
(23 KB) Pobierz
Name: Rope --------------------------
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 500 dontlist | useongrounditem 3003 386 | useongrounditem 3003 421 | useongrounditem 3003 7762
RightCommand: crosshair 3003

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3003 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Left
PositionX: 0
AlignY: Bottom
PositionY: 0
Text: Rope
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3003 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Left
PositionX: 0
AlignY: Bottom
PositionY: 0
Text: Rope
TextColor: 65280
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Shovel
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 500 dontlist | useongrounditem 5710 593 | useongrounditem 5710 606 | useongrounditem 5710 608 | useongrounditem 5710 867 | useongrounditem 5710 1822 | useongrounditem 5710 7749
RightCommand: crosshair 5710

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5710 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Shov.
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5710 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Shov.
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Skin
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 500 dontlist | skin 4011
RightCommand: crosshair 5908

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5908 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Skin
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5908 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Skin
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Stake
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 500 dontlist | stake 4137
RightCommand: crosshair 5942

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5942 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Stake
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 5942 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Stake
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Pick
Enabled: no
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: ElfBot NG - Write your own custom script and edit this text!'
RightCommand: crosshair 3456

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3456 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Pick
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3456 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Pick
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Machete
Enabled: no
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: ElfBot NG - Write your own custom script and edit this text!'
RightCommand: crosshair 3308

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3308 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Machete
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3308 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Machete
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Cavebot -----------------------
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - CaveBot Paused' | settargeting off | setfollowwaypoints off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - CaveBot Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
RightCommand: statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - Write your own custom script and edit this text!'

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3288 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 3366 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 1
Text: CB
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3288 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 3366 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 1
Text: CB
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Levitate
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: say 'Exani hur up'
RightCommand: say 'Exani hur down'

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 166 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Levit.
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 166 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Levit.
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Hold attack + displ. boh users
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 100 dontlist | isnotattacking attack target
RightCommand: auto 100 dontlist | set $boh '' | foreach 'floorplayers' $v {if [$v.haslookinfo && $v.speed == (260+($v.level-1)*2)] set $boh '[$], [$boh]'} | setpos [$screenleft] [$screenbottom-14] | setcolor 232 232 232 | if [$boh != ''] displaytext 'People with BoH: $boh'

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 111 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Attack
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 111 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Attack
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: EK - Healer
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 100 dontlist | ifnot $pvp {isattacking set $dlay 1630 | isnotattacking set $dlay 1000 | clear $pot | if [$hppc <= 55] {ghealth 101 self | set $pot 1} | if [$mppc <= 20 && $pot == 0] {mana self | set $pot 1} | if [$hppc <= 65 && $mp >= 65] {say 'Exana mort' | wait $dlay | end} | if [$hppc <= 90 && $mp >= 20] {say 'Exura' | wait $dlay | end} | if $pot wait 500} | else {clear $pot | if [$hppc <= 75] {ghealth 101 self | set $pot 1} | if [$mppc <= 20 && $pot == 0] {mana self | set $pot 1} | if [$hppc <= 90 && $mp >= 65] {say 'Exana mort' | wait 1000 | end} | if [$hppc <= 90 && $mp >= 20] {say 'Exura' | 1000 | end} | if $pot wait 500}
RightCommand: ifnot $pvp {set $pvp 1 | statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - War Healer ON' | end} | if $pvp {set $pvp 0 | statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - Hunting Healer ON'}

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 6390 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Healer
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 6390 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Healer
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: EK - Heal paralysis
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 100 if $paralyzed {if [$hppc == 100] {say 'Utani Hur' | end} | if [$hppc < 80] {useoncreature 239 self | end} | if [$hppc < 100] {say 'Exana mort' | end}}
RightCommand: statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - EK paralysishealer - Write your own custom script and edit this text!'

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3165 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 6289 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Heal p.
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3165 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 6289 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Heal p.
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Haste -------------------------
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 200 dontlist | if [$hastetime <= 4000] say 'Utani hur'
RightCommand: auto 200 dontlist | if [$hastetime <= 4000] say 'Utani gran hur'

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3079 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Haste
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3079 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Haste
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Exiva
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: exivatarget
RightCommand: exivalast

State: Inactive
IconType: Top
IconIds: 3487 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Exiva
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Top
IconIds: 3487 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Exiva
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Time ring
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: equipsring 3053 3090
RightCommand: equipring 3063 | wait 500 | if [$ != 3063] unequip 'ring' 0

State: Inactive
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3090 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Time
TextColor: 33505
HoverColor: 65535

State: Active
IconType: Normal
IconIds: 3090 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 0 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous
PositionX: 45
AlignY: Previous
PositionY: 0
Text: Time
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65535

Name: Might ring
Enabled: no
DrawAsBackground: yes
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 200 dontlist | equipring 3048
RightCommand: equipring...
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