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War of the Burning Sky
The Scouring of Gate Pass
An Adventure for 1st-Level Characters
By Ryan Nock
Cover Art by Cris Griffi n
Interior Art by David Hendee
J. L. Jones
Leo Lingas
Ryan Nock
Claudio Pozas
Todd Schumacher
Cartography by Sean Macdonald
Ryan Nock
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Jeremy Anderson
Austin “Trae” Cooper III
Neil D’Cruze
Matthew Kertz
Rob Parks
Hamid Raoof
Judson Stowe
Special Thanks To the other guys who
inspired this campaign:
Ted Brzinski, Michael Gallogly,
Tom Jones, Laura Kertz, and
the artist David Hendee.
Everything in this book, other than the covers, the
title and contents page, the illustrations, maps,
“EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo, character and
place names, story elements, and the EN Publishing
product titles, is designated Open Game Content.
Additionally, thank you to
Russell Morrissey for pushing
me to get this going, and
Blaine Seitz for giving
feedback and encouraging
some unique critters.
1646 Ridge Road
Vankleek Hill, ON
Canada K0B 1R0
EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Leska – Illustration by Cris Gri n
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Table of Contents
Introduction ..........................................................................
Background ..........................................................................................
Adapting the Adventure............................................................
Adventure Overview ..........................................................................
Character Motivations ......................................................................
Psionics in the Adventure .........................................................
Act Four: The Gauntlet ....................................................
e Plan.............................................................................................
Running the Gauntlet (EL ).................................................
Bounty Hunter Horsemen .....................................................
Renard Woodsman .................................................................
Dream Shroud .........................................................................
Act One: The Secret Meeting ............................................
e Mission ........................................................................................
Inquisitors — Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) Results ......
Lyceum — Knowledge (Arcana or History) Results ............
e Ambush (EL )...........................................................................
e Black Horse Bounty Hunters ...........................................
Ragesian Bombs.......................................................................
Torrent ......................................................................................
Black Horse Bounty Hunters ................................................
Kathor Danava.........................................................................
Navigating a City Under Attack .....................................................
Aiding the Wounded (EL )...................................................
Burning Building (EL ).........................................................
What if Torrent Dies? .............................................................
Terror in the Skies (EL ½) .....................................................
Animal Crossing (EL ) ..........................................................
Act Five: The Inquisitor....................................................
e Situation .....................................................................................
Weakly Enhanced Fire Magic.................................................
e Farmhouse ..................................................................................
e Attack (EL ).............................................................................
Haddin Ja-Laff a .......................................................................
Crystin Ja-Nafeel .....................................................................
Boreus .......................................................................................
Ragesian Soldiers.....................................................................
Krarlrak and Emran ................................................................
Smarg “Smiley” Hobbler .........................................................
Appendix One — Gate Pass ...............................................
City Layout .......................................................................................
Reaction to Magic-Users ...................................................................
Weather ..............................................................................................
Combat in the Streets........................................................................
Interdistrict Gates .............................................................................
e Main Gates ................................................................................
e North and South Gates .............................................................
Act Two: Retrieving the Case .........................................
Spy versus Spy (EL ) ......................................................................
Larion Prevarieth .....................................................................
Enemy Good Guys? ................................................................
Treasure Lockers......................................................................
Reaching the Safe House...................................................................
Fallen Devil (EL ) ..................................................................
e Safe House ..................................................................................
e Elvish Spymaster (EL ) .................................................
Diogenes ...................................................................................
Shealis Amlauril ......................................................................
Gabal’s Superior Missile .........................................................
Elvish Ghetto Hideout (EL ) ...............................................
Gatemakers Shop (EL ) ........................................................
Amidst the Badgers (EL or ) .............................................
Spy Quarters (EL ) ...............................................................
Shahalesti Warriors ................................................................
What if
Appendix Two: Combat Stats ............................................
Allies & Potential Allies ..........................................................
Act One Enemies & Antagonists ...........................................
Act Two Enemies & Antagonists ...........................................
Act ree Enemies & Antagonists ........................................
Act Four Enemies & Antagonists ..........................................
Act Five Enemies & Antagonists ...........................................
Open Game License Version .a ......................................
ey Fail? ...................................................................
Act Three: Escaping the City ..........................................
e Dawn of War .............................................................................
Other Ways Out? ...................................................................
Exit Gates (EL ).....................................................................
Use Your Charm (EL )..........................................................
Councilman Menash (EL ½) .................................................
Street Ambush (EL ) ............................................................
Roguish Rescue (EL n/a) .......................................................
Designer’s Notes — Rantle ....................................................
Rantle ........................................................................................
Captain Herreman’s Barracks (EL n/a) ................................
e Scouring of Gate Pass
Welcome to the fi rst adventure in the War of
the Burning Sky campaign saga. roughout the
course of the campaign saga, a party of heroes
will become involved in an escalating war between
mighty magical nations, and after many adventures,
military battles, and mysterious intrigue, it will be
up to them to decide who will emerge victorious and
rule in the aftermath.
If you are running this episode as a stand-
alone adventure, you can have the heroes
escort the courier and her message to any
organization you want them to become involved
with for the rest of your campaign. You may
want to change some of the encounters, since
several of them are designed to hint at events
that take place later in the saga. The majority
of the encounters can work fi ne as is, however,
just providing local color.
If you plan to run this adventure as part
of the campaign saga, you’ll want to refer to
the Campaign Guide , available free through
E.N. Publishing. The Campaign Guide will help
you work the events of the campaign into your
own setting, provide suggestions for getting
the characters involved in the adventures, and
give you an idea of what lies further down the
road so you can prepare.
As with any 1st-level adventure, there is
little in the way of a safety net for the PCs.
If you want to start the campaign off with a
more heroic feel, consider starting the PCs at
2nd level. By the third adventure, the slight
XP boost gained by this will be imperceptible,
and you won’t have to worry as much about
accidentally killing your party before things
get underway.
e following information details only the
background of this adventure. If you are running
it as part of the campaign saga, you will fi nd more
information in the Campaign Guide .
It is New Year’s Eve, and near midnight on this
frigid evening the heroes gather in a small condemned
tavern in the Free Citystate of Gate Pass. Located
in the mountain pass which separates two hostile
nations — Ragesia and Shahalesti — Gate Pass has
been neutral since the end of their last war, but now
from Ragesia a scourge comes for the city.
By now, every magic-user in Gate Pass knows
of the Scourge. e Emperor of Ragesia died barely
a month ago, and in a move to cement herself as
the next emperor of Ragesia, Leska, leader of the
Ragesian inquisitors, has decreed that all disloyal
users of magic — arcane or divine — are to be
tracked down and killed, to prevent future threats
to the empire. e inquisitors, clerics specialized
in countermagic, travel with military escorts to the
borders of Ragesia. eir fi rst target is Gate Pass,
its neutrality long viewed as an insult to the nation’s
honor. ose who resist them will have to face the
searing power of the Ragesian Empire.
An entire army marches for Gate Pass, and the
people of the city fear that they will not be able
to resist the might of the Ragesian military. e
city leaders are bowing under pressure, and have
barred the exit from the city, intending to welcome
the inquisitors that come with the army, for they
foolishly hope that the Ragesians will reward their
cooperation with mercy.
A local resistance movement, devoted to keeping
both the Ragesians and the Shahalesti out of the
city, has gathered vital military intelligence, and they
need messengers to deliver the information to allies
at a distant wizard’s school. With all their strongest
warriors preparing to hold back the Ragesian assault,
this vital mission falls to a party of inexperienced
heroes — the player characters.
e Ragesian army is nearly at Gate Pass’s
doorstep, so time is short.
e war is about to
e Scouring of Gate Pass
Adventure Overview
e heroes’ main goal in e Scouring of Gate Pass
is to get a cleric named Torrent out of a city under
siege before a group of mage-hunting inquisitors
arrive and begin capturing and killing spellcasters.
Before they can leave, though, Torrent needs the
heroes to help her retrieve vital military intelligence
from one of the rebellion’s spies. However, spies
from Shahalesti have already captured the contact,
and the heroes will have to track down their base
of operations in an elvish ghetto, all while the city is
under attack from the Ragesians.
Even after retrieving the information, simply
walking out of the city is not an option, so the heroes
will have to call upon allies in the city, most-likely
going to a sympathetic city councilman, or receiving
aid from a cocky enchanter. While they seek a way
out of the guarded walls of the city, the heroes are
constantly followed by a group of mercenaries hired
to capture them. Once the heroes make it out of the
city, they must defeat the mercenary commander
and his men, who have laid a gauntlet along the one
safe road.
Finally, the heroes head for the edge of the
Innenotdar Fire Forest, a dangerous passage where
Torrent thinks they can evade pursuit. At the border
of the fi re forest, however, they come across a hermit
and his daughter. e daughter asks their help to
convince her father to fl ee, but just as they are ready
to depart, a Ragesian inquisitor, sent on a special
mission to retrieve the hermit, arrives and attempts
to capture them all.
If they survive, the adventure ends with the
heroes preparing to enter the fi re forest, the passage
through which is detailed in the next adventure, e
Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar .
This adventure does not require the
psionics rules at all, nor do any of the
installments of campaign saga. However, if
you are using psionics, make the following
slight adjustments.
The trillith (dreamborn monsters that play a
role in later adventures) possess abilities similar
to psionic powers, and two of the characters in
this adventure — Kathor and Crystin — have
connections to the trillith. This is represented
by them possessing sorcerer levels, but if you
are using psionics they could instead have
similar psionic abilities.
from any neighboring nation would have a reason
to want to keep Ragesia and Shahalesti from going
to war, so it is easy to justify any sort of character.
Characters who are part of the rebellion would have
been given orders simply to help Torrent, whose
mission is a secret, though their superiors would
have told them to trust her.
Characters could be natives of Gate Pass
who want to protect their city. e Player’s Guide
contains a selection of bonus feats that you can
grant characters if they are associated with one of
these groups. All of these groups have the welfare of
the city in mind and want to help Torrent and her
message reach Lyceum safely. A PC associated with
one of these groups might have been recruited by a
resistance member, and told to meet Torrent.
Traveling PCs simply looking to get out of the
way of a war might have tracked down the resistance,
and been told they can earn safe passage if they join
the mission. Or, for a sinister twist, a PC might be
a spy for an enemy nation, sent to infi ltrate Lyceum.
Magic users of any sort would have a great stake
in escaping the city. In general, the players and
characters should be aware of what the “Scourge” is
before the game begins.
Character Motivations
e easiest way for characters to be involved
in the adventure is for them to be part of the same
resistance group that Torrent works with. People
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