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to rebuild the guild, to unite the gangs into a new
great power. All have failed. Today’s gangs are
too violent, too petty, and too intolerant of one
another to ever come together under a single
leader. Even were they to do so, the Sea Lord’s
Guard is not the corrupt and useless institution it
once was, but a true police force that would come
crashing down like a tsunami upon any such
nascent organization. No, any attempt to forge
the gangs into a force to match the guild of old is
doomed to failure.
“‘E wuz a pirate, sure ‘nuff ‘e wuz. ‘E wuz a liar,
an’ a cheat, an’ a scoundrel, an’ ‘e’d put a cutlass
in yer belly soon as look ye in the eye. But gods
bless ‘im, ‘e wuz never no thief.”
—“Black-Eyed” Pete Winfrey, First Mate of the
Feeding Frenzy , waxing eloquent about his
former commander and best friend, the late
Captain Jacko Ronson.
Freeport. Many who speak of it kindly call it “the
city of adventure.” Those who prefer accuracy
to poetry instead use phrases like “pirate haven”
and “nest of vipers.” Corsairs ply the nearby
waters, and though they prey on merchant
shipping and drive prices up, they are viewed
with some measure of grudging respect by many
of the city’s citizens. Anyone who can eke a
living on the unforgiving waves has proved some
measure of worthiness.
That’s the funny thing about Freeport, though.
The city’s come a long way, and “doomed” just
isn’t what it used to be.
About This Adventure
Not so the criminals who infest the city’s streets
and alleys, much like rats (and just as welcome).
The gangs of Freeport are objects of fear, but
also of derision. They are pests, petty criminals,
violent thugs unworthy of a second thought—until
they’re holding a knife to your throat, of course.
Freeport has seen gangs rise and fall, criminals
come and go. They are a fact of life, nothing
Yet this was not always so. For a time, the
thieves of Freeport were a scourge the likes of
which the worst pirates could only envy. They
were dangerous. They were organized. They
were smart . For years, a powerful thieves guild
thrived in the city of adventure, growing ever
richer as the honest citizens—well, honest er
In Gangs of Freeport , the PCs find themselves
swept up in events as a mysterious power,
making use of techniques both mystical and
malign, shows signs of succeeding where
others failed. The various gangs of the city
work together, and the Sea Lord’s Guard
proves helpless to stem the rising tide of crime.
Only through keen observation, determined
investigation, and the judicious use of bloody
violence can the characters uncover an old evil
behind the threat, and take steps to put him
Gangs of Freeport is suited to a party of four
characters of approximately 6th-level. You
might run it for a larger group, or for characters
of slightly higher level, by toughening up the
various challenges. Be particularly careful when
heightening the adventure for higher-level parties,
as certain spells of 4th-level and above provide
easy means around many of its challenges.
It was a century gone by that the Sea Lord
Marquetta engaged the guild in the so-called
Back Alley War, breaking their back and
scattering them to the four winds… or the gibbet.
The gangs that plague Freeport today are a pale
shadow of the guild that was. Men and women of
great vision and limited morality have attempted
Throughout the adventure, you will encounter
sections of boxed text. This is information
for the players, which you can read aloud or
paraphrase as you wish. Statistics for creatures
and nonplayer characters (NPCs) are detailed in
Appendix A: NPCs, with abbreviated information
presented in each encounter. The Encounter
Level (EL) rates the encounter’s difficulty, as
defined in the DMG . Gangs of Freeport assumes
that you have access to Freeport: The City of
Adventure (or F:tCoA ). While you can run this
module without it, you will miss a substantial
amount of detail, and may not be able to make
use of the characters and locations to their fullest
rewards for his efforts. With every failed gambit,
his resentment grew, and he became convinced
that the Captains’ Council, and his replacement,
Commissioner Xander Williams, were pulling
political strings to keep him down, no matter
where he went.
Tillinghast made few advances, but he did make
contacts and connections across the scummy
underside of mainland society. And finally,
Tillinghast came to a decision, the only he could:
Freeport was where he belonged, where the true
opportunities were. He simply had to find a way
to seize them once more. If he could not thrive on
one side of the law, he would dominate the other.
The former Guard commissioner returned to the
city that had turned its back on him. He came on
a rundown, broken ship, one rag-clad passenger
among many. He returned without fanfare,
without welcome. But he did not return alone. He
brought with him a small force of mercenaries
hired on the mainland, soldiers who would protect
him and serve as his muscle during the early
stages of his scheme. He brought with him, as
well, a shriveled creature called Mentirre Aboir,
and several of Aboir’s apprentices. A native of
a small isle many miles south of the mainland,
the gnome was a spellcaster of the foulest
sort, a manipulator of minds and tormentor of
souls. Aboir and his apprentices were the key to
Tillnghast’s plans, and the gnome was thrilled
to participate for little more than the promise of
many minds to command. Finally, Tillinghast
had allies waiting for him in the Fortress of
Justice, guardsmen who had avoided the new
commissioner’s purge of the corrupt, but had
never forgotten the man who helped line their
With the insight they offered, the mercenaries
as his enforcers, and the wizards as his hidden
ace, Tillinghast insinuated himself into Freeport’s
illegal narcotics trade. It was simplicity itself to
supplant other, established suppliers, because
Tillinghast was willing to work at a loss in order
to undercut his competitors; profit was not, at this
stage, his goal.
Adventure Background
They had been the best years of his life, full of
wealth and power and, above all, respect . And
then the Freeport Captains’ Council had stripped
it all away from him, and given his office, his
position, his life to a man who deserved not a
whit of it.
For years after his dismissal from office and
unofficial banishment from Freeport, “Boss”
Dutch Tillinghast, former commissioner of the
Sea Lord’s Guard, seethed with anger and
resentment. Who were they?! Who were they to
take from him what the great Lord Milton Drac
had granted? Every last one of those ambitious
bastards used his or her position to advance a
personal agenda, but let Dutch do the same—let
him skim just a few pieces worth of gold from the
Guard’s funds, let him take a few tiny gifts from
powerful friends, let him use the Guard to handle
just a few personal grievances—and they were
up in arms. It was a horrific injustice, that’s what
it was.
He made every effort to regain some of the riches
and prestige that had been stolen from him. For
years, he scoured the mainland, moving from city
to city in an attempt to obtain an office not unlike
the one he once held in Freeport. In every one,
he failed. Few cities were corrupt enough to let a
man like Dutch Tillinghast anywhere near political
office, and those that were provided insufficient
Working through a local arranger named Geoff
“Sky-High” Paulow, Tillinghast introduced a
new narcotic to the market: white smoke. (See
Appendix B: White Smoke for more details of
the drug, the alchemical and arcane procedures
required to create it, and its mechanical effects.)
White smoke’s hallucinogenic properties,
combined with its deadening effect on the will,
made it the perfect tool to enhance Aboir’s own
mind-controlling magics.
They began with the Buccaneers, the gang
which controls the Docks themselves. Many
gangmembers were all too eager to sample this
new narcotic delight, while those who proved
more reticent were forced to comply, compelled
through magics, or simply “disappeared” by
Tillinghast’s mercenaries. They worked their way
up the ranks, using the white smoke to pave the
way for more arcane methods of persuasion, until
every one of the gang’s leaders, including Patch
Carty himself, was under their command.
apprentices, to communicate directly with the
criminals, rather than doing so himself. These
spellcasters routinely disguise themselves
through spells such as alter self , transforming into
the semblance of the region’s serpent people.
Thus, even should an investigation reveal a
power behind the newly allied gangs, it should
appear to be just another scheme of the serpent
people yet loyal to the Brotherhood of the Yellow
Sign. So far as he is concerned, Tillinghast is
untouchable, his plan unstoppable.
It is up to the PCs to prove him wrong.
Adventure Synopsis
And then they spread further still. Utilizing the
same proven techniques, they moved their
influence into other districts of Freeport, other
gangs. Some of the smarter criminals grew
suspicious, certainly, but it has been a simple
matter to eliminate them and move on. By the
present time, Tillinghast and Aboir control the
Buccaneers, Finn’s Syndicate, and most of the
smaller gangs. They have recently set their
eyes on the final great prize, Bloody Jack’s
Cutthroats, and are slowly working through the
ranks. Tillinghast is on the verge of accomplishing
what no one has managed since the days of
Marquetta: the creation of a true, unified Freeport
Gangs of Freeport sets the player characters
square in the middle of the rising crime wave.
What seems initially to be a simple opportunity
for profit swiftly transforms into a struggle to save
Freeport from the consequences of Tillinghast’s
efforts. Should the PCs fail, the city of adventure
may well descend into a sewer of rampant crime
the likes of which it has never before seen.
As the adventure begins, the PCs have been
recruited for a simple task: escort a shipment
of foreign silks and textiles from the docs to
a merchant’s warehouse, clear across the
Warehouse District. On the way, they come under
a surprisingly well organized and orchestrated
assault by gangmembers intent on stealing
the shipment. Although the opponents are not
impossibly tough, their tactics make them a threat
to be reckoned with.
Having witnessed the battle, a criminal by the
name of Cristophe Cirgall, one of Bloody Jack’s
lieutenants, approaches the party. He explains to
the PCs that he has discovered outside influence
in the gang, and was nearly murdered for failing
to partake of the new narcotic. Obviously,
he cannot go to the Guard, so he offers to
compensate the characters if they will assist.
The nascent organization has prospered greatly
in recent months, and not merely because the
gangs are now cooperating, rather than battling
one another. Tillinghast still has allies in the
Sea Lord’s Guard, and even higher political
circles—possibly even as high as the Captains’
Council. Select guardsmen, once again in his
pocket, provide him schedules and patrol routes,
ensuring that the gangs always strike where the
Guard has little if any presence.
Ever paranoid of betrayal, determined never
again to lose his power, Tillinghast has deceived
even the gang leaders themselves, in case they
should ever escape Aboir’s domination. He
always sends the wizard, or one of the gnome’s
During their investigations, the PCs likely visit
a Cutthroat hideout, the Broken Mug tavern,
and a capsized ship currently serving a sinister
purpose. By combining the clues they should
obtain in those locations (assuming they survive
the threats that wait them there), the PCs can
begin pointing fingers, and evidence, at those
Of course, they’re not through there.
Commissioner Williams still cannot trust his own
Guard, so it remains to the PCs to follow through.
Only once they have confronted the so-called
“serpent priests” in the Eastern Quarter, and
captured Tillinghast himself before he escapes
his hidden camp, will they truly have broken the
back of the nascent guild, just as Marquetta did a
century gone by.
Part I :
Caught in the Crossfire
In which the player characters discover
that battling the criminal element may
attract the wrong sort of attention.
their attackers to go on, but if he’s desperate
enough—and he is—it should still fly.
Player Character
Gangs of Freeport assumes that the PCs have
already experienced a few of the opportunities
that the city of adventures has to offer. As 6th-
level characters, they’ve been around the block
a few times, and they’ve established a growing
reputation. Thus, it makes sense that when the
city’s various nobles and merchants start looking
around for extra protection, someone would
certainly think of the party. This also explains why
Cirgall has heard of them.
Hard days have come to Freeport. The city,
never short on violence, is in the midst of a
crime wave the likes of which have not been
seen in recent memory. Locals and travelers
alike are robbed, beaten, even killed with
increasing frequency. The streets are unsafe
to walk alone during the day, let alone at night.
The Sea Lord’s Guard seems helpless to
stem the rising tide of lawlessness, or even
to determine its cause. Already, whispers
circulate that Commissioner Williams may be
asked to resign if he cannot find a solution
Still, in chaos there is opportunity, for anyone
willing to seek and seize it. For those like you,
If this assumption doesn’t fit your campaign,
however, you have other options. Perhaps Lady
Sorya, Captain Matthias, or Cirgall have a prior
personal relationship with one or more of the
characters. Alternatively, the party may simply
have answered an open advertisement for extra
muscle. It stretches the bounds of credulity a
little bit that Cirgall might go to them for help
with nothing more than their victory against
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