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An RPG city suitable for use with T HE L ANDS OF A REKOZ™ or any other d20 setting.
by Darrin Drader and Tony Bounds
Dark Portal Games
You Provide the Paper, We Provide the Adventure
Dark Portal Games, LLC 205 E. Dimond Blvd., Suite 459 Anchorage, AK 99515
The Lands of Arekoz, Gateway: The City of Living Waters, and the Dark Portal logo are trademarks owned by Dark Portal Games, LLC.
All Dark Portal characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Dark Portal Games, LLC.
This Product Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player's Handbook, Core Rulebook II, and Core Rulebook III, published by Wizards of the Coast®
The d20 system logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
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© 2001 Dark Portal Games, LLC. Made in the U.S.A.
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Version 1.0
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Editors: Tony Bounds, Darrin Drader
Creative Directors: Tony Bounds, Darrin Drader
Art Director: Michael Picagli
Cover Illustration: Juli Halbur-Herrera
Interior Illustrations: Juli Halbur-Herrera
Cartography: Darrin Drader
Typography: Tony Bounds
Production Manager: Tony Bounds
Project Manager: Darrin Drader
Graphic Design: Michael Picagli
Table of Contents
The History of Gateway...................... 3
Present Day Gateway.........................4
The Economy................................ 4
The Military....................................4
Places of Interest.......................... 5
The Underworld.............................6
Plots and Alliances........................6
Rumors, Legends, and Lore..........7
City Districts........................................8
Crafters Hold................................. 8
The Commons...............................8
Scrapper’s Row.............................8
First City........................................ 9
The City of Bones..........................9
Riverside....................................... 9
Gateway Protectorates..................... 16
Other Protected Territories............... 17
Map Key........................................... 18
Open Game License................... 19
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section
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and The Lands of Arekoz logo; any elements of The Lands of Arekoz setting , Gateway, or Gateway: The City of Living
Waters, including but not limited to capitalized names, names of artifacts, names of magic-items, spell names, characters,
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The City of Gateway
Gateway: The City of Living Waters is primarily designed
as a relatively safe-area for characters to hole up, recover
from previous adventures, and resupply themselves; at
least as long as they keep their nose clean. Make no
mistake, under its pleasant benign facade there is plenty of
opportunity for adventure, danger, and intrigue. Game
masters are invited to use the adventure hooks alluded to
within this document as background and starting points for
their own city adventures. Consider The City of Gateway a
work in progress with much to be fleshed-out and added to
as time goes by.
Gateway (Metropolis): Conventional; AL NG; GP
Limit 100,000 gp; Ready Cash 525,000,000 gp;
Population 105,000 (This number swells to 3 times that
number in the early fall during heavy trading); Mixed
(Human 85%, elf 4%, half elf 2%, halfling 6%, and dwarf
3%); Highest Level NPCs: Barbarian 12, Bard 13, Cleric
13, Druid 11, Fighter 16, Monk 13, Paladin 12, Ranger 12,
Rogue 16, Sorcerer 12, Wizard 13, Adept 14, Aristocrat
12, Commoner 20, Expert 18, Warrior 17.
Authority Figures: Sovereign Selroth Bucada, male
Human Ftr4/Ari9, LN.
The Sovereign of Gateway is chosen by the guild
leaders from the noble houses, the guild leaders
themselves, or the population at large. The criteria for
being selected as the Sovereign are simply that he or she
must take an interest in the people, must be fiscally
responsible, and must have served in the militia or city
guard. The Sovereign can be unseated by a popular vote
from the people, or removed by the very guild leaders who
elected them. This system creates a balance of power
where sovereigns must not only look out for the well being
of the people, but must also avoid putting unfair taxes or
duties in place that would weaken the guilds that place
them on the throne. The Sovereign is then free to appoint
advisors to help him make sound decisions. The current
Sovereign is Selroth Bucada.
The second tier of rule in the city is given to the
nobles, who make up the ruling council beneath the
Sovereign. Nobility is determined by the overall amount of
wealth a family possesses and the number of generations
that family has had that wealth in Gateway. They are often
guild leaders, wealthy merchants, or people who have
attained affluence through various other methods. Their
function in government is to pass civil laws and convey
their needs to the Sovereign, who in-turn must keep them
happy to maintain their power base. If the nobles become
too selfish and the Sovereign begins siding with the upper
crust instead of the majority of the population, the people
of the city can call for a vote of “no confidence” in the
Sovereign. This vote is policed by the militia, and voter
turnout is expected from the population. If a Sovereign is
overthrown, a new candidate is selected from the usual
The third tier of rule is in the surrounding lands
where landed knights have under their purvey towns,
smaller villages, and populated sections of land. Landed
knights are generally selected from retired knights and
soldiers who have distinguished themselves over years of
service. Four times per year these knights are called into
the city where they discuss the needs and wants of the
outlying areas. The people who live in those regions
generally see the presence of the knights in a positive light
since it gives them representation, and strong protectors
who have experience commanding men in battle.
Important Characters: Deneira Borna female Human
Ftr11/Brd4; Egalmond the sage male Human Wiz11;
Hiergal Graymoore male Human Wiz11; Faefor Branos
Human Wiz9; Soros Gristwilven male Silver Elf Rog16
Deneira Borna (Ftr11/Brd4): One of the most
noteworthy adventurers currently residing in Gateway is
Deneira Borna (Ftr11, Brd4). Deneira began her career as
the captain of the 3rd militia. She came to the public’s eye
five years ago when her quick thinking kept the city from
being taken by a surprise invasion from an army of orcs.
Since then she married Duke Borna, who was slain by
poison four months later. For two years she tried to track
down her husband’s killers, but quit after unearthing no
leads. Today she keeps her ears open, but has taken no
action to pursue his killers. After his death she joined the
Company of the Golden Chalice, who disbanded after
almost all members were eaten by a red dragon. She has
traveled through many areas of the continent of A REKOZ™ .
Today at the age of 32, she is semiretired and living a
comfortable life in the house she once shared with Duke
Borna in the Noble district. Though she wants to avenge
her husband’s death, she realizes that this may never come
to pass.
Egalmond (Wiz11) is one of the better-known sages
that live in the city. He is consulted regarding a number of
different issues including history, magical research, and
magical artifacts. Though he attempts to conduct his
affairs in the city, he has hidden ties with the empire of
Mhul. Egalmond appears to be in his later years, though he
does not appear to be frail or weak at this point in his life.
He has gray hair that is shot with long streaks of white, a
gray mustache and beard, and brown eyes. He wears the
clothing expected for a learned man of his age: a long
flowing purple robe emblazoned with gold runes sewn
around the seams of the garment.
Hiergal Graymoore the Blue Wizard of Jhurnwal
(Wiz13) is another notable Wizard in the city. He is a
powerful mage who has lived in Gateway for the past
seventy years. His own life has so far lasted an estimated
300 years. He appears to be a middle-aged man with black
hair that is shot with streaks of silver. He is of light build,
wears thick spectacles, and sports a beard that falls
halfway down his chest. He has watched over Gateway for
a very long time, and often has a very influential voice in
the affairs of the city. In the past he has warned the guild
leaders and the Sovereign himself of mistakes he felt they
were making in their rule of the city. Fifty years ago,
ignoring him led to a successful vote of no confidence in
Sovereign Dorsad Kinneth. Since then they have learned
to listen to his warnings a bit more closely. In recent times
Hiergal has taken an interest in the affairs of Mhul and
Faefor Branos (Wiz12): The official Wizard who
functions as the advisor to the Sovereign is Faefor Branos.
He is a strong magically gifted man in his late forties who
served fifteen years as a war wizard in the city’s military.
He has medium length brown hair and a short beard. He is
typically called upon if the city needs to speak with the
dead to solve a murder, if the king wants his food tested
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for magical impurities, if an artifact needs to be identified,
or if a special magic spell is needed. Often times he
functions as the chief interrogator when questioning high
profile criminal suspects. He makes his home in the spire
located within the castle grounds.
Soros Gristwilven (Rog9/Asn6): Leader of the
Scarlet Sashes, Soros is a silver elf with a reputation for
wickedness and evil. People estimate his age to be about
250 years, and he stands tall for an elf at 5 ft. 7 in., with
pale silvery hair and cold gray eyes. His history and
upbringing remain a mystery, but it is rumored that he is a
known criminal among his own people. Fifteen years ago,
he seemed the most likely candidate to take over the
Scarlet Sashes when their previous leader, a human thief
named Grick Swifthand, died suddenly of apparently
natural causes in the night. Soros’s bands of thugs have
been known to hold territory in the streets of the city –
challenging petty street thugs that would dare to compete
with them for it, extorting money from well-known
merchants and nobles, and conducting assassinations.
Many city nobles have called for Soros’s head, but the
silver elf seems to have great influence in the hierarchy of
the city. The few people who have tried to go after him
have ended up mysteriously dead before they even came
close to him.
He became angry with his brother’s lack of compassion,
and so he challenged him to a public duel, which he won.
Horath took his share of the family wealth and invested it
in the opposition to Mhulnish rule. Their movement grew
larger, eventually erupting into a long-lived large-scale
war between Calrendia and Mhul.
Mhul quickly realized that they could no longer rely
on the soldiers they had stationed in Calrendia, and so they
marched entire legions of the army normally used for
Mhul’s defense to quell any potential succession. During
this time Gillad Horando began spending some of the gold
he had been secretly hoarding to help Calrendia drive out
the soldiers of Mhul. On occasion he would also make
sure that certain companies heading south to Calrendia
never made it. He had established several popular inns
where the proprietors would attract armies by offering
them comfort and bedding at discounted rates. They would
be offered special rooms where they would be
“pampered.” The viceroy would then have a much larger
force of his own in waiting, which would slay the
unsuspecting soldiers.
As the war began to go against Mhul, Gillad
Horando, who was now in his fifties, openly opposed
Mhul’s oppression. His soldiers met the armies marching
down the road leading to Calrendia. The first ones were
not expecting an assault so close to Mhul’s new borders,
and were easily defeated. When the emperor heard of this
betrayal, he recognized his predecessor’s mistake in
sending Gillad to Gateway. Knowing that it was now far
too late to strip the noble of his title, he pulled much of the
army out of Calrendia to lay siege to Gateway. Because of
this withdrawal, Calrendia declared victory – a victory that
would be challenged several times throughout the course
of history.
Gateway withstood the carnage: the catapults of
burning pitch being flung over the walls, the battering
rams weakening their walls and gates, and the cold winter
when they could not leave the confines of the city for more
supplies. Ultimately, it was not the army of Gateway that
drove off the army of Mhul, but the army of Horath
Kinslayer. During the period of establishing their new
leadership, they turned their army to the north to help their
new friends at Gateway. The battle that followed was long
and bloody, with high casualties on all three sides. In the
end, the soldiers of Mhul, who had already been
disheartened by their retreat from Calrendia, buckled
under the combined might of Calrendia and Gateway’s
armies. Most fled the scene, some surrendered, and a few
joined the opposition.
Gillad Horando quickly became suspicious of the
presence of Calrendia’s soldiers within his city. Calrendia
had learned a lesson about unfriendly occupation and
subjugation, and so they left Gateway in peace, being the
first to sign a treaty with the newly liberated city declaring
Gateway and it’s surrounding territory as a neutral
territory between the kingdoms. In 3512 Gateway was
officially established as a free city-state. Vehrmon, seeing
that Gateway could be a valuable trading ally, also signed
the treaty. Mhul was the last to sign, forced to do so
because their army, economy, and very spirit had been
pushed nearly to the breaking point by their constant
feuding with their neighbors. Ultimately, Gateway was
recognized as an impartial crossroad between the
kingdoms. The terms of the agreements stated that if any
of the kingdoms warred with one another, Gateway would
peacefully allow soldiers from any kingdom to march
Gateway had originally been established in 2567 as a
trading outpost for the empire of Mhul and had purvey
over what is now known as the kingdom of Calrendia.
Over the years the population of the city swelled. Initially,
Gateway had been under the direct control of the emperor
of Mhul, but as time went by emperor Hultek felt that the
city was becoming more and more difficult to tax and
police effectively. Also, there was an ambitious young
noble named Gillad Horando who was too close to the
emperor’s lineage for comfort. In a stroke of brilliance, he
appointed the young noble to the position of viceroy of
Gateway, giving him full authority to police, tax, and
maintain the city.
Though he initially considered his Expulsion from
Malthaga, the capitol of Mhul, as punishment, Horando
began to see that the fires of discontent were burning in
Calrendia, and he was in a perfect position to defy the
emperor and possibly survive. Gillad Horando met with
their guild-leaders in closed-door sessions, outlining a
dangerous plan, and arrived at a truce with the merchants,
artisans and craftsmen of the city.
For thirty years Gillad doubled the tax rate for the
wealthiest tradesmen. While the higher taxes were a
burden on the city, it allowed Gillad to build up a large
army, which he managed to keep secret from Mhul. The
emperor received his usual amount of taxes, and had to
expend far less money from his own coffers to maintain
law and order in Gateway, and so he was happy for a time.
It was also during that time that the people of
Calrendia were rebelling against Mhulnish rule. The local
militia, recruited from the ranks of the people who
originated from Calrendia, began to desert in record
numbers, flocking to the banner of the noble who went by
the title Horath Kinslayer. The legend was that Horath had
seen his brother viciously beating a slave from Calrendia.
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through the city and the surrounding territory, provided
that none of these armies attempted to occupy the area.
They backed this up by continuing to maintain a large well
trained standing army.
Given the fact that they were no longer paying taxes
to Mhul, the tax rate for the merchants was reduced by
half, which left most of these people freer than ever before
to offer their goods and services for high profits.
Meanwhile, Gateway was continuing to build its army to
enforce the newly established “goodwill” between the
In the more than thousand years since Gateway
gained independence, its population and size have swollen
to the point where the city walls themselves have had to be
torn down, rerouted, built out, and enlarged. Now the city
boasts a population of over 105,000 people, with those
numbers tripling yearly during the heavy summer trading
season. Gillad Horando, after winning the war, established
himself as the first Sovereign of Gateway. Since then, it
was deemed that Sovereigns were appointed by merit in
the community as opposed to birthright or noble blood.
These leaders would be appointed by the heads of the
guilds who had once been Gillad’s strongest supporters.
The city is highly populated, but it is also very spread
out. Many families own their own homes and have large
lawns and outbuildings. About one quarter of the
population is densely packed into Scrapper’s Row, with
crowded dwellings stacked two or three stories high, and
multiple families per dwelling. Those who generally
inhabit these crowded areas are usually immigrants who
have come to the city in search of a better life, seasonal
merchants, and societal derelicts.
The balance of freedom and wealth in Gateway is
better than anywhere else on the continent, and the city is
mostly clean, with intricate architecture commonly found
in the family housing and strong proud architecture
involving domes, spires, and pillars used in the public
Trade is conducted on several streets that are
dominated by shops, and in the grand market located in
The Commons district.
The economy of Gateway is healthy with strong timber
and food Exports. It also maintains several privately
owned gold, silver, and steel mines in the surrounding
mountains. The metals extracted are sold within the city-
state for generally fair values. Gateway mints its own
currency. Gold pieces are called horandos, silver pieces
are called gillins, and copper pieces are called tins.
Platinum is not minted in Gateway, though platinum coins
from across Arekoz are commonly accepted in trade.
For large transfers of wealth trade writs are used.
Made of vellum, scribed with special inks, impressed with
an official seal, and often magically protected these writs
are available only to nobles, and the most successful
artisans, and merchants.
In recent years Mhul invaded Calrendia due to their desire
to recapture their lost glory. The war lasted for five years.
In the end, king Jorkath Hadrazar of Calrendia opted to
surrender, which resulted in him being publicly beheaded
and the rest of his family killed, scattered, imprisoned, or
enslaved. The current Sovereign of Gateway, a man named
Damarcir Bucada, is a fair man, who knows that the recent
events in Calrendia could again embroil his fair city in a
war with Mhul. He knows the treaty signed with Vehrmon
would require them to send aid to Gateway should Mhul
invade, but Vehrmon has always been known to take the
pragmatic way out of a situation, doing whatever it feels
will ultimately benefit them in the long term. Damarcir is
keeping a very close eye on the developments, and he has
a small army of rangers watching the passes between
Gateway and Mhul; constantly anticipating a large army’s
southern approach through the mountains.
Part of the popularity of Gateway lies in the fact that
the city sits at the intersection of the trade routes between
the empire of Mhul, the kingdom of Calrendia, and the
kingdom of Vehrmon. Speaking from a humanitarian point
of view, it is also very popular because it boasts the
freedoms found in Calrendia and some parts of Vehrmon,
with the wealth found only in Mhul. Though Calrendia has
historically been unrestricted by firmly established class
separations, it has also been living in the shadow of
Mhul’s oppression on and off for as long as it has existed.
Vehrmon, while wealthy on the whole, only benefits those
families that are actively engaged in trade. The people of
that kingdom who toil in the fields or find occupations
more geared towards servicing others tend to find
themselves on the very lowest rung of society. In Gateway
and the surrounding area, the gold is spread out a bit more
evenly among the populace. The successful merchants and
the landed nobles are still the most wealthy members of
society, but most others are not struggling to simply put
food on their tables.
It is considered to be a sign of weakness for a male not to
serve in the militia at some point in his life. Generally, the
enrollment in the militia is high enough to support the
large army the Sovereign must maintain, but in times of
peace they are often forced to resort to mandatory
recruitment. The city maintains a standing army of 10,000
soldiers, which are divided between cavalry, foot soldiers,
archers, battle wizards, and priests. Another 20,000 people
are part of the militia, and are trained as soldiers, though
they only assume active duty if the city is forced to defend
itself. If necessary, another 25,000 conscripts can be called
up from the surrounding territory under Gateway’s control.
The main threats to Gateway come from monsters
and bandits. Over the years it has been forced to defend
itself from both Mhul and Vehrmon on more than one
occasion. In all cases, these events led to embarrassing
diplomatic circumstances. Officially, overzealous military
commanders who were acting without authority were
determined to have caused the incidents. In the present
political situation, there is fear that Mhul may again turn
its eyes towards Gateway, seeking to conquer their one
time colony, and re-expand their shrinking empire.
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