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The art of defense
In brief
Should we be rather skeptical when it comes to IT
security? Is it an appropriate idea to secure your PC just
like it was a vault full of gold and money? YES. It's better
be safe than sorry.
If you still have some doubts, let me remind you some
of the most spectacular events.
In May 2006, security researchers discovered a
backdoor in Diebold's AccuVote-TS touch-screen voting
machines that could allow an attacker to manipulate votes,
cause malfunctions, or create a voting virus that spreads
from machine to machine – all in under a minute and with
little fear of detection.
Also in 2006 the keylogging devices could have easily
cracked the login technology used by HSBC and another
major high street banks. Cardiff University researchers
discovered the law, which enabled to break into accounts
within just nine attempts.
AOL apologized after the data from its search logs on
over 600,000 customers' search habits was released.
Google's oficial blog has fallen into unauthorized
hands twice last year. First, Google staffers deleted the
Google Blog by mistake and someone briely took control
of the Web address, then, someone exploited a bug in
Blogger and published a note riddled with grammatical
and spelling errors, saying that Google had ended its
click-to-call advertising project with eBay because it was
Eugene H. Spafford said: The only truly secure system
is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and
sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards – and even
then I have my doubts.
We agree thus we bring the next issue of hakin9 maga-
zine to you. hakin9 team believes it is better to be safe
than sorry; but it is the best to be safe, not-sorry and to
have fun and improve skills at the same time.
As usually we present interesting and up-to-date tech-
niques of breaking into computer system and defending it.
Our aim is to help you to be well informed in regards to the
methods crackers use and the techniques and tools that
can be used when protecting your network from various
intrusions. We wish to enable you to eficiently protect
your personal PC or the whole company network and to
deepen your passion for IT security.
In this edition you will ind information on how Metasploit
or VCG work; what fuzzing is and last but not least – how
timing attacks can be run.
Also, we would like to invite you to a new game pre-
pared by Paul Sebastian Ziegler especially for hakin9
readers. You will be given interesting tasks to complete
which can bring you either attractive prizes or a great
satisfaction. Enter the game and check or improve your
hacking skills.
Magdalena Błaszczyk
A selection of news from the world of IT security.
CD contents
Magdalena Błaszczyk
What's new in the latest hakin9.live version (3.2-aur.)
and what must-have applications we grant you, Cisco
Certiied Network Associate course, part 2 and War-
game on our CDs.
Jon Oberheide
The author presents a tool which facilitates man-in-
the-middle attacks against AOL instant Messenger's
OSCAR protocol via a simple GTK interface.
Diman Todorov
The author describes Network Mapper developed by
Fyodor enabling user to explore the network and audit
the security level.
Metasploit – exploring framework
Michal Merta
Thanks to his article you will acquire a general knowl-
edge on how exploiting works as well as some more
detailed information on The Metasploit Project – an
interesting security initiative.
Fuzzing technique
Paul Sebastian Ziegler
Having read this article you will know what fuzzing
exactly is, what are its theoretical basics and what
makes it so eficient.
In remembrance of timing attacks
Stavros Lekkas, Thanos Theodorides
This text sheds the light on performing timing analysis
over the execution path of a program, leading to valid
usernames identiication on Unix and other services.
Testing Intrusion
Detection Systems
Magdalena Błaszczyk
Rodrigo Rubira Branco, Lúcio Correia
The authors illustrate the dificulties behind shellcode
generation tool and many more of the technique's
hakin9 2/2007
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Hard Core IT Security Magazine
Attacking adjacent memory
stack regions and software
vulnerabilities complexity theory
Editor in Chief: Ewa Dudzic ewal@software.com.pl
Executive Editor: Marta Ogonek marta.ogonek@hakin9.org
Editor: Magdalena Błaszczyk magdalena.błaszczyk@hakin9.org
Editorial Advisory Board: Clement Dupuis, Matt Jonkman,
Jay Ranade, Terron Williams , Shyaam Sundhar R. S.
DTP Director: Marcin Pieśniewski marcin.piesniewski@software.com.pl
Art Director: Agnieszka Marchocka agnes@software.com.pl
CD: Rafał Kwaśny
Proofreaders: N. Potter, D. F. Leer, K. Dawson, P. S. Rieth
Top betatesters: Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique, Justin Seitz,
Peter Hüwe, Damian Szewczyk, Peter Harmsen, Kevin Bewley
Angelo P.E. Rosiello
This writing presents how to exploit adjacent memory
regions in the stack and what is the easiest way of
classifying attacks and vulnerabilities in regards to
vulnerability complexity theory.
President: Monika Godlewska monikag @software.com.pl
Senior Consultant/Publisher: Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl
National Sales Manager: Monika Godlewska monikag@software.com.pl
Production Director: Marta Kurpiewska marta@software.com.pl
Marketing Director: Ewa Dudzic ewal@software.com.pl
Advertising Sales: Marta Ogonek marta.ogonek@hakin9.org
Subscription: subscription@software.com.pl
Prepress technician: Marcin Pieśniewski
Spam – Virus Checking Gateway
Pierpaolo Palazzoli, Mateo Valenza
Thanks to this writing the reader will learn how to
analyze the spam issues and how to conigure and
customize an antispam-antivirus system.
Consumers tests
Publisher: Software Media LLC
(on Software Publishing House licence www.software.com.pl/en )
Postal adderss:
Software Media LLC
1461 A First Avenue, # 360
New York, NY 10021-2209
Tel: 004822 8871010
Firewall leak testing
David Matousek, Paul Whitehead
Especially for hakin9 readers specialists prepared
professional leak-tests of personal irewalls.
Software LLC is looking for partners from all over the World. If you are
interested in cooperating with us,
please contact us by e-mail: cooperation@software.com.pl
Rants from the Bleeding Edge
Print: 101 Studio, Firma Tęgi
Printed in Poland
Matt Jonkman
News from Bleeding Edge Threat. You wanna rant?
Distributed in the USA by: Source Interlink Fulfillment Division, 27500
Riverview Centre Boulevard, Suite 400, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Tel: 239-949-4450.
Distributed in Australia by: Gordon and Gotch, Australia Pty Ltd.
Level 2, 9 Roadborough Road, Locked Bag 527, NSW 2086, Sydney, Australia
Tel: + 61 2 9972 8800
Strenght of awareness
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality
of the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or implied,
concerning the results of content usage.
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only
for informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented
in the magazine are reserved by the companies which own them.
Ewa Samulska
This month, hakin9 talks to Matt Jonkman known to
our readers as hakin9 columnist.
Self Exposure
To create graphs and diagrams we used program by
John Viega's IT career
CDs included to the magazine were tested with AntiVirenKit by G DATA
Software Sp. z o.o
Magdalena Błaszczyk
It is a section presenting to our readers how interesting
and complex working in the IT security ield might be.
Books reviews
Stefan Turalski, Carlos Ruiz Moreno
Reviews of books: In Search of Stupidity: Over 20
Years of High-Tech Marketing Disasters; Hacking the
Cable Modem. What cable companies don't want you
to know.
Magdalena Błaszczyk
The next hakin9 edition overview.
The editors use automatic DTP system
Selling current or past issues of this magazine for prices that are
different than printed on the cover is – without permission of the
publisher – harmful activity and will result in judicial liability.
The techniques described in our articles may only be
used in private, local networks. The editors hold no
responsibility for misuse of the presented techniques
or consequent data loss.
hakin9 Nr 2/2006
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