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Hi, this is Jessica Ortner from and your host for the
Tapping World Summit. In the last few days you’ve had the opportunity to see
my brother Nick interview some really extraordinary people, and now I have the
opportunity to interview someone that’s very extraordinary. He is my own
brother, Nick Ortner. Welcome, Nick.
Jess, thanks for having me.
Thanks for having us in your home.
It’s my pleasure.
It’s beautiful.
Thank you.
We want to talk about tapping. We want to talk about the basics, and we really
want to learn what we can expect from the summit and how we can use this tool
to improve our lives. Let’s start with the basics. What is tapping?
I know a lot of people are new to this experience. A lot of have been with us for
the past four years. But if you’re new to tapping, in a nutshell I like to describe it
as a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure, that’s the tapping, that’s the
physical tapping on the body, and the modern psychology, and that’s the
statements. We’re tapping while saying certain statements.
As you know, it’s this strange looking technique that I thought was weird the first
time I saw it. I actually put it off for awhile. It was like this doesn’t make any
sense. I don’t have an understanding of where it’s coming from.
But I kept seeing person after person after person saying, “This worked for me.”
On a whole variety of issues, and we’ll cover some of those issues in today’s talk.
I got to the point where I said, “I’ve got to try it.”
Sure enough, about ten years ago I started going through the tapping process and
I’d tap here looking at the directions. It takes a few minutes to figure out exactly
how to do it, but once you get the basics it’s so easy to learn and the results, as we
know, are just extraordinary.
Let’s talk about those extraordinary results. What have you seen?
The list is endless. I think part of the challenge that people face when they hear
about tapping is, “Okay, so I heard it works for pain relief and it works for weight
loss and it works for this.” There are so many things, but we’ll cover a few of
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Pain relief, the first one I mentioned. I’ve seen it work again and again in just
really tremendous ways with pain relief. It startles me every time. When I work
with clients or on stage and we bring someone up to tap on pain relief and their
back pain goes away in five minutes, it’s like how is this possible.
I even joke. You don’t have to tell me it’s gone just because I’m asking you to do
the tapping if it’s not gone. But sure enough it is, and it’s not just those five
minute results. In the film The Tapping Solution we document a couple of
extraordinary cases. John with 30 years of chronic back pain, he did the tapping
and woke up the second morning pain-free.
I couldn’t believe it.
I still can’t believe it. Jody with fibromyalgia diagnosed having it for 15 years.
Again, woke up. I don’t know what was magical about the second morning. I
guess it was the whole day of tapping. Got to sleep, the body relaxed, woke up
pain-free for the first time in 15 years.
Patricia who had fractured her elbow in a boating accident, massive pain,
medications, the same stories as John and Jody, woke up pain-free. What’s really
extraordinary is that has lasted. It was four years ago. Four years later that pain is
still gone for all of them. That’s just a handful of examples with pain relief. So we
have pain relief.
I mentioned weight loss. Again, it’s one of those things you go, why are we
tapping on meridian points on our body to affect our weight? But what we’re
really doing is we’re not tapping on – it’s not like it’s a calorie burner. You burn a
few calories by tapping, but not much.
We’re looking at the emotional issues behind what’s going on. We’re looking at
the food cravings, tapping for food cravings to reduce that physical pull, and most
importantly that emotional pull. Tapping for body image. How do I feel about
myself? Tapping for limited beliefs, things that happened in the past that are
holding us back.
I know you’ve heard these stories again and again of people who had an
experience when they were ten years old or seven years old or they were 50 and
then someone said, “You don’t look good when you’re skinny,” or you’re fat or
you’re this or you’re that. They just took it into their body. They took it in their
system and it dominated the rest of their lives.
I remember hearing a story and working with a client who said, “There was a
point in my life where I was in really good shape and I was feeling so great. My
sister said to me, “Oh, you’re always the skinny one. You get everything you
want. It’s so easy for you.””
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When she heard from her big sister this negative feedback, all of a sudden she
decided for herself, and these aren’t always conscious decisions, they can be but
oftentimes they’re these subtle subconscious decisions, and she said, “It’s not safe
to be healthy. It’s not safe to be skinny.”
So we’ve done that to ourselves again and again. The same thing with finances
and with limiting beliefs around money. The same question comes up, “Why are
we tapping on meridian points?” To address money and finances.
But it’s not like the tapping makes you make money. It’s the tapping gets to the
underlying limiting beliefs, traumas from childhood, the things that you’re made
of, the things that are holding you back.
So the same kind of stories that you hear when you talk about finances. Someone
once did a wonderful thing and they got some feedback where it didn’t feel safe to
stand out.
I think you’ll see as a recurring theme throughout the summit that we talk often
about safety. It’s not something that we think about on a daily basis. It’s like,
what do you mean safety?
But the underlying thing that’s happening with our bodies, with our minds, is that
when we don’t feel safe for some reason, when there’s a trauma, when there’s a
limiting belief, when there’s something negative that happened in our past, when
we have stress in our current situation or we create stress about the future, when
all that happens our body doesn’t feel safe.
When it doesn’t feel safe that tension builds up and we don’t move forward. What
we’re doing by doing the tapping is really realigning the body, mind and spirit to
feel safe, to let go of those things from the past.
One of the things with tapping is that it works on so many things that it’s easy to
be skeptical about it. We both were very skeptical about it. How is it that one
modality can be used for so many different areas of your life?
For a long time the discussion around how tapping works talked about the
meridian system in the body. We are talking about tapping on these end points of
the meridians, and the energy system in the body and the chakras.
I personally believe that there’s a lot to be said for that. But I’m not somebody
who sees chakras or meridians or energy system. So there was always a part of me
that said give me the scientific stuff. Give me the Western stuff so we can prove
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The good news is that the last really five years the research has gone through the
roof because there’s been so much excitement and interest in tapping. With that
flows the money into doing the research, which is really important.
The research is showing that when we’re tapping on these meridian points in the
body while focusing on a certain issue, we’re actually sending a signal to the
amygdala. Back it up for a second. We have the stress, the trauma, the limiting
belief, the craving, the negative thought, whatever our target is. When we think of
it we immediately bring it forward. We’ve all had that experience.
You feel it in your body.
You feel it in your body. If I asked you right now to think of something that’s
stressful, everyone listening. So if I said think of something stressful and you
thought about it, you’d feel the tension in your body.
So what’s happening when that happens? When that happens, when that focus is
going on, there’s a low-grade fight or flight response. So what’s a fight or flight
response? It’s that old ancient primitive part of our brain which was really helpful
10,000 years ago when the saber-toothed tiger was chasing us and we had to fight
or fleet. It’s, of course, still helpful today in situations where there is danger.
The challenge that we face in most of our modern lives is that this fight or flight
response is coming up because of these perceived dangers. The perceived external
threat of what someone might say to you or your boss at work that’s driving you
crazy or the physical pain.
They’re real problems, but when we take those into our body and we hold on to
them is when they all accumulate, and that’s when you have that chronic stress
that builds up, one thing after another.
Right, because we’re not fleeing.
That’s a great point, because that’s one of the main challenges that we face.
Again, 10,000 years ago this was designed to do something with it. So if there
was anger, if you’re boss was driving you crazy and there’s anger the response
was to attack. Slap him. Punch him. I’m sure most of us have wanted to do that at
times. But that’s not appropriate in our modern society.
The opportunity here is to reprogram our response to actually be able to focus on
the anger, on the sadness, on whatever issue, to do the tapping and to send that
signal to the amygdala in the brain which then tells us we’re safe.
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Until you experience it it’s one of those strange things. But when you do, when
you have that first experience of tapping and you go, “Okay, I just had an issue
and I went through the tapping points and now something shifted here. There’s
something really different.” That’s to me one of the most exciting things is how
quickly it shifts.
Yes, that’s what I love about tapping. It’s something that you experience. So you
don’t need to over explain it. You just need to give everyone an experience. Let’s
do that. I want everyone to have an experience. Let’s cover some of the basics. If
we’re looking at clearing something in our lives, overcoming a challenge, how do
we start with the tapping?
There are a couple really basic steps. The first thing we have to identify is what
we’re working on. What is the target for what we’re going to work on? This can
be anything. This can be, again, we talked about cravings and pain in the body.
The first step is always to identify the target. What is it that we’re working on?
We can work on so many things, as we talked about. Is it the financial stress? Is it
anxiety about a particular issue? Is it a craving? Is it a physical pain in the body?
Is it anger, anxiety? The list goes on and on, but we want to focus in.
For the purpose of this demonstration we’re going to have what we call global
focus, because I don’t know what everybody out there is focused on. So we’re
going to do a general tapping.
When you do your own tapping the more specific that you get the better on your
specific issue, but for now wince we have hundreds of thousands people working
together we’re just going to be global.
What I’d like everybody to do is pick something in your body. You can actually
close your eyes and take a deep breath, and I’ll do it with you. We’ll all do it
Get settled, take a deep breath and just feel into your body. Look for some
physical pain. If it’s there you know what it is. If it’s not there look for some
tension. A lot of us have it in our neck and our shoulders and our head. Look for
some tension. Look for something that just doesn’t feel right.
Once you have it, I want you to give it a number on a 0 to 10 scale, 0 being
there’s nothing there so you wouldn’t pick a 0, 10 being it’s the utmost pain,
stress anxiety.
If you can’t get anything in your body then just choose an issue that you’re
stressed out about. I want you to be able to work on something. You want it to be
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