d20 4e Alluria Publishing Remarkable Races Boggle.pdf

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Remarkable Races: The Boggle
A New Player Character Race For the 4 th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Game
J. Matthew Kubisz
Stephanie D. Schubert
Paul Klein
Interior Illustrator & Cover Artist
Randall D. Powell
Special Thanks to:
Steven Carabello, William J. Giffen,
Ofelia J. Kubisz, Mystic Eye Games,
Jason Ungart, Jasen & Tori Ward !
Graphics Design & Layout
Rogue Agent, Inc.
BOGGLE & REMARKABLE RACES © 2008 Alluria Publishing. All rights reserved.
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries and are used with
permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication, D&D core rules
mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game
System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E System Reference Document, available
at www.wizards.com/d20.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy
Collins, and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and
MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt
© 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
Front Cover 1
Title, Credits, Contents 2
Racial Traits
Ecology 4
Playing a Boggle 5
Boggle Adventurers 6
Racial Feats 6
Boggle Inventions 8
Boggle Brew 8
Boggles as Monsters 10
Boggles in Your Game 12
Back Cover
Physical Qualities
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Small goblinoids, once bred to be better
builders, now a fierce new breed of genius on the
cusp of madness
Average Height: 3’ 4” – 3’ 8”
Average Weight: 40 – 50 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
Size: Small
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Goblin
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Perception
Boggle Dodge : You can use Boggle Dodge as an
at-will power. Goblin abilities mingle with
boggle hybridization to create an ability that
helps them dodge sudden catastrophic
Boggle Madness : Without a daily dose of a
specially formulated serum, you may go
insane and attack everything that moves. See
“Boggle Madness” details on page 5.
Goblin Subspecies: You are considered a goblin
for the purposes of spells and effects that
specifically target goblins.
Mechanical Genius: You gain a +2 racial bonus
on all non-combat rolls directly involving a
magical or mechanical object.
z Boggle Dodge Boggle Racial Power
You move quickly in response area attacks.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are within the area of effect as the area
attack goes off.
Effect: You may shift 1 square. You can only use
this effect once per round, and only at the start of the
effect. Increase shift to 2 squares at level 11 and 3
squares at level 21.
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Boggles are specially bred and
magically engineered goblins that excel in
all things magical and mechanical.
Originally from slave stock of an oni mage
named Dianlor, these small green
humanoids vary little in appearance from
their ancestors. Nearly a century of
selective breeding, magical experimentation
and subjugation to special serums were
designed to turn the common goblin into an
expert builder. Dianlor, and his protégés,
planned to use a hoard of these altered
goblins to build and maintain a mobile
fortress, and then lead this new battle
bastion out to conquest. However, with
intelligence came cleverness and
independence. The boggles used scrap to
build a secret legion of ornithopters,
drugged the oni legions with a homemade
potion, and flew to far away safety. The oni
lords awoke to find their unfinished fortress
mostly dismantled for parts and no trace of
the boggles. Dianlor’s legions have since
fallen into anonymity, but the boggles
With intelligence came a conscience
as well, and most boggles turned away
from evil and treachery. The majority exist
as beneficial artificers, spreading works of
genius and magic throughout the land.
They abhor slavery, and still harbor a
grudge towards the oni. Occasionally, a
boggle will go nuts from lack of serum;
something the race has trouble being open
Boggles are Small-sized, green
skinned, hairless humanoids. Their faces
are particularly goblinoid and feature fairly
large noses. A boggle’s eyes are most
generally red, but may also be orange or
violet. Boggles are known for their long,
donkey-like ears that move according to
their mood. Boggles have short legs and
long arms that end in four digits—three
fingers and a thumb.
Boggles look very similar to goblins
with larger, longer ears and no hair.
However, the similarity is skin deep.
Boggles are highly intelligent with a mind
for solving puzzles, crafting devices and
unlocking magical secrets. Many who are
used to their less refined cousin find a
boggle’s appearance and mannerisms a bit
comical; a mistake that the boggles are
quick to forgive.
Boggles dress in mismatched and
patchwork clothes that are cobbled together
more for functionality than fashion. The
typical boggle, including non artificers, has
a hodge-podge of pouches, tool clips, and
other bags placed conveniently around their
body. Some boggles even sport mechanical
appendages; a specialty of some boggle
Due to lack of hair and fashion sense,
males and females are hard to tell apart by
a non-boggle. They tend to share all roles,
and make few distinctions. Males are a bit
heavier-set than females, but this is not a
definitive indicator.
Boggles have children like most
humanoids, with a large proportion of twins
and triplets. They mature quickly, reaching
adulthood at the age of 10, but have
tragically short lives; living only to their mid-
thirties. Old age comes on sudden, and is
marked by terrible senility. Their demise is
almost always violent.
Play a boggle if you want…
Ê to be a weird little goblin creature.
Ê to play a genius crafter with a terrible
Ê to be able to potentially dodge blast
effect spells.
Ê to be smart and sturdy.
Ê to be a member of a race that favors
the artificer (or wizard) class.
Though most know about it, few
approach the subject; boggles need a daily
elixir to keep from going mad. A mixed-up
and unnatural biochemistry requires a
constant infusion of special herbs and other
ingredients to keep the boggle’s finely-
tuned mind from slipping gears. On the 25th
hour of not having this boggle brew, the
poor creature becomes subject to the
Boggle Madness (detailed below). This is
likely to culminate in a boggle becoming a
raving lunatic capable only of attacking
every moving creature or object. Without a
dose of this serum, only complete
immobilization, luck, or death will stop a
boggle’s rampage. Some particularly
destitute boggles procure special garments
that can be fastened into a straitjacket, in a
Boggles are born with a mind for
mechanics and magic. They have an
uncanny and instinctual knack for problem
solving and repair. For some, this is simply
a lifelong hobby. For most, it is an
obsession, driving most boggles directly to
the profession of artificer. Of those
artificers, most forgo ritual learning in favor
of alchemy. Many boggle alchemists are in
search of a better boggle brew, or to
eliminate the need for the solution entirely.
Of the non-artificer boggles, most
are drawn to the wizard class. Warrior
boggles are also known, as well as rogues
specializing in gadgetry, trap dodging and
lock picking. A few clerics do exist, extolling
the virtues of inventor gods such as
Moradin or Wonderbringer. Beyond that,
boggles of other classes are exceedingly
rare or unheard of, but not impossible.
Boggles most often adventure for
knowledge, to test their creations, and to
gather materials or gold. Some fight slavery
or oppression, while others simply work for
the good of the world. Another major cause
of Boggle adventuring, especially the most
dangerous sort, is their extremely short
lifespan and potentially disreputable
demise. When faced with losing one’s mind
to the insanity that is virtually guaranteed in
old age, most boggles would rather die
violently for a good cause before it gets that
Boggle Madness is a genetic condition that all boggles have. It cannot be passed on to a non-
boggle, and even goblins are immune. It cannot be completely cured, magically or otherwise.
Instead, any effect that would remove disease removes only the symptoms for 24 hours.
® Boggle Madness Level 1* Disease (Boggle Only) Endurance stable DC 14*, improve DC 19*  
The target
normal, but
is subject to
onset of the
disease in
24 hours.  
<   Initial Effect: The
target takes a -2
disease penalty to
Will saves.  
<> The target automatically
fails all checks related
to Wisdom. Target is
unable to perform
powers which require
>   Final State: The target losses
control and must attack the
nearest mobile creature or
* The level of the disease is equal to the level of the boggle carrying the disease. The DC to stabilize is
equal to 13 + the level of the boggle carrying the disease. The DC to improve is equal to 18 + the
level of the boggle carrying the disease. The worsen DC is always one less and lower than the stable
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