aniołek z korali(1).doc

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1. angel

This angel will make a wonderful holiday gift!

You Need:
--4 Yellow or Gold Pony Beads
--7 Orange Pony Beads
--5 Ivory Pony Beads
--28 White Pony Beads
--20 Clear Pony Beads
--2 Yards Satin Cord
--1 Lanyard Hook

Basic Instructions:
Fold your ribbon in half to find the center. Use a half hitch (see detail below) to secure it to lanyard hook. Lace beads using pattern at right as a guide. Wings are the last to be laced. After you finish the angel's dress, lace back up to the arms and add wings using pattern below right as a guide. Finish by tying off with a double knot on angel's back.











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2. angel



Combine everyone's two favorite crafts... pony bead patterns and beaded safety pins for a winning angel project. Makes great ornaments or back pack decorations.

You need:

·         5 Safety Pins, Size 4

·         6 Safety Pins, Size 2

·         49 Red, White & Blue Pony Beads or
Translucent Pony Beads

·         20 Metallic Pony Beads

·         White Glue

·         30" Metallic Cord

·         One 16mm Wooden Barrel Bead

Our project prepack makes 18 angels.


safetypin_angel_pattern.gif (14580 bytes)








Cut cord to 30". Stiffen ends with white glue. Let dry. Fold in half and tie a knot 1/2" below the fold.

Choose your bead colors for the wings. Open six size 2 safety pins and string on the beads. Four safety pins should have four beads each. Two safety pins should have three beads each. See diagram at right. Close the pins.

Choose your bead colors for the body. Open five size 4 safety pins and string on the beads. Two safety pins should have four beads each. Two safety pins should have five beads each. One safety pin should have six beads. See diagram at above. Close the pins.


safetypin_angels3.gif (21288 bytes)








These written directions for weaving the pins and beads may seem complicated. Just follow along using the diagram above.

String three metallic pony beads on one end. String the other cord end through the same three beads in the opposite direction. String one barrel bead on one cord. String the other cord end through the same bead in the opposite direction. String one metallic pony bead on one end. String the other cord end through the same bead in the opposite direction. Tighten cord, pulling both ends evenly and firmly.

String the safety pins in the order shown above on one cord. String that cord through the metallic neck bead again forming a loop that holds the safety pins. String that cord down through the first safety pin of the wing. Pull it through the opening on the pin head. String on a metallic bead, then through the next wing safety pin head. String on a metallic bead, then through the third wing safety pin. String on a metallic bead, then through the last two beads on the first safety pin of the body. String on a metallic bead then through the head of the first body pin. String on two metallic beads, then through the next body safety pin head. String on two metallic beads, then through the third body safety pin head.

String the other cord through the last safety pin on the wing then through the head. Continue adding gold beads and stringing through the heads as with the first cord. Tie off under middle safety pin. Add a dab of glue on the knot. Let dry and trim.


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