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ADVENTURER’S VAULT, written by Logan Bonner, Eytan Bernstein and Chris Sims. © 2008, 2009 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
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The history of Fairvale is a long one, dating back to the War of Lords and
beyond. Originally, Fairvale’s residents were scattered to the surrounding forest.
All that stood in town was a trading post and small inn to house wayward travelers
and trade caravans. Then the war began, hungry Lords began encroaching on each
other’s land, while one Lord invaded his neighbor to the north, the Lord to the south
stole land from him. Villagers in the area began to be caught in the crossfire,
swearing allegiance at swordpoint. They began to move closer to “town” and
formed a city of their own. Once the war ended and permanent boundaries were
drawn, Fairvale came under the rule of Lord Grindewald Ashtron from Gull’s Port,
and has remained under Ashtron family rule for almost 2000 years. Farivale was so
named after Lord G. Ashtron declared “You will always find a fair trade in this
humble vale”. Signs at each entrance bear these words, and the fountain in the
center of Four Corners Market has them inscribed at the base.
The tent vendors rotate almost weekly, and the occasional mistrel, bard and
street performer wanders in to earn some easy gold. The Lord’s Militia keeps the
overall peace and wards off the occasional orc/goblin/bugbear attack. There is a
Constible assigned to settle any disputes and issue justice based on the Lord’s Laws,
but seldom is his services needed. Unlike Boarland Falls where each trader is in
business for him/herself, Fairvale has formed a trading co-op called the UTG Trust.
UTG (United Traders Guild) is a co-op of merchants, each having their own
specialty, who share responsibility for warehouse, sales and transportation of goods
to and from Fairvale. They are the most influential members of Fairvale, other than
the Lord’s Militia of course. The current President (they rotate responsibilities ever
year) of the UTG Trust is Tallon Brigg, one of the younger and more charismatic
members of the board.
This prequel encounter is designed to bring the player characters (PC’s) together
for a common purpose and will gateway into the full adventure, The Hidden
Current , available either mid to late March, or early April depending on the final
production schedule. It is an encounter suitable for 4-6 PC’s of 1 st or 2 nd level
compatible with 4 th Edition Dungeons and Dragons™. This also introduces a
recurring villainous organization called The Untombed as part of the campaign arc,
Dark Veil . Obsessed with undeath, The Untombed is determined to overrun the
world with zombies, vampires, wrights and other undead horrors. The creature,
Vessel of Death, is a more twisted and powerful version of a zombie, hard to bring
down and painful to the end. The release of the creature on the unsuspecting town
of Fairvale is only the beginning of the nefarious plans they have in store for the
world of Braugh all in the name of Garand the Lord of Death..
EAF:Surprise Delivery
Level 2
XP 625
Vessel of Death- Solo Brute
Tactics - The Vessel of Death will attack anything
in front of it, especially a PC who deals a large
amount of damage to it, and fight until destroyed.
Being a brute, he will not worry about provoking
Opportunity Attacks and will simply attack the
biggest threat closest to it and pursue that threat
through enemy squares if necessary. The member
of The Untombed is nowhere to be found, using
the ensuing chaos to escape. The Lord’s Militia
will respond in 4 rounds, but are frightened at the
horrific sight of the creature and leave the dirty
work to the PC’s. (they will later use the excuse
their job is to defend the walls from creatures, but
not ones like that which were smuggled inside)
Set up - As the PC’s are entertaining
themselves in and around Four Corners
Market, a small horse drawn wagon is led
into the square by a lone man in a hooded
robe who ties the horse to a tree near the
road that leads to the north. There is a
single, 8’x4’x4’ crate on the back of the
wagon, which is too small to hold the entire
length of it. Once the PC’s have placed
themselves on the map, read or paraphrase
the following:
It’s a sunny, yet cold, morning in Fairvale,
the tent merchants have begun their busy
day of peddling their wares. A street mime
performs for a small crowd just to the north
of the fountain. As you take in the surreal,
yet brilliant surroundings, you notice a
hooded man climb up upon a wagon bearing
an oversized crate on its back. Raising his
hands to the air he cries: “The Untombed
will have VICTORY!” and shoves the crate
forward into the market square causing it to
crash open. As the man runs toward the
north, you see a large, hulking, hair-covered
humanoid standing up from the wreckage of
the crate, looking around menacingly. You
can visibly see parts of its skin missing,
leading you to believe it is in fact undead.
With a roar the likes of which you have
never heard in this world, it reaches out and
grabs the first person in front of it. You
reach for your weapon as it raises the street
mime over its head and rips him apart,
terrified townsfolk run in every direction.
Vessel of Death, Bugbear
Level 2 Solo Brute
Medium natural humanoid XP 625
Initiative +4
HP 152; Bloodied 76
AC 15; Fortitude 13; Reflex 12; Will 11
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6
Action Points 2
m Deadly Slam (standard; at-will)
+3 vs Fortitude; 1d10 + 3 necrotic damage, and the
target is stunned (save ends)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Intimidate +5, Stealth +9
Dex 17 (+4)
Int 8 (+0)
Equipment Hide Armor
Area Features -
Illumination- This encounter occurs in the early
morning, the sun is out and there is no cloud cover,
vision is normal.
Terrain- Other than the rushing crowd in the first
round, and the fountain, the street is normal, level
and paved with cobblestones.
Treasure- The Vessel of Death carries no treasure,
however the PC’s are approached by Tallon Brigg
who offers them a reward, and a job. (see
Due to the crowd rushing away from the
creature as the PC’s are rushing toward it,
treat all terrain as difficult for the first
Senses Perception +3; low-light
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