d20 Devil's Workshop Espionage Genre Toolkit Cybermillennium.pdf

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Esponiage Genre Toolkit:
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What awaits us in the near future? Is the world on the
edge of a breakthrough, or hurtling towards a break-
down? Let your players discover the answer! In a Cyber
Millennium campaign, you have the ability to design
your own future, using tropes as a backbone to create an
intense new world. Characters are provided with common
archetypes modified into allegiances to help them fit into
a future setting. Finally, a prestige class, the Wire Rider,
can give you a glimpse of what an enhanced human could
be like.
A member of the technocracy is not forced to make a
fortitude save when they have cybernetics implanted.
Their goal is a return to a bygone era, in which humanity
worked more in tandem with nature and the lush green
world around them. These steadfast individuals often see
the modern world as corrupt and dangerous, and eschew
technological advancements in favor of older, more tradi-
tional ways. Atavists, depending on context, can be either
heroes or villains. In a corrupt dystopia, they are folk
figures and philosophical leaders of the resistance. In a
utopia, they can be backwards and dangerous.
Each character may only have one allegiance at a time,
although their allegiance may change through character
development. When a character picks an allegiance, he
may choose one bonus from its list. If the allegiance is
lost at any point, the bonus goes with it.
• Characters with an Atavist Allegiance tend to be some-
what isolated, as they must avoid society in order to
eschew technological advances and modern mores.
However, their exact views on modern society vary.
Atavists may follow any idea under the sun, varying
from a belief that modern technology has rendered
people unable to appreciate hard work and effort, to
being convinced that all technology was created by
aliens and sent down to gradually destroy us with
strange chemicals.
• As a rule, Dedicated Heroes are more common as
Technology is power, and the Technocracy knows this.
Advocating the embrace of technological advancements to
improve human life, it would seem that they’re seeking a
path to utopia. However, will their methods destroy what
it is to be truly human?
Hardened by Work: Say what you will about an
Atavist, but they haven’t made anything easy for them-
selves. Many have to perform hard labor as a matter
of course.
Rules: An Atavist may choose to gain an additional +1
to strength or constitution at 4th and 8th level. This
stacks with the regular stat increases at those levels.
• Members of the Technocracy vary from feeling
that humanity needs a little ‘push’, right through to
openly hating human nature and desiring to destroy
it. A character with a Technocracy allegiance can fit
anywhere within this spectrum. A Technocrat may
work equally well in either a dystopia or a utopia.
• As a general rule, Smart Heroes are more common
within the Technocracy.
Self Sufficient: Atavists have to know how to take
care of themselves.
Rules: Atavists gain a +1 competence bonus on all
craft, repair, and survival checks.
Today, on Popular Mechanics: Members of the
Technocracy are keen followers of technical advances,
and tend to be the first on the block to get the coolest
new toys. They always find a bargain, too…
Rules: Any devices whose costs are inflated due to
their newness on the market can be purchased by a
member of the Technocracy at the regular purchase
The pleasures and amenities of the modern world can be
more than simple rewards. For some, pursuit of pleasure
may become a way of life, resulting in a 3rd millennial
Lotus Eater. Enter the Hedonists. Hedonists fit into dysto-
pias better than utopias, as the despair of a ruined world
can easily push a character into addiction. In contrast,
within a near perfect society, hedonism is often more of a
philosophical position than an addiction.
What Has Science Done?!: Quite a lot, apparently.
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• Many types of character can become hedonists, and
their reasons vary wildly. Some characters become
hedonists due to physical addictions; some follow the
path of forgetting. Many have simply lost their way in
an increasingly complex world and buried themselves
in immediate rewards. Hedonists aren’t universally
bad or immoral; in fact most are not. They have
merely decided that pursuit of pleasure should be the
guiding principles of their lives.
• As a rule, Charismatic Heroes are the most common
type of Hedonist.
Head Cracker: A Rowdy has to know how to fight,
and they aren’t exactly about finesse, either. Rowdies
aren’t interested in efficient murder, so much as the
actual use of violence to gain and maintain power.
Rules: A Rowdy gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage
with all melee attacks.
Law of the Jungle: When it comes down to kill or
be killed, the individual who is prepared to take a life
is at an advantage. Rowdies have little problem with
lethal force when they deem it necessary.
Rules: A Rowdy who delivers a coup de grace may
add his character level to the damage he deals.
Dodge the Bullet : Hedonists aren’t just about pleasure
– they’re also about avoiding pain.
Rules: If a Hedonist would fail a saving throw that
would result in their death or incapacitation, they are
permitted to make one additional attempt. This ability
may only function a number of times per day equal to
the Hedonist’s charisma modifier.
Even the most utopian world needs its wild places.
Survivalists have learned to live off the land, with
skills honed to keep them alive in the most difficult
and dangerous circumstances. In a dystopian setting,
Survivalists are very common – the sheer hostility of the
land produces a resilient mentality. In a more utopian
world, the survivalist may be a tribal throwback, a person
in charge of maintaining the wilderness, or an exile.
Easy Score: Hedonists have a sense that leads them
unerringly towards easy pleasure and gain.
Rules: A Hedonist who needs to get into a restaurant,
movie, theatre performance, opium den, or any other
venue of entertainment gains a +2 situational modifier
to any rolls he must make to gain access.
• Survivalists spend the majority of their time away
from civilization. Then tend towards independence
more than any other allegiance, although they will
obviously act together in order to defend their way of
life. They value pragmatism over any other ideal.
• Tough heroes are the most common type of character
amongst the survivalists.
These men and women have a violent streak – so violent
that it has come to govern their lives and define their
beliefs. To a Rowdy, might makes right, and the stronger
you are, the better you are able to defend yourself and
take what you need. Rowdies have a great interest in
improving their bodies via technology, second only to the
Tough as Nails: Survivalists really are tougher than
an average person; they are able to survive incredible
punishment and environmental extremes.
Rules: A survivalist gains a +2 competence bonus to
all survival checks. As opposed to making a fortitude
save when resisting poisons and diseases, a survivalist
may make a survival skill check.
• Rowdies often operate outside of the law, characters
whose lives are ruled by violence tend to gather on
the fringes of society where such beliefs are tolerated
( or even necessary. ) When found in rural areas, away
from the confines of civilization, a group of Rowdies
can impose their own form of ‘authority’ over a
region. Rowdies can also be found in prisons and
military or paramilitary groups, or even as the agents
of authority in a more dystopian setting.
• Strong Heroes are the most common type of character
class amongst the Rowdies.
Resilient Body: Although a survivalist will bleed
when they’re cut, odds are they can suck it up better
than your average joe on the street.
Rules: A survivalist begins play with a bonus 5 hit
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devices work? Following are some simplified rules to
make use of cybernetics.
You can find an Underworlder almost anywhere – in
fact, this is one of their defining traits. Underworlders
will head to where they can to make ends meet, and
often operate on the dark side of the law. Skilled at
skulking, theft, and legerdemain, the Underworlder uses
his skills for grifting, picking pockets, burglary, or worse.
Underworlders are far more common in dystopian settings.
In a utopian setting, an Underworlder often deals in
forbidden technologies. They may also be simple crimi-
Installation: Basic installation requires a Treat Injury
check. Even after a successful operation, having a foreign
object implanted into your body is stressful to your
system. When the procedure is completed, the character
must succeed at a variable DC fortitude save, or else the
device is rejected by his immune system and will not
function. However, the body becomes more accustomed
to implants as a character has more installed. For every
implant that a character already has, you may reduce the
initial fort save DC by 1.
Slots: Each body part acts as a type of ‘slot’, in which
only one implant may be installed at any time.
• Underworlders operate in a loose alliance, similar
to a modern thief’s guild, but with much less orga-
nization and direction. In the Cyber Millennium,
Underworlders are frequent traders and traffickers of
technology, both legal and illegal. Individual under-
worlders can have an alliance with just about anyone,
although they always recall the vague fellowship from
which they came.
• Fast heroes are the most common character type
amongst the underworlders.
• The slots available are: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, skull,
chest, heart, lungs, digestive system, liver/kidneys,
arms, hands, legs, and feet.
Removal: Not a pleasant experience. Removing an
implant requires a DC 20 fortitude save. If the save is
failed, the character is reduced to -1 hit points instanta-
neously, and requires stabilization as per normal.
Really, this implant amounts to an enhanced sense of
smell. The chemical sensor allows a player to identify
specific chemicals in the air, and even track by scent.
Fleet of Foot: Underworlders are on the run a lot, so
they have picked up a little skill in quick movement.
Rules: All underworlders gain a +5 bonus to their
speed. ( 1 additional square )
Benefit: The Chemical sensor grants a character the Scent
feat. Additionally, a Knowledge: chemistry check (DC 18)
allows the identification of individual chemicals be smell.
Finally, since the sensor is so sensitive, the character gains
a +2 bonus to all sense motive checks – he is literally able
to smell fear or tension.
Friends in Low Places: Underworlders enjoy a loose
fraternity of similar individuals, all of whom will help
each other out if necessary.
Rules: Any gather information checks made in an
urban area don’t require any wealth check. If the
Underworlder wishes to offer a bribe, he may make a
wealth check as normal, but for each +1 increase to the
wealth check DC, he may gain a +1 situational bonus
to his gather information check.
Cost: Purchase DC 21
Installation save: DC 14 fortitude
Slot: nose
The skin, musculature, and bone structures of the charac-
ter’s hands are hardened to render unarmed strikes more
lethal in combat.
The augmentation of the human body is a key flavor
element of most near-future settings. But how do these
Benefit: A character with hardened palms may add
1.5 times their strength modifier to damage dealt with
unarmed attacks.
Cost: Purchase DC 22
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Installation save: DC 17 fortitude
Slot: hands
This implant enhances a character’s peripheral vision,
sensitivity to motion, and spatial awareness. The net result
is that he is better able to avoid incoming attacks and
There are three major ways to run a future or near future
campaign. The first is to model it closely off of the real
world, in which case there are no particular adjustments
beyond the core rules. The other two methods involve
creating a Dystopia or a Utopia. Both campaign styles
are dominated by particular themes, which change the feel
of the setting, as well as the natures of the challenges the
players will face.
Benefit: A character with a Peripheral sensor gains a +2
dodge bonus to defense, and a +2 competence bonus to
reflex saves.
Cost: Purchase DC 26
Installation save: DC 16 fortitude
Slot: eyes
Specially adjusted pneumatics and enhanced musculature
allow a character with a Powered Jump implant to leap
much farther than a normal human being, in addition to
being able to absorb much more shock.
Each different type of utopia and dystopia comes equipped
with a pair of tropes, which represent common themes, and
a simple rule to generally modify the campaign balance.
Tropes can also see use in a more ‘current times’ setting if
a GM is looking for a particular feel.
Benefit: Falling damage is -2 per die. A character with
Powered jump also gains a +20 equipment bonus to all
jump checks.
Cost: Purchase DC 20
Installation save: DC 19 fortitude
Slot: legs
The Dystopian Future is one in which technological
advances and the pursuit of human progress have back-
fired. Our greatest achievments have become twisted,
often ironically, into a distorted and difficult world. The
character of a Dystopia can vary between slightly corrupt
and strange right through to desperate and deadly. Each
Dystopia listed below has its own Tropes, which a GM can
use to help bring the setting to life.
A small computer implanted into the character’s optic
nerves acts as a miniature text searcher, designed to recog-
nize specific key words chosen according to the task at
hand. It then alerts the character to the presence of those
words, greatly speeding up certain tasks.
Mankind has left behind the natural, green world, and
replaced it with a new realm of steel and plastic, a tech-
nologically astounding monument to our ingenuity. But it
has not been without cost: these pristine, artificial environ-
ments have transformed their inhabitants into something
different. The loss of humanity through technical advance-
ment is a common theme in a Technology Ascendant
Benefit: When searching through text of any type, the
process requires ½ as long, and there is a +3 equipment
bonus to the check. Research and computer use checks are
most commonly affected.
Cost: Purchase DC 18
Installation save: DC 14 fortitude
Slot: Eyes
When running a technology ascendant setting, it is impor-
tant to stress that humanity has lost something essential to
their human identities. In exchange for power, a person
must sacrifice part of what they are.
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