How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought.pdf
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How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought
You Think
Lion Kimbro
System Overview
1 Materials
2 General Principles
3 Intra-Subject Architecture
4 Extra-Subject Architecture
5 Theory of Notebooks
6 The Question of Computers
7 Getting Started
A Acronyms
B CVS Information
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This book is about how to make a complete map of everything you think for as
long as you like.
Whether that's good or not, I don't know- keeping a map of all your thoughts
has a \freezing" eect on the mind. It takes a lot of (albeit pleasurable) work,
but produces nothing but SIGHT.
If you do the things described in this book, you will be IMMOBILIZED for
the duration of your commitment.The immobilization will come on gradually,
but steadily. In the end, you will be incapable of going somewhere without
your cache of notes, and will always want a pen and paper w/ you. When you
do not have pen and paper, you will rely on complex memory pegging devices,
described in \The Memory Book". You will NEVER BE WITHOUT RECORD,
and you will ALWAYS RECORD.
YOU MAY ALSO ARTICULATE. Your thoughts will be clearer to you than
they have ever been before. You will see things you have never seen before.
When someone shows you one corner, you'll have the other 3 in mind. This is
both good and bad. It means you will have the right information at the right
time in the right place. It also means you may have trouble shutting up. Your
mileage may vary.
You will not only be immobilized in the arena of action, but you will also
be immobilized in the arena of thought. This appears to be contradictory, but
it's not really. When you are writing down your thoughts, you are making them
clear to yourself, but when you revise your thoughts, it requires a lot of work-
you have to update old ideas to point to new ideas. This discourages a lot of
new thinking. There is also a \structural integrity" to your old thoughts that
will resist change. You may actively not-think certain things, because it would
demand a lot of note keeping work. (Thus the notion that notebooks are best
applied to things that are not changing.)
For all of this immobility, this freezing, for all of these negative eects, why
on Earth would anyone want to do this?
Because of the INCREDIBLE CLARITY that comes with it. It may feel
like, doing this, that for the rst time in your life, you REALLY have a CLEAR
IDEA of what kinds of thoughts are going through your head. You'll really
understand your ideas. And you'll also see connections that you were never
consciously aware of before. You'll see a structure and a pattern in your life.
You're goals and psychology will become clearer to you. You'll be clearer too
about what you do NOT understand.
It is like taking a microscope to your brain. You'll see the little thoughts
moving around, literally, as you walk them through the maps you discover within
You'll see what you care about, quite clearly. You'll be familiar with your
mental terrain. Incredible clarity. Addictive clarity. Vast clarity. Extraordinary
You will Love it, if you are anything like me. It will feel natural and free;
There will be a freedom within your mind. You'll create astonishing things, and
you'll nd great tools that will help you in your life after you are immobilized.
Or at least, it will seem that way.
Time will tell whether such an experience has been useful to me or not. I
still do not know, and will not know for some time now.
The experience is very much a modern version of the \walkabout". Except
for instead of going out there somewhere in the world, you hole up in your mind.
Is it useful? I still don't know.
Thus it is with great hesitation that I present for the public this work on
notebooks. (That is, my notebook technique.)
I want to digress and say something here as well:
I am astonished that there isn't a eld of study of notebooks. I have searched
on the net, and while I have found a page here and there on some type of
notebook method, it is almost ALWAYS one of the following two things:
The Diary A bunch of entrees, chronologically based, maybe with a TOC, in
which a person keeps a record of their thoughts. AKA \The Journal".
The Category Bins A bunch of notes, stued into category bins, maybe 2 or
3 levels deep.
That's IT. In all the world, people have only been putting their notes in the
above two ways.
Sure, there are a few others, but people aren't comparing notes, talking about
such things.
1 2
I would think that something like intelligence augmentation
through notebook study would be one of the rst things that people talk about
on the Internet! I would think that one of the rst things we would be greeted
with on the Internet would be, \Did you know how to use Notebooks to be
smarter?" At the very least, it would be accessible.
Instead, there is a vast desert.
My solution to understanding this lack is my faith in what I call \The An-
archist Principle": If there is something really cool, and you can't understand
why somebody hasn't don it before, it's because you haven't done it yourself.
That's DIY for those in the know: Do It Yourself.
Ted Nelson in a very special case and deserves particular comment. Sadly, he seems a bit
unhinged, and doesn't write much about the topic of keeping notes openly on the web.
Note added Later: David Allen's \Getting Things Done" system is actually pretty cool.
Sadly, it does not appear on the Internet. But it's a cheap book. If you are interested in
contributing to a study of notebook systems, this is a must read.
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