The Tome Of Horrors I. Revised Edition.pdf

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Revised Edition
Scott Greene
ning, Jeff Holt, John Bridges, Tom Gianni, Jim DiBartolo,
Jeff Rebner, Eric Pollack, David Day, Rich Thomas, Claudio
Pozas, Peter Bergting, Erik Roman, Chad Sergesketter, Tim
Truman, and Chet Masters
Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, Clark
Peterson, Bill Webb
Front & Back Cover Design:
Mike Chaney
Clark Peterson, Scott Greene
Mark Adams, Anthony Andrews, Kevin Bishop, Michael Davis, Brooke
Delano, Jason Collins, Eric Collins, Meghan Greene, Tracey Greene,
Shane Griffi n, Brandie Griffi n, Greg Hamilton, Dave Jenkins, Melissa
Kingston, Josh Martin, Serena Wilson.
Clark Peterson
Special Thanks:
Chad Barr, Dan Corwin, Colin Goodman, Skeeter Green, Eric Jansing,
Kristian L. Jensen, Greg Ragland, Sean K. Reynolds, Michael Rooney,
Kevin Walker, and everyone on the Creature Catalog forums (ENWorld)
and Necromancer Games forums.
Tome of Horrors Revision:
Scott Greene
Scott Greene
Very Special Thanks:
Tracey, Meghan, Erika, Dave, Sammy, Elijah, Stephen, Mom, Craig
Cochrane, Shane, Brandie, Kaitie, Mike Chaney, Reaper Ron, Bill
Webb, Clark Peterson.
Art Director:
Mike Chaney
Layout and Typesetting:
Mike Chaney
Dedication: This book is dedicated to my father, Leo M. Greene
(1930-2001) who, when I was 12 years old, bought me the Red
Boxed Set thereby opening the doors of imagination for me.
We love you dad.
Interior Art:
Brian LeBlanc, Jim Nelson, Llyne Hunter, Veronica Jones,
Tyler Walpole, Nate Pride, Andrew Bates, Steve Ellis, Leif
Jones, James Stowe, Chris Curtin, Gary McKee, Talon Dun-
Scott Greene
This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook Revised, published by Wizards of the Coast®
©2005 Necromancer Games, Inc . All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the
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logo and Tome of Horrors are trademarks of Necromancer Games, Inc. All characters, names, places, items,
art and text herein are copyrighted by Necromancer Games, Inc. “D20 System” and the D20 System logo
are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used under the terms of the D20 Trademark License.
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any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements
are fi ction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out Necromancer Games online at
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And you can visit Scott Greene’s Creature Catalog web site at: http://
Clockwork, Overseer
Clockwork, Scout
Clockwork, Swarm
Demon, Corrupter (Azizou)
Demon, Corrupter (Barizou)
Demon, Nabasu (Mature)
False Spider, Pedipalp
Fly, Giant
Frog, Monstrous–Giant
Frog, Monstrous–Giant Dire
Frog, Monstrous–Killer
Frog, Monstrous–Poisonous
Rot Grub
Spinal Leech
Throat Leech
Appendix C:
Tiger Barb, Giant
Appendix E:
Monster Traits, Types,
Monsters by Type
A listing of all the monsters published in this volume, organized by
type and subtype. Several new subtypes can be found in the list below.
Each is detailed after the listing.
Aberration: Adherer, belabra, blood golem, boggart, bone cobbler,
bonesucker, carbuncle, carrion moth, crystalline horror, decapus, dust
digger, executioner’s hood, eye of the deep, fl umph, fogwarden, froghe-
moth, gambado, gorbel, hell moth, lurker above, slime crawler, tentamort,
thessalmonster, trapper, vilstrak, volt, wolf-in-sheep’s clothing.
(Air): Boggart, cloud dragon, dragon horse.
Animal: Animals, dire creature, giant monstrous frog, giant dire frog,
killer monstrous frog, poisonous monstrous frog, oliphant, poisonous
(Aquatic): Barracudas, brine zombie, bunyip, crabman, crystal ooze,
dragonfi sh, draug, eye of the deep, fl oating eye, giant caribe, giant clam,
giant moray eel, giant snapping turtle, giant tiger barb, hippocampus,
monstrous crab, monstrous crayfi sh, monstrous jellyfi sh, kelp devil, kelpie,
mummy of the deep, quipper, strangle weed,
(Cold): Devil dog, frost man, hoar fox, ice drake, ice golem, ice troll,
taer, undead ooze, yeti.
Construct: Caryatid column, chrystone, clockworks, ice golem, iron
cobra, necrophidius, obsidian minotaur, scarecrow, skeleton (lead skel-
eton), stone guardian, tallow golem, wood golem.
Dragon: Dragons, dracolisk, drakes.
(Earth): Gargoyles, pech, rock troll, salt drake, sand giant.
(Electricity): Lightning quasi-elementals, volt.
Elemental: Elemental dragons, psionic elementals, time elementals.
Elemental (Air): Aerial servant, elemental air dragon, lightning quasi-
elementals, mihstu, wind walker.
Elemental (Earth): Elemental earth dragon, mudman, sandling,
Elemental (Fire): Elemental fi re dragon, fi refi end, phantom stalker.
Elemental (Water): Elemental water dragon, mudman.
(Extraplanar): Abyssal dire monstrous frog, aerial servant, angels,
animal lords, astral shark, daemons, demodands, demons, demonic knight,
devils, drelb, elementals, elemental dragons, fi refi end, fi re nymph, fi re
snake, foo creature, gloomwing, guardian daemon, khargra, magnesium
spirit, midnight peddler, mihstu, moon dog, mudman, pech, phantom
stalker, protector, quasi-elemental, sandling, sandman, slaad lord, soul
eater, stench kow, tenebrous worm, thunder beast, true gorgons, wind
Fey: Atomie, brownie, buckawn, forlarren, killmoulis, korred, lepre-
chaun, nereid, pech, quickling, sprite.
(Fire): Fire drake, fi re lizard, lava child, magma ooze.
Giant: Giants, trolls.
Hazard: Bookworm, ear seeker, gas spore, hound of ill omen, memory
moss, olive slime, phantom, piercer, purple moss, rot grub, russet mold,
spinal leech, symbiotic jelly, throat leech, twilight mushrooms.
Humanoid: Dark creeper, dark stalker, flind, frost man, grip-
pli, half-ogre, lava child, mites, nilbog, ogrillon, orog, skulk, spriggan,
stonewarden, ubue.
(Incorporeal): Drelb, groaning spirit, haunt, lesser shadow, magnesium
spirit, poltergeist, shadow rat, shadow wolf.
Magical Beast: Abominations, al-mi’raj, amphisbaena, aurumvorax, axe
beak, babbler, baric, basilisk, bats, beast of chaos, boalisk, bonesnapper,
bunyip, caterwaul, Cerberus, clubnek, cooshee, dragonfi sh, death dog,
death worm, devil dog, disenchanter, dragon horse, eblis, eye killer, fi re
lizard, fl oating eye, gargoyles, giant moray eel, gorgimera, gorilla bear,
gryph, hippocampus, hoar fox, jaculi, kamadan, land lamprey, mantari,
marble snake, muckdweller, pyrolisk, rats, rock reptile, screaming devilkin,
shedu, shedu, soul nibbler, squealer, stone roper, stymphalian bird, tunnel
worm, vulchling, witherstench, wizard’s shackle, wolf-spider.
Monstrous Humanoid: Abomination, banderlog, blindheim, bog beast,
crabman, dakon, dire corby, fen witch, greater medusa, inphidian, kech,
mongrelman, tabaxi, taer, therianthropes, transposer, tsathar, yeti.
Ooze: Brown pudding, crystal ooze, diger, dun pudding, livestone,
magma ooze, mercury ooze, mustard jelly, slithering tracker, stunjelly,
white pudding.
Outsider: Abyssal dire monstrous frog, animal lords, astral shark, drelb,
foo creature, gloomwing, guardian daemon, midnight peddler, soul eater,
stench kow, tenebrous worm, thunder beast.
Outsider (Chaotic): Demodands, demons, demonic knight, slaad
Outsider (Evil): Abyssal dire monstrous frog, daemons, demodands,
demons, demonic knight, devils, magnesium spirit, true gorgons.
Outsider (Earth): Khargra.
Outsider (Fire): Fire nymph, fi re snake.
Outsider (Good): Angels, moon dog.
Outsider (Lawful): Devils, magnesium spirit, protector, true gor-
Plant: Algoid, archer bush, ascomoid, basidirond, cobra fl ower,
forester’s bane, hangman tree, jack-o-lantern, jupiter bloodsucker,
kampfult, kelpie, kelp devil, mandragora, phycomid, quickwood, scythe
tree, slime zombie, strangle weed, thorny, tri-fl ower frond, vampire rose,
vegepygmy, witherweed, yellow musk creeper, yellow musk zombie.
(Reptilian): Greater basilisk, inphidian.
Undead: Apparition, barrow wight, bhuta, bleeding horror, bloody
bones, bog mummy, coffer corpse, crypt thing, darnoc, demiurge, draug,
ghoul-stirge, groaning spirit, haunt, huecuva, lesser shadow, mummy of the
deep, poltergeist, shadow rat, skeleton warrior, skulleton, spectral troll,
undead ooze, vampiric ooze, ghoul wolves, shadow wolf, zombies.
Vermin: Ant lion, cave cricket, cave fi sher, cave moray, false spiders,
fl ail snail, giant beetles, giant clam, giant dragonfl y, giant fl y, giant leech,
giant slug, giant tick, monstrous crab, monstrous crayfi sh, monstrous
jellyfi sh, scarlet spider, skull spider, stegocentipede.
(Water): Mist dragon, nereid.
New Subtypes
Dire Subtype: A dire animal is a normal animal that has been modifi ed
using the dire animal template. Dire animals are generally stronger, faster,
and larger than their normal counterparts. Rangers can choose Animal
(Dire) specifi cally as a favored enemy.
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