d20 4e Black Death Publishing Wyrmslayer.pdf

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Author: R. A. Baker: Cover art: Joe Calkins: Maps, NPC & monster editing: Kai Nyce
Table of Contents
C hapter 1: Help Wanted
Page 1
Chapter 2: Dragon Mountain
Page 5
Chapter 3: Which Way Now?
Page 11
Chapter 4: Death or Success?
Page 14
Conclusion: The End...For Now!
Page 17
In the world of Hanan Pacha, all dragons are good. They have been the companions of
elves as dragon and rider for ages. However, that situation will be reversed if the Great
Serpent, Leviathan is able to re-enter the demi-plane uncontested. Your players have the
opportunity to retrieve the sword known as 'Wyrmslayer' and deliver it to the man of
prophecy. If the world is to have any hope at all, he (or someone who can take his place)
needs to battle and defeat the Great Serpent! This adventure has been crafted for medium
level (5-8) , courageous adventurers that seek to save the good and innocent people of the
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work of fiction. Any names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the Author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
localities is entirely coincidental. Rex Baker asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by
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This Game System License Agreement (the “License”) is offered by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a Washington corporation (“Wizards”). The License applies to the use in
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Italicized text is for reading aloud at your
discretion. This 4 E adventure is best suited for
character levels 6-9. It can be adapted to other
levels by increasing or reducing the number of
halfling/tiefling mix) and says, “Very well, let's
go down to the cavern and see about this.”
The wizard is not a tall man, he is thin and
gaunt looking, his skin is pallid, his eyes are a
bright blue in color and he has long hair. He has a
goatee that is more gray than dark. What's really
notable is the presence of magic all around him.
His wooden staff is topped by a claw that
holds an orb. As he chants out a brief incantation
and the staff's orb flairs brightly. The pair vanish
into thin air, with an audible 'pop' as air leaves
with them.
They arrive in the Tri-skull's cavern. The
youthful dragon is indeed flying around the huge
cavern. He circles it as his great wings flap to
keep him aloft. He snorts out sulfur and puffs of
smoke as he bugles and roars.
Zarin's face contorts as he speaks the
strange words of the Draconian language. Tri-
skull dives softly and lands in front of the pair.
The dragon tells Zarin that a dragon rider is
nearby with a message of alarm. The dragon
fears a great event on the Isles of Io, in the
Inland Sea. He wants Master to send someone
there and see if they can help. “What does this
fellow say to you, young dragon?”
The dragon answers promptly, "The
dragons are in an uproar and are a danger to us
and themselves." He wants to hire paid
mercenaries. I asked him how we would pay
them to do this? He said, “How about the
unimaginable treasure collecting dust in several
dead dragons lairs, might that be payment
“Down the Great Serpent was hurled, the
one called Leviathan, as Arag'orn struck it
squarely with the Blade of the Titans, called
Wyrmslayer . The skull of the beast was cleaved
front to back. Its body whipped about under the
water in a death rattle, taking it down to the sea
floor even more swiftly. It would return someday,
for now though, the world of Hanan Pacha was
safe from this abomination of Dragonkind. The
hero returned whence he came, awaiting the
passing of ages until the call for help went out
The Prophecy of the Serpent
Chapter 1: Help Wanted
This opening is for those who are in a large
city which has a port. I would have the
adventurers contacted by a local wizard who is in
need of some brave souls for an important task.
Once the wizard (Zarin) contacts them, have him
relate the following story to them.
"The three-headed dragon is acting very
strange, Master Zarin." says Keldie, a look of
concern dominates the expression on his narrow,
almost featureless face.
"He has been flying around his lair, roaring
and bugling for no apparent reason. Sometimes
he fires off one of his breath weapons. He barely
takes time to eat and that worries me more than
Zarin sighs heavily, looks down at Keldie (a
A dragon rider, Aragorn Cloud, is in
Deepport using his psionic talents to contact
Zarin's dragon. He has knows the reputation of
the young dragon's master. Aragorn seeks a
powerful group of mercenaries to retrieve a
sword, Wyrmslayer , its matching shield, helm and
armor from its resting place. All of the dragon
riders are elves and elves may not retrieve the
items that he needs.
Aragorn relates the story found on page 5
to the PCs. He is an older male elf who has gray
facial hair and eyebrows. His nose is big and eyes
are a bright green. He is just big all over, not
overweight but sturdy. He wears an expensive-
looking, red cloak and carries a sturdy-looking,
wooden staff.
The great wall of Deepport surrounds the
city, which sits high on a bluff, overlooking a
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deep harbor. The city is a mixtures of many
races, with many different types of communities.
where Aragorn seeks out a ship for passage back
to the Isles.)
Aragorn meets the captain of the trading
vessel, Windrace , which is a three masted
schooner that has been plying the Inland Sea for
two decades. The officers and crew have fought
off several pirate vessels in that time. The ship's
main armaments are four ballistae and two
The two negotiate a price of passage and
later agree on the terms. They register the
transaction with one of the city's clerks,
documenting the transaction and legal contract.
The Windrace is ready to leave in two days hence.
The area that you are in is a crowded,
bustling market district in the port section of the
city. Most of the buildings are stone structures
and the streets are cobblestone. Oil lanterns sit
atop tall poles at frequent intervals.
The people of this ward are a mix of
merchants, working class and poor. Only the
merchants seem to be dressed in fine attire. City
guards have blue armor emblazoned with the
seal of Deepport. This city doesn't sleep much,
with many taverns being open late.
The night is cool and clear. Streets are
lantern lit and street vendors hawk their wares.
The smell of the Inland Sea in the air. White gulls
wheel about in the sky, crying out to each other.
Street vendors hawk their wares, which
can be anything from seafood to exotic imported
items from distant lands. Each vendor calls out
the names and prices of his or her items for sale.
Competitors set up far apart from each other.
Some of the vendors even cook their food for
The merchants are by and large, well-to-do
and honest. Those who aren't take their business
to the great Dungeon of the Bluffs or out of
business entirely. This area has many taverns
and inns to service the sailors calling on the port.
One inn which stands out is Cogburn's
Roost. In the alley behind it, a wall has been
broken open from within. The city guard is
investigating the area just inside a long-
forgotten, sub-basement. The area is cordoned
off and guarded around the clock.
Traders, sailors, workers and merchants
often meet in Cogburn's. It is a three story
building and covers one side of a city block. It
has two entrances and porches which overhang
the board walkway. You can smell the rich aroma
of rum and of roasting coffee beans upon
Journey By Sea
The ship glides effortlessly through the
rolling waves of the sea. She has a good wind
filling her sails and the crew does a masterful job
of sailing. The coast recedes in the distance and
is soon out of sight. The sea air smells fresh and
clean, compared to that of the city. The seas are
calm and the weather clear and cold. Winter
journeys can be dangerous, though the season
last no more than two months.
The first part of the journey is uneventful.
Each day the sea is calm, no fog is encountered
and the weather is cool and clear. This is as cold
as it gets this close to the equator. Frost forms on
the surfaces of the ship but is evaporated as the
sun heats the morning. Two days into the journey
a lookout calls down from the crow's nest, telling
of the sighting of the twin islands of Sumbar and
Roathar. The ship passes the first isle and later in
the day, sails into the harbor of Roathar after it
passes through the Sumbar Straits.
The ship docks at the village of Roathar,
(named after the island). The ship's crew offloads
lots of goods and takes on even more. The
buildings are made of a combination of mud,
wood and thatch. None of the few businesses
stay open at night. Decent accommodations can
be found in rented cabins. The cabins are bare
except for cheap cots, blankets and wood stoves,
four people to a cabin. Rocky's Tavern is the only
place to drink, eat and gain reliable information
and rumors.
The residents are mostly human with very
few of the other races. Pirates and their allies are
often in town, keeping a low profile. Pirate ships
anchor in a small cove on the other side of the
island. The peaks of an ancient volcano rise into
the clouds, being capped with white snow.
Woodlands dominate the rugged landscape of the
Cogburn's Roost
The inn has three bars, two fireplaces and
dozens of tables. The place is busy, crowded,
smoky and noisy. Wood stoves line one wall while
kegs line the other. Numerous people cook, serve
and bus tables for the constant flow of patrons.
Two bards are performing on stages for the
pleasure of the patrons.
There is a gaming area in the back,
underneath a staircase. Sailors rub shoulders
with mercenaries and commoners alike. (This is
Stormy Seas
The morning dawns cool and partly cloudy
with winds blowing northeasterly. The crew of
your ship has offloaded a part of the cargo and
taken on more for the journey north. They are
ready to cast off by the time you arrive at the
It only takes a couple hours to exit the
strait and sail along the coast of Elleron. A
lookout notifies the captain of a ship heading out
of a cove on the island. The ship is on an
intercept course and the captain shouts out
orders to evade. It is even faster than yours and
closes at a steady pace.
The ship has a bow which gleams metallic
in the mid-morning sun. It is obviously going to
try to ram when it gets close enough. The crew is
now manning the ballistae and trebuches'.
Soon, arrows rain down and and the
Windrace's ballistae shoot back, sending arrows
out. A pair of catapults are flinging boulders off
of the other ship and the first couple land
uncomfortably close to your ship. A boulder from
one of the Windrace's trebuches' hits the stern of
the other vessel, taking out a pirate and putting a
large hole in the top side.
Large plumes of water spray the decks with
missed shots. The crewmen are fighting hard but
the other ship is still gaining fast. The captain
looks hopefully toward you. The rain of arrows
has caused a few casualties amongst the crew. A
cleric is working to treat them now.
The Inland Sea has turned violent this
evening, great roiling waves are tossing the ship
as what's left of the crew try to keep her from
being swamped. You have had eight days of
travel in mild weather until now. Thunder clouds
rumble overhead, lightning flashes as gale force
winds lash the vessel with sheets of cold rain.
The ship does have a couple of large life boats, if
it comes to that!
The storm lasts all night and into the next
day. When it finally abates, the ship has taken a
beating. Six more days of travel will finally bring
the ship within sight of Skull Isle. This rocky
outcropping does look like a skull. Aragorn tells
of a mad wizard who supposedly has lived here
for decades.
The Isle of Io is within sight as the ship
rounds the southwest side of Skull Isle. The
terrain is dominated by mountains and temperate
forests. The peaks are shrouded in cloud cover
and white with snow. There are no dragons flying
Seas are rough with moderate, cold winds
blowing in from the northeast. High peaks rise
into the clouds on the islands ahead. The
remaining crewmen look exhausted and need to
make landfall soon. The ship is in need of
extensive repairs.
Finally the harbor is made and the ship
sails up to a set of docks. The area has been
devastated by fire. The buildings still standing
are made of the same material as the ones on the
last island and even fewer in number. The area is
mostly deserted. The forest begins just past the
small collection of huts.
Deckhands work with dock crews to secure
the ship and the gang planks. Aragorn takes the
lead in walking down to the docks. He directs the
crew toward a pair of huts to the left
saying,"You'll find food and quarters there,
construction materials are in the large building
just off the other dock."
Aragorn has a sad look on his face, shaking
his head, he turns to you and says simply, “Come
with me.”
The Windrace suffers structural damage
from the boulders and fatal damage if it is
rammed. Being rammed and grappled is a dire
situation. When this happens, only the pirate ship
is seaworthy. The pirates seek to board the ship
and plunder the cargo, remove the grappling
hooks, then let it sink.
Alternately, the ramming bow misses and
the ships grapple, side by side. This results in
melee fighting between the PCs and the pirates,
as well as the crew of the Windrace.
Note: All stats for the crews and Aragorn Cloud
are located in the Appendix Download.
Black Skull's Tactical
A wall of force with permanence protects the ship
from waterline to the middle of the front mast.
The pirates always try frontal attacks with a +10
to their normal AC.
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