d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Modern Magic Items III.pdf

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Items III
This product requires the
use of the d20 Modern
Core Rulebook
50 New Magic Items
for use with
d20 Modern Rules
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
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Welcome to Modern Magic Items III,
part of our Buck-A-Batch line of prod-
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com .
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 400 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other roleplaying aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
This product requires the use of the
d20 Modern Core Rulebook.
Items III
50 New Magic Items
for use with
D20 Modern Rules
Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items III is available for download on the Creation Edge
Games website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at cre-
ationsedge.com for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items III” which describe
game mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby
added to Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch:
Modern Magic Items III ©2005 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the web address “www.cre-
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned.
d20 Modern Core Rulebook® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, and are used with permission. This document contains material based on the D20 System. The
D20 System is trademark by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com.
Buck-A-Batch: Modern Magic Items III - for use with D20 rules - © 2005 Creation’s Edge Games.
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Anything Bag
% Roll
Name of Item
Anything Bag
Bobble-head angel
This seemingly innocent paper grocery bag
appears empty. Three times per day the user
can fold the top of the bag shut and state the
name of a small item from table 4-10 general
equipment in the d20 Modern core rulebook.
There is a 50% chance that when the user
opens the bag back up it will contain the
named item. This item will function as a stan-
dard item of its type for a period of 12 hours,
after which it will disintegrate.
Bobble-head demon
Bullet Bracelet
Bullet Charm
Dog Whistle
Enhance-mints (charisma)
Enhance-mints (constitution)
Enhance-mints (dexterity)
Enhance-mints (intelligence)
Enhance-mints (strength)
Enhance-mints (wisdom)
Frankenstein's Poster
Go! Gas
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 37; Weight: -
Instant Wall (fire)
Instant Wall (force)
Instant Wall (ice)
Instant Wall (iron)
Bobble-head angel
Instant Wall (stone)
Life Preservers Candy (fortitude)
Life Preservers Candy (reflex)
Simply placing this plastic angel upon the
dashboard of a vehicle grants the vehicle and
anyone within it a bonus when defending
against attacks made by creatures of evil
allegiance. Attacks made against the vehicle
or its passengers by such creatures are
made at a -2 penalty to hit and to damage.
The vehicle and its occupants also gain a +2
bonus when saving against magical attacks
made by these creatures.
Life Preservers Candy (will)
Magic Book Cover
Magic Crayons
Mana Monsters Land Card (acid sea)
Mana Monsters Land Card (fire plains)
Mana Monsters Land Card (ice mountains)
Mana Monsters Land Card (lightning fields)
Message Balloon
Monkey Statue (blinding)
Monkey Statue (deafening)
Monkey Statue (muting)
Portable Wall Safe
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
8th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
Prayer Beads
Quick Course Textbook (arcane lore)
Quick Course Textbook (art)
Quick Course Textbook (behavioral sciences)
Bobble-head demon
Quick Course Textbook (business)
Quick Course Textbook (civics)
Simply placing this plastic angel upon the
dashboard of a vehicle grants the vehicle and
anyone within it a bonus when defending
against attacks made by creatures of good
allegiance. Attacks made against the vehicle
or its passengers by such creatures are
made at a -2 penalty to hit and to damage.
The vehicle and its occupants also gain a +2
bonus when saving against magical attacks
made by these creatures.
Quick Course Textbook (earth and life sciences)
Quick Course Textbook (history)
Quick Course Textbook (physical sciences)
Quick Course Textbook (technology)
Quick Course Textbook (theology and philosophy)
Someone Else's Pen (arcane sight)
Someone Else's Pen (curse)
Someone Else's Pen (disease)
Someone Else's Pen (poison)
Someone Else's Pen (zone of truth)
Sound Storm Whistle
increase the range of the protection so that
all creatures within 20 feet of the owner are
protected or increase the protective power of
the charm to the point where the miss chance
is temporarily increased to 60%.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
8th; Purchase DC: 36; Weight: -
Bullet Bracelet
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
5th; Purchase DC: 33; Weight: -
This charm bracelet is adorned with 12 bul-
lets. Each bullet can be snapped off the
bracelet and loaded into a gun. The bullet will
automatically resize itself to fit any rifle or
handgun it is loaded into. The bracelet holds
2 each of the following bullets: Acid, cold,
electricity, fire, sonic/concussion, and
holy/unholy. The acid, cold, electricity, fire,
and sonic/concussion bullets each deal an
additional 1d4 points of their energy type
damage to a target in addition the normal
damage dealt by a bullet fired from a weapon
of its type. The holy/unholy bullet works off
the wearer's allegiance. If the wearer has an
allegiance to good the bullet gains a holy
attribute which deals an additional 1d8 points
damage to an evil target. An allegiance to evil
charges the bullet to do 1d8 additional points
damage to a good target. If the wearer has no
allegiance the bullet simply deals an addition-
al 2 points damage to a target. The wearer of
the bracelet also gains a +1 bonus to their to
hit rolls when firing a rifle or handgun.
Dog Whistle
This whistle functions as a standard dog
whistle however once per day the owner can
use it to activate a phantom watchdog spell.
This spell functions as though cast at 10th
level. The owner can also use the whistle to
command dogs to a degree. The user need
only look at the dog and think about the com-
mand they whish to give while sounding the
whistle: approach, drop, fall, flee, or halt. The
dog will react as though targeted by a com-
mand spell cast at 10th level. The whistle's
command ability will function up to 6 times
per day.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
10th; Purchase DC: 37; Weight: -
Enhance-mints (charisma)
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
5th; Purchase DC: 37; Weight: -
These hard to find mints come packaged in
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
charisma for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can be
eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 minutes.
The user can also choose to eat different
combinations of enhance-mints, up to three
of any type, if others are available (for exam-
ple the user can choose to eat 2 charisma
enhance-mints and 1 strength enhance-mint
in order to gain a +2 and +1 bonus to those
abilities for 5 minutes).
Bullet Charm
This simple bullet charm can be fastened to a
key chain and carried in a pocket or attached
to a necklace and worn about the neck. The
charm surrounds the owner with a protective
aura against bullets. Any ranged attack made
against the protected creature using bullets
suffers a 30% miss chance. Once per day the
owner can push this ability. This 'push' lasts
for 1d6 rounds and can be used in two differ-
ent ways. The owner can either choose to
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: -
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
intelligence for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can
be eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 min-
utes. The user can also choose to eat differ-
ent combinations of enhance-mints, up to
three of any type, if others are available (for
example the user can choose to eat 2 intelli-
gence enhance-mints and 1 wisdom
enhance-mint in order to gain a +2 and +1
bonus to those abilities for 5 minutes).
Enhance-mints (constitution)
These hard to find mints come packaged in
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
constitution for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can
be eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 min-
utes. The user can also choose to eat differ-
ent combinations of enhance-mints, up to
three of any type, if others are available (for
example the user can choose to eat 2 consti-
tution enhance-mints and 1 strength
enhance-mint in order to gain a +2 and +1
bonus to those abilities for 5 minutes).
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: -
Enhance-mints (strength)
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: -
These hard to find mints come packaged in
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
strength for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can be
eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 minutes.
The user can also choose to eat different
combinations of enhance-mints, up to three
of any type, if others are available (for exam-
ple the user can choose to eat 2 strength
enhance-mints and 1 dexterity enhance-mint
in order to gain a +2 and +1 bonus to those
abilities for 5 minutes).
Enhance-mints (dexterity)
These hard to find mints come packaged in
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
dexterity for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can be
eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 minutes.
The user can also choose to eat different
combinations of enhance-mints, up to three
of any type, if others are available (for exam-
ple the user can choose to eat 2 dexterity
enhance-mints and 1 constitution enhance-
mint in order to gain a +2 and +1 bonus to
those abilities for 5 minutes).
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: -
Enhance-mints (wisdom)
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level:
3rd; Purchase DC: 29; Weight: -
These hard to find mints come packaged in
an attractive little tin. There are roughly 40
mints to a package. Sucking on one of these
mints will grant the sucker a +1 bonus to their
wisdom for 5 minutes. Up to 3 mints can be
eaten at a time for a +3 bonus for 5 minutes.
The user can also choose to eat different
combinations of enhance-mints, up to three
Enhance-mints (intelligence)
These hard to find mints come packaged in
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