “Building
the Heathkit Something-or-other.” I would be inter-
ested in articles that tell how to take a commercially
available kit and modify it to do something else or that
shows how it works. I subscribed to the Heathkit “Kit
Builders Journal*’ for a while in the hope that it might
contain some inside info from Heath. Sadly, it never
appeared to have much in the way of technical articles.
Short pieces on kits that are available from obscure
manufacturers would be valuable (such as the PT-68K
from Peripheral Technology). I will always be inter-
ested in projects that offer some form of kit for those
of us that do not have the time or equipment to build
from scratch.
Articles that I would like to see include:
Brian Joseph
I would very much like to see stuff on design and
fabrication tools. My company has spent several
thousand dollars on PCB-CAD tools for the PC to find
that most of them are junk. The industry trade
magazines usually just republish press releases and so
are of no use. What would be really useful would be
an examination of design tools available to the serious
experimenter/small company. I seem to see either
articles about >$lOO,OOO systems or rehashed press
D/A for the BCC bus
Motion control -- Stepper and servo motors
Optical Encoders -- Feedback for motion control
Software for data acquisition and control
(Z-Transforms boggle my mind)
How to use RS-422/485 (SN75176 Transceiver)
Building a logic analyzer (with parts sources)
Applications ideas (like ROVER)
John Dearmond
I am interested in IEEE-488 (GPIB). I don’t know
much about it technically, that is, what it would take
to build a project from scratch for PC-compatibles. [I
would like to use it as] a skeleton for managing multiple
processes (e.g., an optical reader controlled from the PC
console, with real-time counter updating, etc.).
Thanks, and keep the Circuit Cellar INKS coming in the
I enjoy reading Circuit Cellar INK and realize that
not every article will interest me. I hope that INK will
get ads from companies that can furnish the hard-to-
find parts. I think that this type of advertising will help
ensure the long-term survival of INK.
William Giles
Robert Schuh
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