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6/1 Przeksztalæ zdania, u¿ywaj¹c strony biernej

1. She damaged her car in an accident. Her car 

2. My sister will look after my house while I'm away. My house

3. The security officer locks the door every night. The door…

4. The roof is leaking, it needs repairing. We must have

5. Did anyone tell Philip about the accident?    Philip

6. Someone might ask him to leave.He…

7. We have chosen Robert to head the committee. Robert              

8. He understood why they had kept him ill-informed He understood why he 

9. Someone brake the window while we were our. The window 

10. They needn't inform her about each decision they made . She

11. They don't expect their son to arrive before Easter Sunday Their son 

12. They will finish the job tomorrow.  The job

13. Someone informed the police about the burglary.  The police               

14. Your hair is too long, you don' t  postpone the meeting till Friday. The meeting

16. They quickly sent for the doctor. The doctor

17. The snowstorm has delayed all trains. All trains 

18. You have to press this button to start the machine. This button

19. They gave us a present for our wedding anniversary. We  

20. Everyone must obey the school rules. The school rules

21.The rebels captured the journalists in the mountains. The journalists

22. The doctors should stop the treatment when the symptoms disappear.

The treatment

23. Someone will show you the way to your seat. You  

24. You don't have to peel those apples.Those apples

25. The university accepted Sandra and Jane on the biology course.

Sandra and Jane

26. Your room looks awful. The paint is peeling.  You should .. painted.

27. He told us a very dull story from his past.  We 

28. They have already booked the tickets. The tickets

29. Nobody can solve this puzzle.  This puzzle ..             

30. They produce millions of cans of coke every year. 

              Millions of cans of coke

31. She is going to send the letters in the afternoon. The letters

32. I was surprised to see that they had already filled the pool with water. 

              I was surprised to see that the pool.........


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