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{1}{100} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{32}{67}- Where is she? - Over here.
{71}{93}You saw the suspect?
{94}{148}Details, please. Where? When?
{153}{210}Uh, I was coming out of the elevator after lunch.
{211}{243}Where was the suspect headed?
{244}{292}Uh, up the stairs, which I thought was strange,
{293}{320}'cause that leads to the roof, right?
{321}{363}It's not just the roof. It's where Jane works.
{364}{405}- Has anybody seen him? - Not since this morning.
{407}{455}Cover the exits! All of them!
{456}{503}Use whoever you have to out here!
{626}{661}Hasten slowly.
{670}{697}The target will be armed.
{1194}{1213}It's locked.
{1245}{1308}Jane? You in there?
{1326}{1350}Yeah, I'm coming out.
{1411}{1508}You're gonna have to stand back.|And if you're bearing firearms,
{1509}{1536}Please lower them.
{1990}{2026}Stand back...
{2037}{2064}or he dies.
{2851}{2894}Security guard making rounds this morning
{2895}{2934}found the body. Multiple stab wounds.
{2935}{2973}Anything missing from the display case?
{2974}{3023}Yeah, a mayan figurine. Gold.
{3024}{3050}Valued at 200 grand.
{3052}{3084}We get an I.D. on the victim?
{3085}{3164}Manuel Montero. He was a|professor at the university,
{3165}{3209}in ancient art. Security cameras show him
{3210}{3253}entering the museum alone at 10:25 p.m.,
{3255}{3286}then he turned off the cameras.
{3287}{3301}Hey, Lisbon.
{3311}{3330}Look at this.
{3385}{3408}Meet Caroline--
{3424}{3489}one of the most well-preserved tyrannosaurus rex
{3490}{3543}ever discovered. Isn't she awesome?
{3545}{3586}We've got a dead man over there.
{3593}{3641}Dead men I've seen. But this...
{3642}{3690}Could we get back to work, please?
{3738}{3799}Must I justify my every action?
{3801}{3862}Please observe the rib cage
{3863}{3916}of our smaller fossilized friend here.
{3933}{3964}There's a rib missing.
{3982}{4039}You think somebody climbed up there and stole it?
{4046}{4106}Well, two options-- the first involves cloning.
{4107}{4138}The second and more likely--
{4139}{4197}it was used to break a very thick piece of glass.
{4246}{4264}Could we get somebody
{4265}{4312}to dust the stegosaurus for prints, please?
{4328}{4384}It's not a stegosaurus. It's a triceratops.
{4396}{4467}Triceratop... ps.
{4505}{4546}My name is Christo Papadakis.
{4547}{4588}I am professor of anthropology.
{4594}{4613}Did you know the victim?
{4614}{4676}Manuel Montero. He was part-time faculty.
{4677}{4712}Too busy to teach full-time.
{4726}{4758}Montero was on the run.
{4768}{4793}On the run from who?
{4820}{4862}Nobody. He--he traveled.
{4863}{4907}He was always running to South America.
{4946}{4992}His career was in ruins.
{4993}{5020}Well, tough times for everybody.
{5024}{5068}Not for Montero. He had a lot of money.
{5073}{5113}Well, you just said he was in ruins.
{5130}{5189}Yes, Toltec. Mayan.
{5194}{5243}Oh. Montero was an archaeologist?
{5244}{5290}Specializing in pre-columbian art.
{5291}{5337}Many of the pieces around you are,
{5338}{5374}uh, on loan from him.
{5380}{5433}Can you think of anyone with|a reason to kill Montero?
{5449}{5504}Well, he was a traitor.
{5505}{5548}Oh, he was a traitor? Who did he betray?
{5549}{5585}Betray? Nobody.
{5589}{5620}Well, you just said he was a...
{5621}{5676}Montero was an honest antiquities dealer.
{5677}{5770}One of the last. Most|traders these days are looters
{5771}{5804}and no-good son-of-a-bitches.
{5819}{5890}So, Montero was a trader...
{5897}{5950}He traded antiquities,
{5951}{6056}excavated from South American ruins.
{6109}{6164}Are you really professional police officer?
{6279}{6326}So the missing pendant belonged to the victim.
{6330}{6381}Montero liked to visit the museum after hours
{6382}{6415}to show his pieces to private buyers.
{6416}{6475}He had a key to the building|and the security code.
{6495}{6569}At the heart of any salesman is showmanship.
{6570}{6594}And you'd be hard-pressed
{6595}{6646}to find a more dramatic proscenium than this.
{6652}{6705}Yeah, smart strategy unless|the buyer doesn't wanna pay.
{6710}{6755}Stabbed in the back, literally.
{6773}{6815}Montero probably didn't even see it coming.
{6824}{6871}But he had time to think about it before he died.
{6872}{6889}Look at his watch.
{6944}{6983}Wow. That's an ugly watch.
{6988}{7030}- It's a calculator watch. - Indeed.
{7031}{7095}Very useful accessory for the sales pro on the go.
{7106}{7141}Is there something typed in there?
{7184}{7232}It's uh, numbers.
{7325}{7346}Supposed to mean something?
{7354}{7404}Try looking at the numbers upside-down.
{7499}{7527}It says "Blog."
{7539}{7587}His cell phone was crushed by the killer,
{7588}{7654}So Montero here improvised.
{7655}{7672}Call Van Pelt
{7673}{7717}and see if Montero published a blog.
{7730}{7783}- I'm ready to go. I've seen enough. - I haven't.
{7797}{7849}You know they have mastodons here?
{7850}{7869}Giant sloths.
{7884}{7943}And dire wolves. I-I'll catch up.
{7956}{8018}But, Mommy, I want to go.
{8019}{8065}You can squawk all you like, Mimi.
{8066}{8113}There's no sleepovers on a school night.
{8114}{8147}I have to.
{8181}{8224}Mommy, that's so unfair.
{8238}{8273}I'm sorry, baby. I gotta go.
{8290}{8321}All right. Love you.
{8322}{8361}Mm-hmm. Love you, too. Bye.
{8427}{8452}Forgive the intrusion.
{8516}{8555}What's this about, agent LaRoche?
{8684}{8756}The Todd Johnson case.
{8867}{8926}I would like to show you a photo
{8941}{9010}of one of the law enforcement officers
{9031}{9093}that he murdered.
{9226}{9269}Did you know this man?
{9304}{9371}Rance Howard. C.H.P. Officer.
{9390}{9449}Very popular. A lot of our|agents were close to him.
{9459}{9488}Some more than others.
{9586}{9710}There's a rumor that you and|Howard were intimately involved.
{9711}{9728}Is that true?
{9756}{9815}- Excuse me?  - Simple question.
{9829}{9866}Simple answer--
{9867}{9920}what the hell is that to you or anybody else?
{9935}{9997}Johnson was set on fire--
{10025}{10081}a crime of passion if there ever was one.
{10109}{10216}If you were having an affair|with one of Johnson's victims,
{10232}{10317}you had passion and motive.
{10450}{10500}Your investigation seems to hinge
{10501}{10560}on what you may have read on a bathroom wall.
{10647}{10696}Good luck with that, agent LaRoche.
{11650}{11701}- Background on Montero.|- What do we know about him?
{11701}{11751}Single, self-employed, spent half his time abroad
{11752}{11776}importing ancient art.
{11777}{11825}- Sold it from a warehouse in San Francisco.|- Family?
{11830}{11861}Parents retired in Florida.
{11862}{11896}They'll be on the next flight here.
{11896}{11928}Hey, boss. I looked into the blog.
{11929}{11998}Montero did publish one-- "I dig dead people."
{11999}{12075}Archaeology humor. Cute. Anything useful?
{12082}{12121}A lot of self-promotional entries
{12122}{12161}about his relic-hunting adventures.
{12162}{12198}But three weeks ago,
{12199}{12239}He came back from a trip to Columbia
{12240}{12293}with the gold pendant that|was stolen from the museum.
{12294}{12329}After Montero blogged about it,
{12330}{12416}A private buyer posted an anonymous|e-mail to arrange a viewing.
{12417}{12456}Did you put a trace on the e-mail?
{12463}{12515}Not me. FBI's computer forensics lab.
{12516}{12574}One of the perks of having a fiance with the Feds.
{12583}{12624}Preliminary forensic report.
{12625}{12662}You're gonna have dozens of prints in the trial
{12663}{12687}off the stegosaurus skeleton.
{12688}{12726}It's gonna take a while to process them, though.
{12731}{12801}While we're waiting on forensics,|let's work on developing some leads.
{12802}{12843}Hey, you said that Montero had a warehouse?
{12844}{12871}Yeah, in the Mission District.
{12873}{12922}But there's something else. I ran his financials.
{12923}{12975}The profits from his company|have been going up at a time
{12976}{13027}when other art and antiquity|dealers are closing shop.
{13028}{13054}Closing shop? Why?
{13055}{13080}Repatriation laws.
{13081}{13132}Countries are now suing for the|return of their cultural treasures.
{13133}{13177}You and Rigsby go to the warehouse.
{13178}{13205}See if you can find anything.
{13418}{13451}Hi, Jane.
{13457}{13496}The boys are working on the parking lot today.
{13497}{13521}Need you to park underground.
{13522}{13578}Oh, no problem. That kid of yours, Jim--
{13579}{13635}Is he into dinosaurs and prehistoric stuff?
{13637}{13667}Sure loves his mother.
{13698}{13735}Here. Give him this.
{13742}{13795}It's a replica of a dire wolf's tooth.
{13807}{13855}Thanks. Look at that.
{13870}{13899}Have a good day.
{14822}{14842}I didn't say anything.
{14862}{14888}You were thinking it.
{14899}{14957}- Mentalizing me. - You can tell?
{14967}{15022}I can read it on your face. So stop.
{15026}{15073}Well, if you can read it on my face,
{15074}{15121}then you're mentalizing me. So you stop.
{15143}{15207}Oh. No, on second thought, keep going.
{15208}{15230}What am I thinking?
{15231}{15292}- Please go away, Jane.|- Nope. That's wrong. Try again.
{15325}{15380}You're thinking I'm freaking out
{15381}{15435}because some fool spread a rumor
{15436}{15489}that I was having an affair with Rance Howard.
{15490}{15523}The C.H.P. officer?
{15524}{15554}You're the one thinking it.
{15565}{15586}I feel naked.
{15634}{15698}There's only one person that has|this singular effect on people.
{15710}{15751}You've been LaRoched, haven't you?
{15794}{15858}- I suppose I have.|- We...
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