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War of the Burning Sky
Mission to the Monastery of Two Winds
An Adventure for 9th-Level Characters
By Andrew Kenrick
Edited by Ryan Nock
Cover Art by Rick Hershey
Linda Luksic
Interior Art by Jessica Jones
Leo Lingas
Claudio Pozas
Cartography by Sean MacDonald
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Theodore A. Brzinski III
Neil D’Cruze
Michael Gallogly
Tom Jones
Judson Stowe
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
Special Thanks to the EN World Creature
Catalogue forums for
contributing monsters,
particularly “freyar” for
suggesting the mantidrake.
1646 Ridge Road
Vankleek Hill, ON
Canada K0B 1R0
Note on Rules Content: is adventure uses
Open Game Content as well as material that is
in the System Reference Document but is not in
the core rulebooks. All the information you need
to use this material is presented in this adventure,
but if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Monastery of Two Winds – Illustration by Rick Hershey and Linda Luksic
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Table of Contents
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure.............................
Adventure Overview ......................................................
Character Motivations ..................................................
e Monastery of Two Winds ......................................
Psionics in the Adventure .........................
Pilus’s Plan......................................................................
The Burning Sky .............................................
Act One: Journey through Ostalin...............
An Urgent Mission ........................................................
The Spy ................................................................
The Other Party.............................................
Arriving in Ostalin.........................................................
e Half-Breed Warlord (EL ) ............................
Let’s Walk..........................................................
Into the Mountains .......................................................
e Long Arm of Ragesia (EL ) .....................
e Siege (EL ) ..................................................
Act Two: The Calm over Eresh .....................
Eresh ..............................................................................
Balance’s Calm .............................................
e Peak’s Shadow ................................................
About Town ...........................................................
Peak’s Shadow Gather Information
Results .............................................................
e Balance of Power...........................................
Spooky Meeting....................................................
Fractured Calm (EL ) ........................................
Interacting with a Dream ....................................
Restoring Balance (EL ) .................................. !
Variant Timeline ......................................... !
Missing People.......................................................!
Hideaway ...............................................................!
Ascent to the Monastery ..............................................
e Ascent..............................................................!!
Guardians (EL ) ................................................!
Cold Welcome .......................................................!
Breaking and Entering ......................................... !
Act Three: The Ragesian Army .....................
Return of the General ..................................................
e Panic (EL )................................................. !
e Valiant Counter-Attack.................................!
Snatched Away (EL )......................................... !
Victory ................................................................... !
Act Four: The Valley of Storms ...................
e Valley .....................................................................
Defenders of the Sacred Valley (EL +) ......... !
Valley of the Damned (EL ) ............................
e Laboratory..............................................................
e Pit (EL ) .....................................................
Laboratory Entrance .............................................
Pilus’s Study (EL ).............................................
CR ? Isn’t that a Little Much?............
Escaping the Laboratory......................................
Act Five: Audience with Two Winds ...........
Two Masters .................................................................
A Showdown with Pilus (EL n/a)......................
Conclusion ....................................................................
Appendix One: Combat Stats .........................
Allies and Neutral NPCs..............................................
Soul Magic, not Psionics...........................
Ragesian Foes ................................................................
New Item .........................................................
New Item .........................................................
Monastery Foes ............................................................
New Item ..........................................................
Appendix Two: New Feats ...............................
General Feats.................................................................
Monastery of Two Winds Feats..................................
Appendix Three: New Items ........................... !
Mundane Items.............................................................
Magic Items...................................................................
Appendix Four: New Spells ............................
Open Game License Version .a ..................
Mission to the Monastery of Two Winds
Welcome to the fi fth adventure in the War of the
Burning Sky campaign saga. Since the start of the
war, the heroes have carried mysterious war secrets
from the neutral city of Gate Pass, through a living
forest fi re controlled by a dreamborn monster, to
the town of Seaquen, a safe haven for refugee mages,
and a beacon of hope for those who want to bring
the war to an end. In Seaquen, the heroes achieved
fame by thwarting a plan by the Ragesian Empire
to destroy the resistance with a magical hurricane,
but mysteries remained, for it seemed the Ragesians
were aided by a third party.
In this installment, the heroes are dispatched to
the distant Monastery of Two Winds, where they
will have to defeat an occupying army and traitorous
wind mages to earn the support of the monastery’s
masters. A spooky calm has overtaken the village near
the monastery, and as that calm slowly fractures the
heroes will have two revelations, and they will learn
that the war is far more dangerous than previously
expected. If they are brave and daring enough to
survive the tempestuous onslaught of their enemies,
the heroes just might come out a step ahead of the
vengeful Ragesian army.
If you are running this episode as a one-
shot or as part of your own campaign, you may
want to change some of the encounters, since
several of them are designed to hint at events
that take place later in the saga. In particular
the machinations of Pilus may seem a little
out of place or lead to an unsatisfactory
As a solution, you can either remove Pilus
completely, and have Caela be performing
these experiments on her own without the
knowledge of her masters, or you might simply
use Caela’s stats to represent Pilus for a fi nal
battle, and have Caela herself use the stats
of a typical east wind monk. Either way, it is
best to excise all references to the airship The
Tempest , unless you plan to work a mile-long
living airship into your own campaign later.
it is becoming clear that if the Ragesians claim the
Torch fi rst, it will render all their work pointless.
When Coaltongue died, the land for miles in
every direction was covered by a fi restorm which
has lasted for months, keeping anyone from getting
in to fi nd out the Torch’s fate. e remnants of
Coaltongue’s army scattered in the face of this
mysterious storm, but now a contingent of them has
descended on the Monastery of Two Winds, which
lies in the mountains on the border of the long-time
rival nations Ostalin and Sindaire. Divinations have
hinted that the heads of the monastery, masters of
wind magic named Longinus and Pilus, have the
power to hold the fi restorm at bay.
Led by Second General Signus, the soldiers
laid siege, but they did not count on the tenacity of
the monks, the cunning of the monastery’s leaders,
or the presence of a strange soothing magic that
has stymied all attempts to assault the monastery
and its neighboring village of Eresh. In frustration,
Signus has left a garrison and departed to seek
It is now four months or more since the start
of the war, and though the spring thaw should
have begun, the entire region is still gripped by a
fi erce chill. Favorable weather only seems to fi nd
the Ragesian army, and it marches steadfastly
against many foes. Wise and experienced warriors
recognize that Ragesia is not trying to conquer –
they are simply spread too thin – but rather are
scouring the region, searching for the Torch of the
Burning Sky, the artifact which let the Ragesian
Empire rise to power.
e heroes return to the port of Seaquen, having
secured the aid of Dassen in holding back the ird
Ragesian Army (or having left the nation in such
chaos and disarray that the Ragesians will have a few
months of slogging before they get anywhere near
ough Seaquen has had some successes,
Mission to the Monastery of Two Winds Introduction
Seeing a window of opportunity, the leaders
of Seaquen dispatch the heroes to help the monks
repel the Ragesian army and gain their assistance in
acquiring the Torch. But the heroes are not the fi rst
adventurers dispatched by Seaquen. A previous group
was already sent, following clues that pointed to a
link between the monastery and the magical tempest
that struck Seaquen a month ago. ose agents have
stopped reporting, their last message being a strangely
calm statement that nothing at all was going on.
Two main mysteries surround the monastery.
First, a trillith named Balance had taken up residence
in the village of Eresh, and has been using her power
to keep the Ragesians and the monks from fi ghting.
Balance has used her power too much, and now many
on both sides are degenerating into waking comas,
uninterested in anything. Balance is growing weak
from holding back so much violence, and if she dies
the long held-back aggression will be unleashed.
Second, one of the monastery’s two leaders, Pilus,
was secretly responsible for the attack on Seaquen
a month ago, which he used as a test ground for
new off ensive magic he plans to unleash in the war.
His apprentice, a half-elf woman named Caela, has
been taking advantage of the strange lull in combat
to abduct people, the raw materials necessary for
creating the biomantic monsters Pilus is so proud
of. Unknown to his brother Longinus, Pilus has
allied with the ruler of Ostalin, and intends to enter
the war in the coming months, as soon as his latest
monster is fully grown.
trails up the mountains, running across a Ragesian
ambush intended to keep anyone from coming to
the aid of the monks of the monastery. Additionally,
several companies of Ragesian forces have lain siege
to the town of Eresh at the foot of the monastery,
forcing the heroes to sneak past the soldiers to reach
the town.
When the heroes enter Eresh they fi nd out that
something is wrong. Soldiers are living peacefully
next to the townsfolk, tempers unnaturally calm, to
the point that some people have simply sat down,
uninterested in even eating. e few who have
managed to keep some sense about themselves
can explain that people are going missing, though
no one is motivated enough to investigate. e
disappearances are at the direction of Pilus, whose
apprentice Caela is using invisible stalkers to abduct
townsfolk as fuel for biomantic experiments.
As the heroes climb the mountain to the
monastery they are attacked by air elementals which
are tasked with holding back all foreigners. When
they do reach the top, Caela refuses them entrance to
the monastery until the Ragesians are gone and the
village of Eresh is free from its strange curse. Even
the cunning Pilus does not know what causes the
calm over Eresh, and it worries him. He has a pair
of invisible stalkers follow the heroes and observe
their activities.
e heroes investigate the disappearances and
the unnatural stillness in the town, locating both
the trillith Balance and one survivor of the original
expedition from Seaquen. Balance is growing
weak, and soon will no longer be able to hold back
the Ragesians. Meanwhile, the survivor, a ranger
named Eril, explains that his group found damning
evidence that whoever attacked Seaquen has a base
in the nearby Valley of Storms, but soon thereafter
his companions vanished, and he hid. e heroes
have to decide which threat to address fi rst.
For the Ragesian threat, Second General
Signus returns to town at an untimely juncture,
and his arrival with a hundred hostile soldiers
proves too much, breaking Balance’s calm, and
killing her unless the heroes can help. Released
from her power, the soldiers take out their anger
Adventure Overview
e central goal of Mission to the Monastery of
Two Winds is to persuade the heads of the monastery,
a pair of monks named Longinus and Pilus, to help
the heroes acquire the Torch of the Burning Sky.
With their aid, a path will be opened for the heroes
to reach the location where Coaltongue was slain,
which forms the basis of the next adventure, Te a r s
of the Burning Sky .
With the aid of a wayfarer, the heroes teleport
into Ostalin, arriving in the city of Yen-Ching, a
hundred miles from the monastery itself. After a
brief stint in Ostalin, they climb the perilous wintry
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