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War of the Burning Sky
O, Wintry Song of Agony
An Adventure for 1 5 th Level Characters
By Jeremy Anderson and Ryan Nock
Edited by Ryan Nock
Cover Art by Tim Divar
Interior Art by Claudio Pozas
Cartography by Sean MacDonald
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Theodore A. Brzinski III
Neil D’Cruze
Laura Kertz
Tom Jones
Hamid Raoof
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
Note on Rules Content: is adventure
uses Open Game Content as well as
material that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core rulebooks.
All the information you need to use this
material is presented in this adventure, but
if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
1646 Ridge Road
Vankleek Hill, ON
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EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
O, Wintry Song of Agony – Illustration by Tim Divar
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
Adapting the Adventure, cont’d .....................
Adventure Overview ......................................................
Using the Obelisk ..................................................
Developments .................................................................
Kreven Lore .............................................................
Dream Magic, not Psionics.................................
The Burning Sky .....................................................
The Consequences of Failure ............................
Act One: A Hanging Sword .......................
e Second War Council ...............................................
Mission Planning (EL ) ..............................................
Without Pilus .......................................................
It’s Okay, Really..............................................................
A Friendly Game...........................................................
Conquest .................................................................
Act Two: The Needle’s Eye........................
e Great Mission ........................................................
Mission Stages ...............................................................
Glossing Over the Minutiae...........................
e Scourge Valley ........................................................
Frost Needle’s Eye .........................................................
Surface Defenses (EL ) .............................................
Blinding the Eye (EL ) ..............................................
Velkiss (EL )...............................................................
Velkiss’s Prices ......................................................
e Frozen Wasteland..................................................
Act Three: The Halls of Pain..................
e Scourge Fortress.....................................................
Area Descriptions ..........................................................
Horde Zombies ......................................................
e Halls of Pain ..........................................................
Too Clever For Their Own Good...................
Mad Greetings ...............................................................
Take Us to Your Leader.................................................
Guthwulf (EL )..........................................................
e Great Escape ...........................................................
e Song of Agony (EL $)..........................................
Final Stage ......................................................................!
Battle at the Obelisk.....................................................
Using the Koren Obelisk ..................................
Using the Koren Obelisk, cont’d ...................
Conclusion .....................................................................
Appendix One: Enemies and Allies.........
Allied Forces..................................................................
Standard Ragesian Forces.............................................
Cavalry ............................................................................
Infi ltrators.......................................................................!
Inquisitors .......................................................................
Soldiers ...........................................................................
Act One Encounters ......................................................
Act Two Encounters .....................................................
Act ree Encounters ...................................................
Appendix Two: New Feats .........................
Appendix Three: New Magic ....................
New Items......................................................................
New Spells .....................................................................
New Bardic Music Ability............................................
Appendix Four: The Grand Finale? ........
e Assault ...................................................................
Supreme Inquisitor Leska............................................
Lord Shaaladel of the Shahalesti .................................
Loose Ends.....................................................................
Open Game License Version .a ............
e Grim Stalwart (EL ) ..........................................
e Scourge Entrance ...................................................
Why Doesn’t Pilus Do This Himself?............
O, Wintry Song of Agony
e saga of e War of the Burning Sky continues
in its eighth episode, and the stakes continue to
rise. e heroes have so far assisted the liberation
of nations, overcome the challenges of multiple
terrifying dream monsters, and continually done
battle with the forces of the tyrannical empire of
Ragesia. With help and information from the wind-
wielding brothers Longinus and Pilus, the heroes
have fought their way through a fortress where the
artifact known as the Torch of the Burning Sky fi rst
fell from the dead fi ngers of the former Ragesian
emperor. ere they found clues which led them to
the present location of the Torch, a den of assassins
in the haunted forest of Ycengled. After confronting
the killers, they reclaimed the Torch and endured an
ancient trial in order to restore the artifact’s faded
power. ough victorious, they emerged with the
Torch only partially restored; more importantly,
however, the trial revealed visions of the past and
secrets of the present.
Most pressing among those secrets is the existence
of a new weapon being created by Leska, the current
leader of Ragesia. Known to the heroes only as “ e
Scourge,” the nature of this threat is unclear, but it
seems it will be ready within the month.
e Scourge is the Ragesian code name for e
Koren Obelisk, a magical focus of immense power,
that, when complete, would dwarf the power of
the Torch itself. While the Torch of the Burning
Sky permitted the previous Ragesian emperor
to transport his armies anywhere he wished, the
Obelisk would give Leska the power to wield her
magic directly across any distance. Coupled with her
formidable personal spellcasting arsenal, the Obelisk
might plunge the entire world into eternal despotic
rule under Leska’s thumb.
O, Wintry Song of Agony works easily as a
stand-alone high-level adventure, or as part of
a larger campaign. The nature of the fortress
works excellently for a villain’s stronghold that
only the bravest heroes would dare attack.
The Ragesian army can be any enemy force,
and the Obelisk itself can be any stationary
doomsday device. What matters most is this:
• The heroes learn that the villains have built
a device of terrifying power and dominance,
and that it is near completion. They know
where the device is, and have obtained
plans for it. Their fi rst course of action is to
prepare for an assault, though the enemy
is proactive in hindering them, making use
of the doomsday weapon.
• The heroes can only travel extra-
dimensionally to the edge of the enemy
zone, and from there they must travel in a
more linear manner. The fortress could be
in a demiplane, a magically-resilient tunnel
network in deep recesses underground,
or – as in the adventure – just be a heavily
warded area with nigh-impassable natural
boundaries. Once they arrive, the heroes
must fi ght or sneak past the enemy forces.
• The heroes must then descend into the
heart of the vile prison-machine providing
the doomsday weapon with its power, and
slay or free its living power source.
Coincidentally, these three important issues
are summaries of the three acts of this
e heroes have just learned that the second
in command of the Ragesian inquisitors, an
infamous man named Kreven, has nearly completed
a doomsday device, a magical focus known as the
Scourge. Spies and captured military plans reveal
that the Scourge facility is located in a valley in
the frozen northern reaches of Ragesia, and that
a massive divination shield wards the entire area.
Even though the wayfarer guildmistress could
potentially power through even anti-teleportation
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O, Wintry Song of Agony Introduction
wards, teleportation beacons – which divert planar
travel – lie scattered around the edge of the valley,
so the heroes cannot teleport too close, lest they risk
being trapped. e valley’s walls are too steep for a
conventional army to traverse except via one route,
through a pass called Frost Needle’s Eye.
e valley has long been a strategic fallback
point for the Ragesians, but only in the past year has
it been converted to its present purpose. Incredible
amounts of resources were funneled here, though
always done discreetly. It is suspected that not even
Emperor Coaltongue himself knew about it, and
those in charge of the Resistance now suspect Leska
arranged his assassination so she could complete her
doomsday weapon.
e Resistance had been using scrying to track to
this location hundreds of mages who were captured in
the early stages of Leska’s bid for power, though their
fate now is hidden by the shield. What the Resistance
does not know is that the “Scourge” weapon is
powered by the collected pain and suff ering of these
imprisoned mages. Beneath the Scourge fortress is
a prison designed to be impregnable to magic-users,
with two vitally important prisoners.
e fi rst prisoner is Agony, one of the trillith –
nightmare spirits from the underdark who have allied
with Leska for their own ends. Agony was not loyal
to his brothers, and so was given to Leska for use
as her power source. Magically compelled to wield
his powers against his fellow prisoners, Agony daily
wracks the captured mages with waves of pain. e
Koren Obelisk captures this suff ering and harnesses
it as a power source, and if the heroes can kill or free
Agony they will render the Scourge powerless.
e second prisoner is one with a unique
relationship with Leska herself. Four decades ago,
the forest of Innenotdar, located near the city of Gate
Pass, was set alight, killing most of its inhabitants
except for a clan of fey known as the Seela, who
survived only because of the magical Song of Forms.
Trapped in an endlessly burning forest of fl ame,
the Seela sent their strongest, Etinifi , on a quest to
fi nd release for them. Etinifi managed to escape the
fl ames, and roamed the world, looking for a way to
heal his homeland.
Starting the Campaign Here
O, Wintry Song of Agony makes a perfect
starting point for a short, high-level campaign.
More advice on how to retool the following
adventures is included in the free Game
Master’s Guide , but the focus of this mini-
campaign is Leska’s use of the power of the
trillith, a strange dream-spawned menace,
which she wields in an attempt to conquer
the world or, if stymied, to destroy it.
In this version of the campaign, the
heroes start as great heroes, called upon by
the nations opposed to Ragesia to undertake
a strike mission into the Scourge facility. The
Koren Obelisk in this version is itself powered
by the Torch of the Burning Sky, allowing
the heroes to possess it for the rest of the
campaign, though its power has been drained
to create the obelisk. (The Torch, in the normal
version of the campaign, is at reduced power
now, and will be until the heroes encounter
the Mother of Dreams in adventure ten, Sleep,
Ye Cursed Child .)
Ending the Campaign Here
If you are not interested in running
adventures for near-epic levels, you can
retool the campaign to make this adventure
the fi nal mission. In this case, Leska herself is
at the Scourge fortress to personally oversee
the completion of the Koren Obelisk. Lower-
powered versions of Leska and Shahalesti
ruler Shaaladel appear in Appendix Four.
We encourage you to mine Return of the
Jedi for ideas of how to run this fi nal confl ict,
with different forces fi ghting simultaneous
battles. Perhaps the Shahalesti wish to claim
the Torch from the heroes while simultaneously
defeating Leska, leading to a three-way battle
in the Obelisk room, while the two armies
outside defeat the Ragesians and then turn
on each other.
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