d20 Bombshell Studio Nature Feats.pdf

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Nature Feats
Chris Jones
Requires the Dungeons and
Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition,
published by Wizard’s of the Coast®
Create Fetish [Item Creation]
The spellcaster may create primitive, mystical charms.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1st+
Beneit: A character can create a fetish of any spell that she
knows. Creating a fetish takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base
price. The base price of a fetish is its spell level multiplied by its
caster level multiplied by 25 gp. To create a fetish, she must spend
1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing
half of this base price.
Any fetish that stores a spell with a costly material compo-
nent or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition
to the costs derived from the base price, the character must
expend the material component or pay the XP when creating it.
Special: Fetishes are the spell scrolls of “primitive” cultures.
Like scrolls, the spells contained in a fetish may be released when
certain conditions are met. In the case of scrolls, it’s when they
are read aloud. For fetishes, however, it is when a speciic chant,
dance or ritual is engaged. The fetish maker determines at the
time of creation the exact nature of the triggering requirement.
For example, Hartsbow the Green creates a beaded rattle fetish
that will allow him to cast the spell control weather . At the time
of creation, he decides the trigger will be a rain dance popular
amongst his people’s shamans. As with scrolls, once the spell has
been cast the fetish becomes useless.
Spirit Aura [General]
The character gains a stronger inluence over the spirit world.
Prerequisite: Spirit Sight.
Beneit: The character is able to more potently affect spirit
creatures ( ethereal , incorporeal and fey .) She receives a +2 attack
bonus against them in combat and a +2 saving throw bonus to
resist their powers and magic.
Spirit Sight [General]
The character can see invisible or obfuscated spirits.
Beneit: By concentrating on the world around her, the char-
acter may see on creatures others normally cannot, namely the
ghostly and spiritual creatures. The character must make a Con-
centration skill check (DC 10 + the creature’s HD) to notice
them. This feat only works for the following physical states and
creatures: ethereal, incorporeal and fey .
Totemic Focus [Special]
Some spellcasters receive blessings from totem spirit animals.
When a totem adopts a character, it ampliies the spells from the
domain it represents when she casts them.
Prerequisite: This feat may only be taken by druids, rangers
and other nature-based spellcasters.
Beneit: Add +2 to the Dificulty Class for all saving throws
against spells cast that originate with the animal that you claim
as your totem guardian.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, but its effects
do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new
totem guardian. This feat stacks with such spell enhancement
feats such as Heightened Spell, Spell Focus and others. It does not
stack with Seasonal Focus, however.
If a given animal doesn’t exist in your campaign world, you
can substitute another similar animal for it. Also, just because a
totem animal doesn’t exist in some lands doesn’t mean a druid
or a shaman can’t adopt it as a totem guardian - her bond with
nature is such that it gives her access to all totem spirits regardless
of physical location.
Nature spells are organized by Totem on page 2.
Seasonal Focus [Special]
Some spellcasters are intimately tied to the ebb and low of
the four seasons, so much so that their natural magic is greatly
affected by it. Every nature spell they cast has its origins in the
seasons of summer, autumn, spring or winter. During the season
with which such characters identify, their magic becomes ampli-
ied considerably.
Prerequisite: This feat may only be taken by druids, rangers
and other nature-based spellcasters.
Beneit: Add +2 to the Dificulty Class for all saving throws
against spells from the season in which you choose to specialize.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times, but its effects
do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new
season. This feat stacks with such spell enhancement feats such as
Heightened Spell, Spell Focus and others. It does not stack with
Totemic Focus, however.
Nature spells are organized by Season on page 2.
Nature Feats
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Nature Spells by Season
Nature Spells by Totem
Creeping Doom (7)
Dispel Magic (4)
Earthquake (9)
Elemental Swarm (9)
Endure Elements (1)
Faerie Fire (1)
Fire Seeds (6)
Fire Storm (7)
Fire Trap (2)
Flame Blade (2)
Flame Strike (4)
Flaming Sphere (2)
Flare (0)
Freedom of Movement (4)
Greater Dispelling (6)
Heat Metal (2)
Insect Plague (5)
Pass Without Trace (1)
Produce Flame (2)
Protection from Elements (3)
Purify Food and Water (0)
Repel Metal or Stone (8)
Repel Wood (6)
Resistance (0)
Resist Elements (2)
Snare (3)
Sunbeam (7)
Sunburst (8)
Summon Swarm (2)
Transport via Plants (6)
Tree Stride (5)
Virtue (0)
Wall of Fire (5)
Water Breathing (0)
Awaken (5)
Commune With Nature (5)
Control Winds (5)
Detect Animals and Plants (1)
Detect Magic (0)
Detect Poison (0)
Detect Snares and Pits (1)
Diminish Plants (3)
Find the Path (6)
Foresight (9)
Greater Scrying (7)
Guidance (0)
Know Direction (0)
Meld Into Stone (3)
Obscuring Mist (1)
Quench (4)
Read Magic (0)
Repel Vermin (4)
Scrying (4)
Spike Growth (3)
Spike Stones (4)
Soften Earth and Stone (2)
Stone Shape (3)
Stone Tell (6)
Transmute Metal to Wood (7)
Transmute Mud to Rock (5)
Transmute Rock to Mud (5)
True Seeing (7)
Wall of Stone (6)
Wall of Thorns (5)
Warp Wood (2)
Whirlwind (8)
Wind Walk (7)
Wood Shape (2)
Antipathy (9)
Cure Critical Wounds (5)
Cure Light Wounds (1)
Cure Minor Wounds (0)
Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Cure Serious Wounds (4)
Delay Poison (2)
Goodberry (1)
Heal (7)
Healing Circle (6)
Mass Heal (9)
Mending (0)
Neutralize Poison (3)
Purify Food and Water (0)
Reincarnate (4)
Remove Disease (3)
Call Lightning (3)
Earthquake (9)
Fire Seeds (6)
Fire Storm (7)
Fire Trap (2)
Flame Blade (2)
Flame Strike (4)
Flaming Sphere (2)
Greater Magic Fang (3)
Ice Storm (5)
Magic Fang (1)
Obscuring Mist (1)
Sleet Storm (4)
Sunbeam (7)
Sunburst (8)
Wall of Thorns (5)
Control Winds (5)
Detect Animals and Plants (1)
Detect Magic (0)
Detect Poison (0)
Detect Snares and Pits (1)
Dispel Magic (4)
Find the Path (6)
Foresight (9)
Freedom of Movement (4)
Greater Dispelling (6)
Greater Scrying (7)
Guidance (0)
Know Direction (0)
Light (0)
Pass Without Trace (1)
Read Magic (0)
Scrying (4)
Whirlwind (8)
Wind Walk (7)
Atonement (5)
Create Water (0)
Endure Elements (1)
Hallow (5)
Lesser Restoration (2)
Meld Into Stone (3)
Protection from Elements (3)
Quench (4)
Resist Elements (2)
Resistance (0)
Reverse Gravity (8)
Soften Earth and Stone (2)
Spike Stones (4)
Stone Shape (3)
Stone Tell (6)
True Seeing (7)
Virtue (0)
Wall of Stone (6)
Water Breathing (0)
Antilife Shell (6)
Antipathy (9)
Antiplant Shell (4)
Atonement (5)
Call Lightning (3)
Contagion (3)
Chill Metal (2)
Cure Critical Wounds (5)
Cure Light Wounds (1)
Cure Minor Wounds (0)
Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Cure Serious Wounds (4)
Death Ward (5)
Delay Poison (2)
Finger of Death (8)
Greater Magic Fang (3)
Hallow (5)
Harm (7)
Heal (7)
Healing Circle (6)
Ice Storm (5)
Lesser Restoration (2)
Magic Fang (1)
Mass Heal (9)
Neutralize Poison (3)
Poison (3)
Remove Disease (3)
Reverse Gravity (8)
Rusting Grasp (4)
Shillelagh (1)
Sleet Storm (4)
Spellstaff (6)
Sympathy (9)
Unhallow (5)
Word of Recall (8)
Animal Friendship (1)
Animal Growth (5)
Animal Messenger (2)
Animal Shapes (8)
Animal Trance (2)
Calm Animals (1)
Changestaff (7)
Charm Person or Animal (2)
Command Plants (8)
Control Plants (4)
Create Water (0)
Dominate Animal (3)
Entangle (1)
Giant Vermin (4)
Goodberry (1)
Hold Animal (2)
Ironwood (6)
Invisibility to Animals (1)
Light (0)
Liveoak (6)
Mending (0)
Reincarnate (4)
Shambler (9)
Shapechange (9)
Speak With Animals (2)
Speak With Plants (3)
Summon Nature’s Ally I (1)
Summon Nature’s Ally II (2)
Summon Nature’s Ally III (3)
Summon Nature’s Ally IV (4)
Summon Nature’s Ally V (5)
Summon Nature’s Ally VI (6)
Summon Nature’s Ally VII (7)
Summon Nature’s Ally VIII (8)
Summon Nature’s Ally IX (9)
Tree Shape (2)
Animal Growth (5)
Animal Messenger (2)
Animal Trance (2)
Dominate Animal (3)
Hold Animal (2)
Invisibility to Animals (1)
Speak With Animals (2)
Summon Nature’s Ally I (1)
Summon Nature’s Ally II (2)
Summon Nature’s Ally III (3)
Summon Nature’s Ally IV (4)
Summon Nature’s Ally IX (9)
Summon Nature’s Ally V (5)
Summon Nature’s Ally VI (6)
Summon Nature’s Ally VII (7)
Summon Nature’s Ally VIII (8)
Animal Friendship (1)
Animal Shapes (8)
Calm Animals (1)
Changestaff (7)
Charm Person or Animal (2)
Faerie Fire (1)
Flare (0)
Heat Metal (2)
Produce Flame (2)
Snare (3)
Sympathy (9)
Transmute Metal to Wood (7)
Transmute Mud to Rock (5)
Transmute Rock to Mud (5)
Tree Stride (5)
Wall of Fire (5)
Awaken (5)
Command Plants (8)
Commune With Nature (5)
Control Plants (4)
Diminish Plants (3)
Entangle (1)
Ironwood (6)
Liveoak (6)
Shambler (9)
Shillelagh (1)
Speak With Plants (3)
Spellstaff (6)
Spike Growth (3)
Transport via Plants (6)
Tree Shape (2)
Warp Wood (2)
Wood Shape (2)
Word of Recall (8)
Antilife Shell (6)
Antiplant Shell (4)
Chill Metal (2)
Contagion (3)
Creeping Doom (7)
Death Ward (5)
Elemental Swarm (9)
Finger of Death (8)
Giant Vermin (4)
Harm (7)
Insect Plague (5)
Poison (3)
Repel Metal or Stone (8)
Repel Vermin (4)
Repel Wood (6)
Rusting Grasp (4)
Shapechange (9)
Summon Swarm (2)
Unhallow (5)
Nature Feats
Legal Appendix
This printing of Nature Feats is done under version 1.0a of the open gaming
license and the D20 System Trademark License, D20 System Trademark Logo Guide
and System Reference Document by permission from Wizards of the Coast®. This
product requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition,
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as all Bombshell Studios Product and Product Line names including but not limited
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Feats; the story, storyline, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
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Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook and Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Nature Feats © 2002 Christopher Jones
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a
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