Accept Your Abundance!_Randy Gage.pdf

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Accept Your Abundance
Accept Your Abundance!
Why You are Supposed to be Wealthy
By Randy Gage
“Claim the Prosperity that is your Birthright!
Gage Research & Development Institute
3990 Sheridan Street, Suite 211B
Hollywood, FL 33021 USA
Published by:
Prime Concepts Group, Inc.
1807 S. Eisenhower St.
Wichita, KS 67209-2810 USA
1-800-432-4243 or 316-942-1111
Copyright © MMIII Gage Research & Development Institute and Prime Concepts Group,
Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the Publisher.
Copyright MMIII Gage Research & Development and Prime Concepts Group
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Accept Your Abundance
To Coach Dennis Butler. Because if anybody in the world deserves a
dedication in a book, he is the guy!
Copyright MMIII Gage Research & Development and Prime Concepts Group
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Accept Your Abundance
I would like to express my appreciation to the amazing Lornette Browne,
who keeps me accepting my own abundance. And Lisa Jimenez, just
because she is Lisa.
Copyright MMIII Gage Research & Development and Prime Concepts Group
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Accept Your Abundance
Introductions are a good place to answer a question that authors get a lot.
Namely, why did you write the book? So here goes…
Almost everyone you meet will tell you they want to be healthy, happy, and
rich. Yet very few of them have two out of three, and almost none of them
have all three. So some years back, I started sharing what I learned about
how to be prosperous. I’m a very rational, logical person, so I broke down
the process, and explained it in a very rational, logical way. After a few
years of this, I came to understand something quite extraordinary...
The problem for most people wasn’t lack of knowledge. I could teach that
pretty easily. The real issue was that they simply couldn’t, or wouldn’t, let
themselves become prosperous. They actually sabotaged their prosperity,
on a subconscious level.
They refused to accept their abundance. And nothing could be more tragic,
than untapped potential, unfulfilled happiness, and unclaimed prosperity.
So that’s why I wrote the book. I want you to have all the abundance that is
your birthright.
March, 2003
Key West, Florida
Copyright MMIII Gage Research & Development and Prime Concepts Group
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