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Master Your Life, Create and Enjoy Tremendous
Opportunities, Health and Relationships and Solve All
Problems Easily, Powerfully and Effectively. Do So By Easily
Learning How To Design And Create Your Life Through
Working Directly With Your Consciousness, Beliefs,
Perspective And Energy.
Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and Empowerment -
Money Affirmations and Beliefs
Money Affirmations
Money Beliefs
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Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and Empowerment -
Money Affirmations and Beliefs
Your beliefs create the world you live in and experience. If you wish to make any lasting
change to a habit, pattern, repeating experience and so on, you do it at the fundamental level, at
the level of belief. Affirmations are a great way, one way, to change beliefs.
Your beliefs form your reality, your body and its condition, your personal
relationships, your environment, and en masse your civilization and your world. –
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Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and Empowerment -
This affirmations pack is designed to help you get a good start at having beliefs that are in line
with your desires (instead of opposing them).
Money Affirmations
In the creation of wealth, you require to ensure that you are clear and positive (allowing, not
resisting and negating) in four key areas of wealth:
1. Earning (receiving)
2. Spending (giving)
3. Saving
4. Investing
These are the four corners of wealth. The first two function like breathing, like your body's
circulation system, or even like the weather pattern. In other words, money, just like breath and
the rest of life, moves in cycles. In and out. Giving/receiving or earning/spending are two sides
of the same coin. They both need to be healthy. Without circulation, the system dies.
The remaining two are what allows for growth in wealth. Saving represents many things. For
one, it represents the fact that you value your future enough to save for it; you feel you have a
future worth saving for. It also represents paying yourself first, valuing yourself. Instead of
spending all the money you earn and leaving nothing for yourself, you spend some and keep
some for yourself. By the way, you are not saving to buy consumables like a TV or a trip in
future. No. You are saving to use that money to invest in yourself, and to have it make money
for you. And this is where the final corner, investing, comes in. You invest so that the money
you earned, at least part of it, is not forever lost in a spending spree. Instead, it remains with
you and works on its own, without your further effort, to make more money for you. In other
words, you work for the money (earn) and then stop, after which you allow the money to work
for you and give you much more than you produced in the first place. That is the point of
investing - having the money work for you and produce more of it than was originally, without
you having to spend more effort. Investing is similar to nature's principle of creating more of
itself effortlessly. Without this last step, it is very hard to become wealthy. Remember: Invest
wisely .
There are many ways in which you can use the Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and
Empowerment software to align yourself with regard to wealth creation. Each individual will
find their own way that best suits their mindset and circumstances. The software also has
plenty of screens that can be used (not just the affirmations screens). However, here, in this
document, we are only covering affirmations. Here are sample affirmations gathered for you
from various sources (affirmations partly gathered from You Can Heal Your Life by Louise
Hay and Rebirthing in the New Age by Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray) . As you do the
affirmations, notice how you feel about them. Then follow these feelings freely without
resisting or manipulating them and see where they lead you (they will always lead you to the
beliefs behind them). See the software's help file for how to enter and practice your
Earning (receiving)
1. My income is constantly increasing
2. I enjoy earning.
3. I deserve to be wealthy.
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Prova LifeTransformations, Healing and Empowerment -
4. My job/business is one of the pipelines through which I tap the infinite wealth of the
universe for my own desires.
5. My personal connection to Infinite Being and Infinite Intelligence is enough to yield a
huge personal fortune.
6. People enjoy paying me for what I enjoy doing the most.
7. Life always holds out as much goodness as I am willing to accept.
8. I am enjoying creating value for the people that give me money.
9. I have the right to give myself permission to become wealthy or do anything that I
10. Each year, my money increases faster than I spend it.
11. It takes less effort to be wealthy than it does to keep out the universal supply.
12. Life rewards me with abundance.
13. I deserve to be wealthy, rich, prosperous and affluent.
14. I enjoy expressing my abundance.
15. I don’t have to work to get money.
Spending (giving)
1. I spend money wisely.
2. I always have more money than I need.
3. I bless all my bills with love.
4. I pay all my bills on time easily.
5. I enjoy spending.
6. My income now exceeds my expenses.
7. Every dollar I spend comes back multiplied.
8. The more willing I am to enrich others, the more willing others are to enrich me.
9. I now have a positive personal cash flow.
1. I am worthy of having money in the bank.
2. I am financially independent and solvent.
3. I enjoy saving.
4. A part of all that I earn is mine to keep.
1. I enjoy investing.
2. I find investing to be relaxing, easy and safe.
3. My income increases every day whether I am working, sleeping or playing.
4. All my investments are profitable.
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